Getting twins back in the same room

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by yeacab, Mar 15, 2009.

  1. yeacab

    yeacab Active Member

    When my boys were 7.5 months old, one of them had some health issues/stopped breathing. It took us awhile to figure out what was wrong with him, so basically we moved him into the PNP in our bedroom because we were so worried! Well, now they are 10.5 months old and they have been sleeping in separate bedrooms for 3 months......

    How on earth do I get them back in the same room? They both STTN, but here are my questions:

    1) If their noises wake eachother up, do you let them CIO in the same room?
    2) What about putting them to bed? Now they make noises while falling asleep, but are in different we just do the same thing and let them work it out?
    3) When they were in the same room, they used to wake eachother up. I was working on CIO when one baby stopped breathing and had health issues, so we never really figured it out.

    Any advice would be helpful!


    PS - Both boys are doing great now!
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Oh how scary! I'm glad everything is ok now. :hug:

    I did CIO in the same room with mine, but they were a little younger, 6 months. However, I would think it would work the same, just maybe take a bit longer. I would try putting a white noise machine in their room to drown out some of the noises. GL!
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm glad your boys are doing better :hug:
    I agree with Becky using a white noise machine to block out noise and trying CIO to get them sleep. It might be a rough couple of nights but you will be surprised how they will learn to sleep through each other's cries. Good luck!
  4. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I let my girls CIO in the same room. I would just put them back together and see how it goes. They might surprise you, babies are pretty deep sleepers. I am glad both of your boys are doing well.
  5. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    I can't BELIEVE what they sleep throught. Including "Wake up, Baby, Wake up Baby!!!!" From the other one.
    It might be an awful 3 weeks, but they WILL adjust. I am so glad they did!
  6. yeacab

    yeacab Active Member

    Thank you all so much! We are going to start on Wednesday morning for their first nap, while my mom is visiting in case it is a total disaster!

  7. maurahursh

    maurahursh Well-Known Member

    Good luck! Let us know how it goes!
  8. yeacab

    yeacab Active Member

    For both naps one baby talked/made noises for an hour, but at bedtime it only lasted 10 minutes! Yeah! Both are asleep! Rowan did throw binkies at Ryker trying to wake him during the first nap, but Ryker slept through it and Rowan eventually gave up and went to sleep.

    Thanks for all the advice! It made me feel ok about letting them work it out for themselves. I was really worried about letting them CIO in the same room, but they did both fall asleep each time relatively painlessly :).

    TS is the best. I actually just told a random soon to be twin mom in Starbucks to get on here and start reading up before the twins come because it has been so helpful to me! I think she thought I was crazy because I overheard her saying she was having twins and trotted right up. Hopefully, she will remember and be thankful later :).

    I was pleasantly surprised.

  9. mariakjor

    mariakjor Well-Known Member

    We are going through the same process right now. One twin was definitely starting to STTN and the other wasn't, so when the non-sleeper woke to feed, we would put him in a PNP in another bedroom. But they eventually have to share the same room, so we wanted to get them both back in their cribs. They sleep through each others noises in the night just fine. Our problem has been the early morning. One twin seems to ALWAYS wake at 5 am and talk, chatter, fuss for a while... but then always goes back to sleep. But now with his brother in the room, that has been waking him up and they both seem unable to settle back down at that time. So today we had 2 babies awake since 5:30am...when they usually sleep until 7. But I read (here!) that for any change in sleep schedules/patterns/etc...give it a week for everyone to adjust before making any other changes. So I'm going to stick with it and hope they can work through the 5am wakies!

    best of luck!!

    DS1 4.5
    DS2 DS3 7 months old
  10. 2B2G

    2B2G Well-Known Member

    I'm glad to be reading this thread. I am in the same boat. I have girls that are almost 10 months that have been in separate rooms for the last few months. The 2nd room being my office right off the dining room so we can't eat together as a family after they go to sleep. I've been too scared to try to put them together. Next week we are going to have to. We're taking them on vacation, renting a house, and they'll have to share a room. Ahhhhhhhhhh!
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