Getting so frustrated with girls' pedi

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by 2moregirls, Sep 19, 2007.

  1. 2moregirls

    2moregirls Active Member

    My girls were diagnosed with GERD at the beginning of the week, they had a barium x-ray done. Anyway, the Dr tried them on previd, which seemed to make things worse, so he took them off of it and told me to start them on Zantac again. Well, I did and they are so miserable, they do nothing but cry, spit up, and scream some more. I called their pedi back and asked if he could refer me to a specialist and he said that it wasn't nessicary because they are just colicy and I need to just deal with it. :angry: So, I decided that I would go to his office and request a specialist referral in person. He still refused so I stayed their for about 2 plus hrs with the girls screaming in pain the whole time, and he finally faxed a referral to Children's hospital. I guess letting them scream in his office was more than enough to convince him, lol. I hated to do it, but something needed to be done.

    I want to switch pedi's, but DH's health insurance is getting ready to change and I have no idea who will be in the network.

    I guess I can take a bad mommie award for that stunt huh?!?!?
  2. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Sounds to me like you should get the good mommy award for waiting it out in the doctors office. What an idiot he is! Reflux isn't colic and you shouldn't have to put up with it. Hopefully the specialist will be more helpful.

    In the meantime, if you haven't already, make sure you're keeping your babies upright after eating and have them sleep on an incline.

    Oh - your post says that the Prevacid wasn't working. How long did you give it? Prevacid can take up to two weeks so if it was less, you might want to discuss putting your twins back on with the specialist.
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    BTDT! My babies were refusing bottles because of reflux, and NOONE would listen to me, until I completely broke down in the peds office while trying to feed them...then they got it. :hug99: I'm sorry they weren't listening to you.
  4. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    You're amazing! Your girls are lucky to have you in their corner.
  5. k_walters

    k_walters Active Member

    Good for you for sticking to your guns!! We've been fighting the reflux battle for almost 9 months & finally found a medicine that works for my babies: Nexium. PP is right; the PPI's (Prevacid, Nexium, Prilosec) can take up to 2 weeks to see any improvement. Our GI recommended Gaviscon to help w/ the breakthrough pain (2ml as needed). Also, I've read that Prevacid can make some babies fussy. I firmly believe this was the case w/ my kids b/c their reflux symptoms did improve some, but they were still just as fussy. With Nexium, which is essentially the same kind of medicine, the fussiness and reflux symptoms are gone. Anyway, I'm so glad to hear you stuck up for your babies & got the referral you believe they need. I hope you get some answers soon!
  6. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    No advice - just good luck, and hopefully you can find a pedi that you like, soon!
  7. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(two4one07 @ Sep 19 2007, 07:33 PM) [snapback]414923[/snapback]
    So, I decided that I would go to his office and request a specialist referral in person. He still refused so I stayed their for about 2 plus hrs with the girls screaming in pain the whole time, and he finally faxed a referral to Children's hospital. I guess letting them scream in his office was more than enough to convince him, lol. I hated to do it, but something needed to be done.

    Good for you!! Way to be their advocate!!!I hope hte specialist can help! :hug99:
  8. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    WAY TO GO!!! It's a shame it takes something so drastic to get the attention you and your babies deserve. I admire you for doing that, and hope that the specialist can get your babies better fast.
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