Gift Ideas for New Mom of Twins

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Lydia, Nov 5, 2012.

  1. Lydia

    Lydia Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone,

    It's been a long time since my last post. My twins just turned four and we are off to kindergarten registration this week. Time flies by when you're having fun. Four year olds are such a blast and very easy to deal with(at least mine are)!

    For the first time since I've had my twins, I have a friend expecting twins. As a mom of twins, I should be able to think of great ideas for gifts but I'm at a loss. Any suggestions? I thought I'd ask my peers since you know well what you really appreciated the most when your twins were young.

  2. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Diapers. Lots of diapers
  3. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

  4. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    Meal gift cards!

    Diapers and/or wipes : we went through so many , it was a budget breaker!

    Finding time to eat and cook was hard as well.
  5. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Best gift I received- a friend came over and took the nightshift with me as I was nursing. If you are a 'baby person' at all, just someone to hold/rock newborns who are fussing in the middle of the night so we could go back to sleep between feeds was great. If she's planning on bottle feeding, I'd just take over for a night.
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  6. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    I always do meals or gift cards for meals/grocery stores. Meals or gift cards for meals because, obviously, she'll be too tired to cook. Gift card for grocery stores because it will allow her to determine how it's spent (groceries, formula, diapers, huge jugs of wine).

    We were so broke those first few months as we figured out how expensive everything was. We had TONS of Target gift cards but, without having a Super Target, all we could buy with them was diapers, wipes, and clothes. It was sort of a bummer.
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  7. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Starbucks gift card.
  8. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    Is she having a shower/registering for gifts? What price range were you thinking?

    I think my favorite things I used the most were 2 boppy pillows for bottle feeing simultaneously and my double jogging stroller. That had to be my most used gift, as I even ran with my 4.5 year olds this year! If I didn't get it as a shower gift, I would have even appreciated a second-hand one.
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  9. Mom2VLS

    Mom2VLS Well-Known Member

    This. All the way. I'm not as experienced a twin mom as the other ladies but totally agree.
  10. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    You could do something like above, only change 'teacher' to new mom for example.

    Giftcards to local eateries, Target/Walmart,etc.

    Or even make a small diaper cake (with GOOD diapers she can use, not junk ones!) and 'ice' it with gift cards.

    I know *not* having to cook/clean/shop for food was priceless those first few months!
  11. daisies

    daisies Well-Known Member

    We had a group of friends that organized and one came each day for the first week+ with dinner! It was great!!! they called me in the morning and said what they were bringing and asked about a time! It was always something easy to heat.

    Another big one.. Once DH was back at work, i had two (retired) friends who took turns coming over in the late mornings to help with one feeding. This was especially helpful when DS had reflux so badly and i was feeling overwhelmed.
    They usually cleaned the kitchen, straightened up, or folded laundry before they left. Mostly just holding the babies was such a help.. i was feeling guilty they weren't getting enough 'in arms' time!

    And of course.. diapers, gift cards (somewhere you can buy everything, including groceries (we were really broke))
    and the boppys were my all time most used item!
    and the stoller, getting out of the house.. priceless.
  12. weegus

    weegus Well-Known Member

    I like to buy a gift just for the mom. I try to think of something that she could use just for herself and not use for the baby(ies). I have gone with Victoria's Secret gift cards, salon gift cards, massage gift certificate, and mani/pedi gift certificate. Or, if you know of a store where she likes to shop for clothes, that would be nice as well. Something to make her feel a tiny bit "normal" again. And, if you are willing, perhaps volunteer to babysit while she goes shopping or to the salon! If I were her, I would feel very comfortable leaving my babies with another mother of twins, otherwise I would be hesitant to leave.
  13. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    When the twins were born, we received many gifts. But the best that I loved was 2 yr. of diapers and wipes supplies from my sis. It was the best of the best.

    So I would say, diapers and wipes :)
  14. babyhopes09

    babyhopes09 Well-Known Member

    I think gift cards to restaurants, grocery stores, and diapers/wipes are the best. Also, I think the idea if coming over during a hard time of day to help her...for us it was the late afternoon/early evening once she gets settled... One other thing in retrospect that I really appreciated was anything that I could use down the road. We were very blessed to receive enough diapers, wipes, and other supplies to last through about 3 months...then we had nothing. No clothes, no diapers, no baby spoons or bowls, I think one of the best things you can do is think in terms of what she will need when her twins are 4-6 months old.... Like your favorite starter sippy cups or size 2/3 diapers.
  15. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    Amazon gift card(s) because she won't be able to get out and do shopping for a while! LOL And the Amazon Moms program has the cheapest diapers anywhere IMO. I would also give her a bottle of Mustela Physiobebe Rinseless Cleanser (sold at Target, Amazon, etc). I love LOVE that stuff! We were able to only bathe the boys once a week when they were infants thanks to that stuff. Heck even at 3.5 YO our boys usually only get 2 baths a week :lol:
  16. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    The best gift I received was when my boss hired someone to come over and clean my house while I was in the hospital, so I came home to a spotless house! It was so nice to not worry about that type of thing for a few weeks. What do I wish I would have had? Meals! I was new to town and had no help in the meal department, and it was rough. With my youngest, my friends organized something with the help of this website:Take them a Meal. I got dinners for several weeks and it really helped. Otherwise, I agree with diapers, especially in larger sizes. It was really nice when they grew out of one size to be able to still have diapers to use without needing to shop for them right away.
  17. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    Another Mom of twins gave me a dry erase board and a notebook so I could keep track of when the kids were fed, when they went to the bathroom, when they slept, etc. I was so sleep deprived and with all the people coming and going, it was difficult to keep track of who should be fed or put to bed. There was also a section in there where we could write questions for the doctors and another section for 1st milestones for each baby. It was the best gift because it helped me stay organized. Past that, I agree with the diapers and wipes idea.
  18. daisies

    daisies Well-Known Member

    I had two neighbors get together and buy a big box of each size 1-6! I thought it was kinda silly at the time, but it has been great because i have been able try out and see if the next size would be a good fit. it has saved me standing in the store debating whether it is time to move up or not.

    Also, just talking about the twins coming... you might come across someone who wants to give them hand-me-down baby cloths. We have a friend who still shows up every few months with girl cloths from her neighbor (whom i have never met)! Really nice, especially right now since DD is mobile and OMG can she ruin a pair of pants! :eek: Love having those 'who cares if she trashes them' extra cloths!
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