Glucose screening

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Chrissy2010, May 20, 2010.

  1. Chrissy2010

    Chrissy2010 Well-Known Member

    How was yours done?? Mine I had to fast for 2 hours before the test ( which Ive been looking up on the internet and I see most fast for longer) and then I had to drink the glucose stuff and had my blood taken an hour later.. My levels came out alittle high 8.1 so I have to do the 2 or 3 hour screening... Is 8.1 really high for a 2 hour fast?
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I honestly don't remember how mine was administered (I was in the hospital, so there was a lot of other stuff going on), or the exact numbers. I do know that I failed my 1 hr test, but passed my 3 hour test. Good Luck!!
  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    that's how my 1 hour test went as well, although i have no idea what my numbers were, just that i passed. a vast majority of the women who fail the 1 hour test, pass the 3 hour test with flying colours, so try not to worry too much.
  4. Silly_Putty

    Silly_Putty Well-Known Member

    I just had mine yesterday actually- they didn't have me fast or do anything different than usual. I had breakfast, went in, drank the orange junk, then they took my blood an hour later. I haven't heard any results but they said no news is good news so if I don't hear back, all is good.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had the first appointment in the morning, so I fasted overnight. I passed the 1 hour test as well and I don't remember my numbers.
  6. murtygirl

    murtygirl Well-Known Member

    I passed mine with no fasting... I guess that is not their protocol. It was a 1 hour test. With that said I ate no sugar that morning. I had a cheese and bacon omlet. YUM!

    I recently read an article that fasting is like trying to cheat the test. That ideally, you should go in with a close representation of how you normally eat so that they can really detect if there is a problem. I know some OB's have their patients fast for like 12 hours! THat is just cruel to a pregnant momma!!
  7. ladypotter

    ladypotter Well-Known Member

    I was told I didn't need to fast, but that I should just avoid sugary drinks or food. So I ate blan food for breakfast and lunch. I passed the 1 hour ok even with eating. Like others have said though, many who failed the 1hr pass the 3, so don't worry!! Even if you end up failing, my sister failed and just had to follow a stricter diet and test her blood a couple times a day.
  8. genagoodrow

    genagoodrow Well-Known Member

    The 1 hour test is notoriously inaccurate. I failed the first, but passed the second!

    Drink a lot of water, walk between the draws if you can. And don't worry about it too much.

    Good luck!
  9. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    I passed my 1 hour test and not only did I not fast, I had a strawberry frappucino and a cookie right before the test. Ooops! I had time to kill before my appt that day and had no idea I would be doing the glucose test that day. I was only 24 weeks and they didn't tell me at my previous appt that I would be doing the screening test that day.
  10. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    I had coffee and a slice of bread before the 1 hour and my result was sooooo high! If I remember correctly it was 184 (and normal should be 140). I was fasting overnight before the 3 hour test and passed it easily.
    I agree with pp, most people who fail the 1 hour test will pass the 3 hour screening.
    Good luck!
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