Giving up the Paci -- what age?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dezmitch, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. dezmitch

    dezmitch Well-Known Member

    DD still uses a Paci at night and nap time. Sometimes she finds one around the house and we just leave it be until she finally gives it to us (we don't want to battle with her). When and how did you get rid of that Pacifier? I love how cute it looks -- but I think now that she's approaching 2 we need to say goodbye Paci...suggestions?
  2. hsuter

    hsuter Well-Known Member

    We just got rid of paci's about a week and a half ago. We started on a Saturday at naptime-we gave them one with a cut nipple. Of course they didnt like it-but it definately wasnt too bad...I think Jack cried for 15-20mins and Mackenzie for maybe 10mins. Same with bedtime, and same thing the next day. On day 3 I just took it away completely (no more cut paci) and we had 2 pretty rough nights-Mackenzie cried for an hour at bedtiime, Jack woke up at about 11 and cried for an hour. But on the 5th day/night they did just fine-slept all night, no problems.
    Personally I dont think paci's are a huge deal if they are only used at napdtime/bedtime-our pedi said if you really want to keep them thats fine, but make sure they are gone by age 3; although I think some pedi's reccomend getting rid of them by 2. I am glad that we did it when we did-I've heard its harder the longer you wait.
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I only have one that takes a paci and that's my dd. I'm not willing to fight the battle but since she was a year old it stays in her crib and sometimes in the car. If she does find one then she knows to bring it to me or she'll even say no and then put it into her crib. I don't plan on taking it away until she's around 3 and then we'll give it to the paci fairy. GL!
  4. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Naomi and Luke kept their pacis until they were 3. We had them limited to sleep times only from when they were around 16 months. Their parents were considering doing a paci fairy thing (exchanging the pacis for a present) but hadn't got to that point yet when the kids decided to give them up on thier own.

    Ethan is my only other paci child and obviously he's nowhere near giving it up yet, although again he only really gets one for sleeping or sometimes in the car/stroller.
  5. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My oldest ds, by 18 months he was limited to naps/nighttime, and shortly after he turned 2 we took it away cold turkey. He cried the first couple nights but did fine.

    My oldest dd, we started trying to limit it at 18 months but she had a much harder time adjusting, mostly because she had trouble calming herself down when she got worked up. And she was a very shy child, even family gatherings would cause crying and melting down. We tried to take it away completely by age 2.5, before the twins were born, but she became frantic, terrified, screaming, she would grab onto us like we were going to disappear....she was completely traumatized by it, and we gave in after about 4 hr of this and gave it back to her, even after that she would no longer sleep with the door closed, or with the light off. It took us about 2 months to get her sleeping better, and ever since then she won't sleep with the door closed tight. So we waited, and shortly after she turned 3 we took it away again, and she cried a little the first night but did MUCH better this time.

    I'm in no rush to take them away from the twins. Each child is very different, some do fine without it, and some don't! We are starting to limit it some, but if they are fussy or teething (like right now) they do get it outside the crib. We have a 4 day drive to canada this summer, I don't think I could handle it without their suckies! :lol:
  6. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    My two are addicted to their pacis. I have no plans to get rid of them anytime soon.
  7. narezo0805

    narezo0805 Active Member

    Only Isabella had a paci, Sophia was always a blanket girl. It was odd one day when we were moving. I left the "ONLY" paci I had at the new house. It was late and I was not going out to get it for her. We said a prayer that she would make it through the night without it and that was the last time she saw her paci. She never asked for it again. Until one day we came across one she put it in her mouth out of habit I guess. I quickly got rid of it. out of sight out of mind for her.

    I've worked in the childcare industry and I have seen MANY, MANY times children come in and not use or ask for their paci ALL DAY through nap and all. As soon as mommy or daddy come in they pop the paci in their baby's mouth before the child even asks for it.

    I think every situation is different. Every child's needs are different. Thank God Isabella was an easy transition. Good Luck!!!
  8. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I have to say, my fears of getting rid of my dd's paci was worse than it actually was at 2.5 years old. It was only a bed/nap time adventure though.
  9. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    Ours both use pacis to sleep and only to sleep since about 11 months. They are addicted to them and I fear the day that I finally decide I'm done with them. It will be around their second birthday though. I will cut the ends until all the pacis are broken, just like I did with DD1. IF they start in with fingers or thumbs, I will be at Babies R Us buying more pacis. That is my only fear with getting rid of them. Mallory has a huge oral thing going on. I think she might go for the thumb when the bink is gone.

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