Getting them to wear shoes

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by stepmom35, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. stepmom35

    stepmom35 Active Member

    So my girls were born in Oct. 06 and we didn't go out much. When we started to go out, I live in the deep south, and needless to say it doesn't get all that cold. So i had them wear socks and until now bare feet.

    They are starting to walk and I obviously need them to wear shoes. As expected, they HATE them.....did anyone else have this problem? Any special tricks? My plan is to just have them wear the shoes a little each day and I assume they will adjust.

    Please tell me I am not the only one :(

  2. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    I can't really give you much advice because one of my girls screams bloody murder when I put hard soled shoes on her - BUT she does great with her robeez. You may want to try those or something like them (maybe pedipeds which are a little harder soled but still softer than sneakers) first. I think they are lighter and feel less like you are trying to get them to walk in cement boots :)
  3. rebeccalynn71

    rebeccalynn71 Well-Known Member

    My babies were born early and we spent the first winter indoors, by the time we started getting out the weather was warm. We are 14 months and have only worn shoes for pictures. I recently bought them each a pair of crib shoes from target (similiar to Robeez but less expensive) and I'm hoping they will wear them.
  4. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    I highly recommend Pediped shoes. They are adorable and they do not have a hard sole at all. They are actually an all-leather shoe. My DD does not do well walking with hard-soles but we get her Pedipeds and it's a win-win...cute and comfy.
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have the opposite problem, my two never want to take their shoes off.

    Yes, they will get used to them. I would put them on then go outside, they may enjoy that so much, and then they will wear their shoes to go out.
  6. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    We live outside of Chicago. The twins had actually start wearing shoes around 9 mos whenever they go out to go shopping. I wanted them to get used to it. They walk pretty good in their shoes now (brought them at Target/BRU store). I heard such a good review about Pediped soles shoes. I just don't have any stores around here by us for that kind of shoes.

    What so funny is when the fall down they tried to learn how to get UP from their shoes. They both learned how to walk before they turn 1 yr old (Sept. 30th). They both have a high demand for physical such as getting up and walk from one wall to another wall. They only crawl for a short period of time. I think it is because of all of the play groups they have been too. They want to walk like everyone else does.
  7. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I'd recommend the Robeez style to start with, maybe that will get them used to shoes.

    I have the opposite problem, mine want to wear shoes all the time. They are very into shoes (I know, I'm in trouble). Shoes was one of their first words.
  8. 2scoops

    2scoops Well-Known Member

    Mine hated shoes too! We started out just a few hrs a day inside so they could get used to them. Then it wasn't so bad when we were out. Well 3 mo later they were getting cranky again!!! WTH? Come to find out the shoes didn't fint anymore. YOu need to get them shoes about every 3mo. I got them Stride Rite shoes from the outlet, the pedi reccommended them because they are very supportive for their feet. bella is having trouble walking, she walks with one leg out to the side a bit. We are going to re-***** her at her 18mo appt.

    I would say get them some GOOD sturdy shoes and wear them around the house, this way they will know what they are. Mine now try to take their shoes and pu them on themselves!! :)
  9. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    It might be simply a temperment thing. Some kids accept new things more readily than others. I didn't introduce shoes until 13 months and they were so very excited to wear them but then they have never been leery of new things.

    We started with Preschoolians which have a thin, rubbery plastic sole. You didn't say what kind of shoes you're putting on them but something very soft and flexible is more likely to be accepted than something more stiff. We've worked up to a traditional Stride Rite sneaker now but they wore nothing at that age that I couldn't easily squish with one hand. Everything I've read indicates that their feet need a little protection once they're walking outside but they don't need support and their foot muscles develop best when barefoot.
  10. Tam1969

    Tam1969 Well-Known Member

    The only two kids of shoes my girls will let me put on their feet are Robeez and crocs. Anything else and they will scream until they get the shoes off their feet.
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