Giving up binky/pacifiers

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rematuska, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    My first daughter bit through her favorite bink at about 14 months, wouldn't take another, screamed for 2 days, and then was done. So I've never actually taken a bink away. For the twins, we used to have them anytime at home, but only at naps at daycare. With my staying home now for the past two weeks and going forward, they were getting them much more, and fighting over them. They are the same type - but you know how it goes. So, for January, I want to get to binks are for bedtime only, and then sometime after get rid of them completely, hopefully not too far afterwards. They are just getting to be annoying more than anything else, and I think might be starting to slow the speech of the really bink addicted twin.

    So today we left the binks in bed, and played some, ran errands, and they weren't really missed. One twin (addict) was a little fussier, but the other couldn't have cared. I'm thinking (hoping?) that we are not too far away from the binks only in bed.

    Which leads me to my real question - how and when did you get rid of them for good?

  2. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    I am very anxious to see what everyone says. They started relying on them more since I was home so much over the holidays and now Lauren will walk around and say Pappy? Pappy? :blink: so I can't wait for some advice too!!
  3. BaaRamEwe

    BaaRamEwe Well-Known Member

    My girls threw them behind the couch yesterday and I needed DH to get them. He forgot until after they went to bed so we tried the night with out them and made it, so I think that today, I am going to pack 2 in to diaper bag for just incase, but I am going to try and go with out. I am thinking that maybe if they don't see them, they won't whine. I'll let you know how it goes.
  4. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    I only had one daughter who used it and was never super attached. So, once she turned one, I just took it away. She didn't really put up a fuss. Actually, she found an old one recently and started playing baby and putting it in her mouth. I had to take it away because I don't want her to make it one of her regular toys. Personally, I would say that if they didn't complain too much, just stick to using it only at home and go with it and see what happens. The younger they are when you get rid of it, the easier the transition seems to be (according to other posts I've seen).
  5. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    my son was 3years 5 months and we talked about it for afew months .. we said he was going to give it to santa..
    well santa pictures came and came and mommy got busy..

    when i said were going to see santa today.. he goes.. can i give em to the easter bunny?
    what a smart kid!

    he went over to his dads house who took it away from him.. and had him for an additional few days...
    he came home to me.. and i told him i mailed them to santa..

    not a tear.. he is doing great!

    ps i would have done it when he was 18 months but we were going through a divorce and it was tramatic enough.
  6. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    Ds Kyle is my only binkie baby. I took it away at 2 years adn it took about 1-2 weeks of sleep disruption for him to adjust.

    He only ever had it in bed, never out of bed.

    I wish I had taken it away a bit early and maybe it would have been a bit easier for him to adjust to losing it.
  7. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Yeah, dh worships the 'plug' but luckily I only have one binky baby. We have had it only for crib use for ever.. but she's got to have one in her mouth and one in each hand. I think one of these days we'll start by taking one away from her at night/naps. I want them gone before the baby comes, but we'll see... too many changes might not be good.
  8. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    All my kids have had binkies.

    Meghan and Nolan were in daycare and there they would only have them at nap time. At home, they had them much more. Last January/February, Nolan started biting through them, so we took them away cold turkey. We had a couple of hellish moments, but they adjusted pretty quickly. (It was the same week we brought Liam home)

    Liam uses one, too. He will walk around with it in his mouth until his older sister decides he needs to talk. So, I usually find his binkies on tables, etc and he doesn't have them. I'm hoping his transition off will be an easy one.
  9. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    My daughter wasn't really hook onto binks. We gradually took it away from it at nap time. I still give her the bink for bed time but she often pull it out and throw it around in her crib. However, she would look for bink in her crib and play with her toys until we pick her up. We always pull it out and she just laugh at us. She still open her mouth at night for bed waiting for the bink to be put in, too cute! Myhusband want to get rid of the bink for good. I attempt to stop but I feel as the need to give her the bink. She's my angel and that is hard because knowing she is no longer the tiny infant!

