Girls n bows

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by margi33, Jun 22, 2011.

  1. margi33

    margi33 Well-Known Member

    So now that my little girl's hair is finally getting long in the front & in her eyes, how in the world do I get her to wear a bow or something similar? She will not do any kind of pigtail or ponytail either... She loves to have me put bows in her hair but then takes them back out immediately no matter how 'pretty' we tell her she looks :). Her twin is a boy so I'm thinking maybe it's because he doesn't wear bows, etc.

    Anyway, not the most important topic in the world but just wondering if anyone knew any good tricks! Or maybe I should just give it time and try again in a few months... Oh, they are almost 26 mos if age matters.
  2. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    Since purchasing all the pretty bows and headbands and even hats I have yet to get DD to keep anything in her hair for longer than 1 minute over the past 3-years. She now begs for me to do her hair in pigtails and then immediately pulls it out :headbang: . I too would love to find an answer.

    Now she doesn't even want me to brush her hair and if I don't it gets all tangled. I am getting ready to cut it a bit shorter if she doesn't let me brush it at least.
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I personally feel the younger the better. We started with bows around 6 months so by that age, they were used to it. Of course they tried to take them out, etc. but I just reminded them over (and over) to keep them in, don't touch, etc.

    Would it help if she picked out which one she wanted to use/wear? I would just try it for a day putting it back in over and over and reminding her to keep it in. A little annoying for you, but as with anything, train her. :D
  4. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    When their hair first started getting long, my girls would not keep bows in their hair. They just pulled them out. Now they love wearing them but will eventually pull them out if they have them on for a long time. I guess it just got better with age, I can't think of anything specific we did to make them keep them in.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DD doesn't really like anything in her hair but on the rare occasion that she does consent to a bow or barrette in her hair, she does leave it alone. I will say that she's gotten better with age. I think it was after 2.5 when she finally started to leave her hair accessories alone.
  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    That's why she has bangs. She asks for them too but takes them off after 30 seconds.
  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I agree with Michelle. My girls were born with a ton of hair, so we've put things in their hair from an early age. The rule is it's either in your hair or you give it to mommy. Since they usually pull it out to play with it, this is a deterent for that. Start with those plastic clips that have the rubber non-slip in the middle. Those aree hard to just pull out.
  8. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    My girls had no hair until they were almost 3. So, we couldn't wear bows. When they started to get hair, I purchased a ton of bows, of which they refused to wear :( They would immediately yank them out, as well as any pigtail that I put in. It was so disappointing. But around 4 they decided they wanted to be like the other girls they saw and they finally started wearing the pigtails and the bows. They still really prefer to wear their hair down and all in their face (which is beyond me) but if I insist on bows and such they will give in.
  9. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I spent a fortune in bows and neither one of my two will have anything to do with them. EXCEPT to loose or break them. On occasion I MAKE them wear a hair bow but it is always a fight and in the end, they win and the bow comes out. I agree with the earlier the better. My duo was born with very little fine hair so no bow would have worked but I wish I had used head bands or little hats or something. They will not even wear a hat for anything. They will ask for pony tails but as soon as we get to where we are going, the ponytails are down and their hair is stuck in a funky position so I usually just leave it down.

    If this baby was a girl, she would have something in her hair from day one LOL!!!
  10. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I spent a fortune in bows and neither one of my two will have anything to do with them. EXCEPT to loose or break them. On occasion I MAKE them wear a hair bow but it is always a fight and in the end, they win and the bow comes out. I agree with the earlier the better. My duo was born with very little fine hair so no bow would have worked but I wish I had used head bands or little hats or something. They will not even wear a hat for anything. They will ask for pony tails but as soon as we get to where we are going, the ponytails are down and their hair is stuck in a funky position so I usually just leave it down.

    If this baby was a girl, she would have something in her hair from day one LOL!!!
  11. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    This. My twins (both sets) had very little hair so I really couldn't put anything in until they were 18 months+. I would just tell them to leave their hair alone if I saw their hand going up. If they pulled the band or clip out I would brush their hair again and put it back in the same as before. None of them particularly enjoyed the brushing part so that was a good deterrent. It didn't take long (only a couple of days) before they realised it simply wasn't worth their while to take the things out and started leaving them alone.
    Now Eleanor has always had lots of hair so I was styling hers by the time she was seven months. That was a lot easier, she almost never pulled anything out.
  12. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    my dd is finally getting better at it. I'd come home and the nanny would have a bow, or rather just the little plastic rubber bands in. but whoohoo! anyway, she usually just asks how many bows? one or two??!! what? could it be that easy?

    well, mostly that will work, also I tell her that the rules for swimming are that we have her hair out of her eyes. And then sometimes I've had luck just saying "its a special day"... let's put your hair up...

    good luck!
  13. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    My DDs are 5.5 and I still have one (Sarah) that will not keep anything in her hair for more than half an hour. We kept her hair really short (at her own choice -- she also HATES brushing) from age 3 to just a few months ago, but now she wants to be "girly" and is growing it out. Thank goodness the bangs are finally long enough to go behind her ears, but they were in her face for months, and still are, most of the time. She just hates having things on her head. Personally, I could not stand having hair in my eyes all the time, but it doesn't seem to bother her that much.

    Amy started growing her bob + bangs out around age 3, and will leave barrettes and ponytails in her hair forever (including overnight). Sometimes Sarah asks to have stuff put in her hair because she envies that Amy has them, but she still pulls them out within an hour.

    Long story short, this is a battle I gave up fighting years ago.
  14. margi33

    margi33 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everybody for your insight! Sounds like a pretty common dilemma :). I wish my baby girl would have had hair at a young age because I think that would be the way to go... start young. Anyway, it may or may not be a battle I'm willing to fight, will just have to see. Love the idea though of starting with clips that they can't easily yank out just to get them used to the feeling of having something in their hair. And if that doesn't work to 'train her' then I'll probably just give up and wait until she's older & has the peer pressure of other little girls wearing them :good:.
  15. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    And if the hair in the eyes really bothers you, just cut bangs! Both my girls have bangs. My oldest had a moptop by the time she was 6 months old. I had to cut it out of her eyes before the rest was long enough for a piggy tail. She's almost 5 now and has gorgeous stick straight thick long blond hair down the middle of her back (only because we keep it trimmed that short), and bangs. She's got so much hair that it would be impossible not to have bangs. Even now half her hair ends up in her face unless it's pulled into a pony tail. My second dd, she didn't have hair until 18+ months, but I also keep bangs on her, because I think it's adorable on her. Maybe we'll grow the girls bangs out down the road, but for now, I'll stick with the bangs. I also just keep putting the ponytail or piggy tails in if they pull them out, and both my girls will now leave theirs in all day :)
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