Getting sick again...

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by scottyswifey, Jul 17, 2010.

  1. scottyswifey

    scottyswifey Well-Known Member

    Hi all!
    I have started throwing up again and CONSTANTLY have a sour taste in my mouth... When I was first really sick I had that taste too, it went away when I stopped throwing up at the beginning of my 2nd trimester... It all came back with a vengeance over the last couple of days! Nothing that I have tried seems to get rid of the taste!! If I chew gum all the time it seems to mask the taste, but the minute I stop it's back! HELP PLEASE! Do any of you know how to get rid of it?? I brush my teeth all the time hoping that will help, it doesn't, I have tried citrus fruit because someone told me the first time that should help, it doesn't... I'm getting desperate! :help:
  2. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    Have you tried taking Ginger pills? Worked great with me! I also had to have mints or gum always in my mouth. Good luck!
  3. scottyswifey

    scottyswifey Well-Known Member

    Thanks! Where can I find them? Do I have to go to a natural food store? Or are they at Wal-Mart?? I feel like if I can get rid of the sour taste maybe the throwing up will stop... If not I'm back to taking my Zofran again! I just don't want the babies to be deprived any nutrients because I can't keep anything down!
  4. maeghanalyson

    maeghanalyson Active Member

    I've had to take phenorgen this entire pregnancy because of the throwing up. And the bad taste could be just from the nausea and vomiting. *hugs* HOpe you find something that helps!
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