    Diana w/Rianna and Justin
  10. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    My boys dont use them during the day, only at night. So I figure, who cares its only at night... they will eventually throw 'em out on their own. ;)
  11. shoudeshell

    shoudeshell Well-Known Member

    We took Rebekah's paci away before they were a year b/c she would fuss at night and wouldn't take it then. So now only Rachel has one and it's only at nap/bed time. Not sure when I'm going to take it away. Titus never took one. Renay had one till approx 18 mos and she like Rachel was a nap/bed time paci girl. Right around that time she started wanting it ALL the time so, we just cold turkey took it away. We followed the CIO rules for taking the paci away and withing 3 days she could sleep without it. HTH!
  12. wentztwins

    wentztwins Active Member

    I agree the younger you take the binkies away the much easier it is. Both my twins used the binkies day and night. We threw them all away when they were 11 months old and surprisingly they had a more peaceful sleep at night. I think they would get restless feeling around for their binkies in the middle of the night.
    The bad thing about taking the binkies is when I would take them shopping or to restaurants there wasn't much to give them to keep them from being fussy and loud. I had to entertain them a lot more than if I had the binky to give them some comfort and keep them quiet. In all they didn't miss binkies, out of sight out of mind.

    I heard it is easier to tell them the trash men took them away or like someone said Santa took them away. Or the out of sight out of mind.
    Personally I don't like to see older toddlers with binkies in their mouth it takes away from their cute little faces.
    But I NEVER put my opinion on another Mother. Everyone is different and I highly respect that..... God knows I am far from being the perfect Mom.

    Good luck when you decide to take them.
  13. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I only had on binky baby and that was Ryan. He was very attached to it. We finally took it away at the end of November. We gave it to Santa for new babies. He did really well. I think it took him about 3 weeks or so to fall asleep quickly but other than that we didn't really have any issues with it.
  14. LindyFrog

    LindyFrog Well-Known Member

    Very soon after mine turned 1 year old, I started cutting just a little bit off the end of the binky. There is very little left...and it never bothered them at all. I clipped a tiny bit off each Sunday night, unless they were sick or teething. There is left than a half inch left, and they hardly use it at all now. They mostly just like to hold them now.
  15. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I only have one dd who uses the paci (the other one sucks her finger which IMO is worse). At about 14 months, I decided that enough was enough and I confined the paci to her crib. I was starting to worry that it was interferring with her talking and developing some vocabulary (and I was right, she started to finally say words once I took it away). I was also really tired of having every picture of her with a pacifier in her mouth. She didn't protest too much as I would not take her out of her crib until she dropped the bobo (what we call it). I would say "Say bye bye to bobo. We'll see you later." She realized quickly that her bobo was always going to be in her bed and she acutally adjusted pretty much right away. Maybe once she asked for it but I just reminded her that "bobo is sleeping" and she went on about her day.

    Recently, I made a HUGE mistake. A couple of weeks ago, she was really sick. Very lethargic, not eating or drinking much and had a fever for several days. She was crying and asked for her paci and she just looked so sad and pathetic so I figured what the heck, she doesn't feel well and needs to soothe herself. I thought it would be no problem. Once she gets better we'll just go back to the bobo sleeping routine. Well, she was sick for over a week so she was constanly crying for it. It was just so hard for me to tell her no, because she would just have this pleading desperate look on her face and I kept caving in. Then it got worse...Arwen decides she wants to start using a bobo now too (though she was using it more as a teether and just wanted one because Lorien had one). So both of them are crying for bobos Grrrrrr. Well, 2 days ago, Dh and I decided that's it. I was not about to go through this again but this time it is worse and harder for her (and me!). She cries for it a couple of times a day and I have been staying very firm and say, "sorry baby, no. bobo sleeping." She is starting to not have as many actual tears streaming out of her face so it's getting easier for me because I know she will adjust again. Arwen is not asking for it as much because she has her finger. But that's also where in lies my other dilemma. Is it fair to take her soother away when Arwen gets to suck her finger whenever she wants? It's a tough decision but I guess it's better than having 2 finger suckers. I'd rather deal with one at a time. I don't know when I will make Lorien give it up completely. As long as she is only using it in her crib I don't care but I'll see what the ped has to say about it.
  16. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I have one binky baby, she only gets it at night and naptime. We went to that rule around 13-14 months.

