Getting twin to sleep in crib

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by misty23, Jan 6, 2010.

  1. misty23

    misty23 New Member

    We have completly opposite twin boys they are 14months olf. The one you can lay down anytime after 8pm and he will sleep all night without even a noise. The second lovly twin has wanted nothing to do with his crib from day 1. Because of work schedules we left him sleep in our bed(yes I know its not a good idea)but, when you get up for work around 3am it's what worked best for us. Now we are trying to get him into the crib and it's not working real good. We have basicly let him cry himself to sleep but he still is waking up every couple of hours then cry back to sleep. When you have to get up at 3 it makes for a rough night. Several people have suggested to just skip the crib and try a toddler bed,, any suggestions on this as far as success or failure? any help will work!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I did not skip the crib but once my DD started escaping her crib, we moved her to a toddler bed. At that time she was about 20 months old. I am not sure how it would go with a 14 month old but initially my DD took to it well, slept well at night and during nap. For some reason, it took her a while to realize that she had some degree of freedom and then within the last month began to play before nap and bed. She seems to be getting out of that right now.
    Another thing when we first made the transition, for a few days, DD slept on the floor and then eventually started staying in bed. Good luck on your decision and I hope for better sleep for all of you!
  3. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Here is what we did. We had a similar situation with our twins. We met with a sleep specialist and came up with a plan.

    Have DC spend time in the crib and in that room during the day. Make it pleasant time. Read a book, play with a toy, put both twins in the crib so they can play. Make it a positive experience to be in the crib.

    Help DC find a lovey. Pick out a small stuffed animal, blankie, whatever. Start using this during your bedtime ritual. Keep it with you for a while so it will smell like you. When they wake up an night, they will have an object to comfort them (instead of you).

    We ended up doing a modified CIO plan. We would go in and verbally check on them if crying every 5, 10, 15 minutes, etc. We didn't pick them up, just reassured them and quickly left the room.

    We did this at 12.5 months. The first few nights were hard, but after a week or so we had a good schedule. They now sleep from 7 p-6 a in their cribs every night. Plus naps 1.5-2 hours.

    I'm sorry I'm writing fast. I saved a more detailed description of our sleep plan if you want me to post it. Just let me know! Beth
  4. laurenlantz

    laurenlantz Well-Known Member

    We don't have this problem, but I would not skip the crib. My guess is that he would be constantly running to your bed if you gave him the freedom to not be in his crib. 14 months is too young to have the freedom of a toddler bed. You would have to 100% toddler proof the room and that is nearly impossible to do because of how sneaky they can be. I would suggest you persevere in what you are doing. You said in your post that you know that letting him sleep in the bed originally wasn't the best idea so, unfortunately, now you are reaping the consequences of that choice. It's easier to do the "best" thing from the beginning even if it's harder because it's more difficult to backtrack. I hope that doesn't come off sounding too harsh. I don't mean it to be! Stick to your guns and he will eventually become accustomed to sleeping in his crib. I know that it's exhausting though. Just don't give up!

    I also like a Beth's idea of making the crib seem like a pleasant place. My girls do independent play time in their cribs. We give them books and toys to play with. That might help, too.
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