Gift ideas for their second birthday!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by happyfor2, Aug 5, 2009.

  1. happyfor2

    happyfor2 Well-Known Member

    I can't believe it but the boys will be turning two next week! We are having their party this weekend and I am still struggling with what to get them for their birthday! So...I thought that I would turn to you all for some advice. Can you please share with me what are some of your kids favorite toys right now?

    Here are some of my ideas:
    Cozy Coupe cars
    Little Tikes picnic bench for the back yard

    Thanks for your help!
  2. BRMommy

    BRMommy Well-Known Member

    Thomas the Train set from Learning Curve was their favorite toy for a few years. It's well constructed, it stimulates imagination, it requires creativity and coordination. I think it's the best toy you can get for 2 year old boys. They have different sets with different rail patterns so you can build on the collection every Christmas and birthday.
  3. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    My boys had a great 2nd birthday & got lots of great gifts. Thus far, their favs have been:

    Books (but mine LOVE books)
    Bike helmets (they look ridiculous, but they'd wear them all day if they could....2 is a safe age for getting kids helmets)
    Step 2 Train set (they play with this incessantly....we got them matchbox cars & Thomas the trains to use with it)
    Bike trailer for behind the bike on bike rides (wish we had gotten this sooner, but I was too nervous to put them in there w/o a helmet)
    Trucks (boys will be boys)
    Magnadoodles (these are a HUGEEE hit)

    Some of their favs from even before their party include:

    Tupperware with wooden spoons & stuff to "cook"
    Kitchen set (my husband balked at this, but they LOVE it)
    Picnic table (they love to sit & "cook" at it)
    FP Piggy Bank (they have played with this since they were like 6 mos old...and it's still a daily fav)
    Wooden blocks & Duplos (who doesn't love to build?)
    Puzzles (the Melissa & Doug chunky wooden ones)

    Have fun shopping! I was shocked to see my boys get underwear for their 2nd birthday. We haven't even opened those yet :)....
  4. talivstouwe

    talivstouwe Well-Known Member

    2 was a hard age for us. We didn't know what to get them. They'd gotten fun ride-on toys for their 1st birthday and were still using those daily. They love books and puzzles but since Ella was a book and puzzle nut we are already overloaded.

    So, we got them pajamas and a Fisher Price Little People semi truck and cop car. We went low key, b/c I'm still not working.

    Anyway - they got a ton of good stuff from our family: Big Tonka truck (1 since we already had one), a Radio Flyer trike (1 since we already had one), picnic table, camping chairs, some books, life jackets, tractors.

    SILs got them t-shirts that say, "My mom is hot" and I am refusing to let them wear those shirts in public. :lol:
  5. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    Some of their favs from x-mas are:

    50's diner w/ play food
    sit n spin
    ball pit
    bounce house

    their second b-day favs:

    Elmo bubble thingy?
    anything bubbles (got animals heads that open their mouth and make bubbles when you push the botton)
    coupe car
    travel aqua doodle is a big time favorite
    spray pool
    and I got a picnic table at a yard sale awhile back they love sitting at it and pouring bubbles all over it [​IMG]
  6. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    We're a long way away from 2, but someone just gave mine this plastic teeter totter (used, and I'm sure you can find them cheaper than this link, but it's this kind), but the age on it is 2 years+. I've had friends over with 2 year olds and they love this thing. It's pretty small, too, so you could use it indoors or outside. I can't say from personal experience yet, but the other kids who have come over sure love it!

    Another thing if they like music in the SweetPea3 player. It's for up to age 6 so they might like it. It was my LO's favorite gift for their 1st birthday - you fill it with kids songs and they can bring their music anywhere. Mine love to dance so it was a big hit. If you decide to get one, I have a coupon code for $10 off - just PM me for it :)
  7. happyfor2

    happyfor2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the great ideas! I'm going to print them out and head to the store! Thanks again and I look forward to joining the 2-4 forum! (Wow...where does the time go!)
  8. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    We got ours a sand and water table and it is still a huge hit!

    And Happy Birthday Boys!!!
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