    I very recently started letting them use a toddler pillow at naptime, and she's so interested and in love with that new thing that today she's taking a nap without a binky! We'll see if that continues though. I want to be able to check on them with the pillow for a while at naptime before we let them have it overnight.

    I plan on being completely rid of it before she's 2.5. I was saying 2, but she is starting daycare soon and I don't want to take the binky away when she transitions to napping there.
  17. Mommy2ATeam

    Mommy2ATeam Well-Known Member

    We relegated pacis to only naptime and bedtime when the girls were 11 months. I wanted to be rid of them by the time they were a year old, but we were moving then and I knew that wouldn't be a good idea. So I decided to wait until they were old enough to understand the whole "paci fairy" or Santa Claus thing. When they started daycare this past September, we didn't take any pacis for naptimes and according to the teachers, they never asked for them. Then we gave them all to Santa this Christmas and they've done great. We've had some issues with Alana not being able to calm herself down to go to sleep, but the past few nights, she's gone right to sleep with no problem (knock on wood!).
  18. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    We had the plugs in the bed only. BUt they started to become a hassle when the boys would wake and cry because they couldn't find them :rolleyes:

    It was about 13 months. I'd read about snipping a hole in it. Boyd absolutley refused his plug as first suck. He then proceeded to throw it across the room. We gave him the opportunity for a couple of days, but he was done.

    Brody on the other hand, didn't care that part of his plug would disappear each night (you're supposed to snip a bit each day until it's all gone). So the night issue of waking didn't stop.

    So after about 4 days, I was done. He cried for them, but we were finished.

    He's so oral, I think he'd still have them if we had allowed it.
  19. BaaRamEwe

    BaaRamEwe Well-Known Member

    My girls have now slept 2 nights and gone through one whole day with out them. I think that I am going to stick to my guns and not give in. I think that I am this far in to it, that I am going to just have paci free babies. I think they are going to be alright, and then I won't have to worry about taking them once Zack arrives. Good luck to everyone else.
  20. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    Abby was my binky baby - she got a cold over Halloween and couldn't breathe with the binky so I just put it away and after the cold cleared up she seemed ok - and slept just fine! She found an old one the other day and stuck it in her mouth and then walked over and handed it to me!
  21. terilynn12116

    terilynn12116 Active Member

    Michael and Matthew were binky addicts! In October Michael fell with his in his mouth, tore his lip inside his mouth and out. Needed a stitch to get it to close. I decided that was it. He wasn't doing that again. I intended to allow him to have them thru the "trauma" of the stitch and such. But sucking hurt. So they disappeared that day... and yea for him it was the hardest because he had the pain and desire to suck. Matthew still had the bottle, so had a lot of water bottles (matthew has cerebral palsy). He soon fell back into his regular routine with the bottle. Michael cried the first night. Was more of a pain cry so I'm not sure it was even from missing the binky. He however slept for crap for days after, but he was back to normal within a week. Matthew soon forgot about the binky. About 2 weeks later Matthew got sick. I was despirate for sleep. It was 2 am and I found a binky. Bad thing. I offered to him, and he wouldn't take it. Thank God! Matthew lost his bottle two weeks after he lost the binky. That was harder than the binky.

  22. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    I got lucky with Keira who just one day decided that she was not going to put the thing in her mouth another second, she was about 11 months old I think. Maisy, on the other hand, has always relied more on her pacifier and still uses one but in the last few months not so much. I've been toying with the idea of paci extinction but am not ready to face the sleep upset yet. <_<

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