Getting Rid of the Pacy after age 2 or before?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by paulacraft1, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    I am thinking of getting rid of the pacy on the kids 2nd coming here invading your forum to see what you did and if it worked....
    I have 2 thoughts, one wait until 2, go to build a bear, put the pacy inside and call it a done deal.
    or this weekend, cut the tip of the pacy nipple and see if they give it up themselves or both.
    Anyone done the second option and did it work?
    Do the kids scream at night/nap without the pacy, how bad did it get?
    My DD could probably do this, seems ahead of the game in receptive language but dd, definitely not! he has speech and ot and is def delayed...
    any advice is great!
  2. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    I haven't been there with twins yet, but one of my older children was a pacy baby. We had a rule early on that it was only allowed for naps/night/road trips. He knew by about a year that he took it out of his mouth and put it in his crib when we got him up.

    When he was 2 he got a nasty stomach virus - we let him have it 24/7 for 3 days as it comforted him. THen we noticed he would go to his room and sit on the floor to suck on it even after he was better. I said Nope - you're old enough to comprehend that? you're old enough to get rid of it. He DID have a special doll so it wasn't his only comfort item (still has the doll at 5.5!:))

    I cut the tip off and gave it to him. He put it in his mouth, pulled it out and jammered like never before(he was also delayed in speech). He pointed at it and showed it to me - I just said "Its broken, and Mummy can't fix it!" He did that for about 2-3min, then hucked it at me, beaned it off my forehead and laid down to sleep. He asked for it maybe once that night - I just reminded him it was broken and maybe one or two times after that. Done. Finished. Didn't ever go back to it.

    So - I'd say if they have it all the time, the first step it to wean them down to a certain time of day that you want them to have it, do it slowly - start with the rule that it stays in their bed maybe. I don't know if the build a bear idea is too 'old' for 2yr olds - more like 3yr olds but its been a few years since I've had a 2yr old! LOL
  3. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    we did just wean them.....they had them all day before, the past few months they get it only right before naptime and right before bedtime and obviously while they are in bed, they take a long time to wake up and seem to need it to sooth them while they are waking up, but once awake I take them away and they do not get them back until time to sleep, they are doing well with that although my dd often (can talk) and will ask for it, I always say not yet.
  4. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We still have ours :spy: for nights and naptime only. (And the occasional long car ride). I figure that one day I'll decide to get rid of them but that day hasn't come yet and to be honest, I couldn't care less if they have them at night and during naps.

    Edit: Change could to couldn't. Duh.
  5. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    I was like Bex - I didn't have a set date in mind to take it away from him - I think it totally depends on the kids. I didn't want to slide backwards tho from naptime etc to all the time which he was - it worked out as it happened to be 'the right time'.

    I'd say if they're weaned down to the naptime etc and if she asks for it and accepts that you say no not yet, then she may be ready to say goodbye to it - you could try'll know right off if its going to be an easy transition.
  6. Two_more_cookies

    Two_more_cookies Well-Known Member

    We got rid of ours about 5 months after their second birthday. First we met a baby named Calin. We were going to give them to her at that time but DD said to me "don't make us give our nite nites to baby Calin." So I was so sincere and cute I didn't have to heart to do it.

    About a month later I prepped them for about a week telling them that their pacy have to go to baby Calin becuase they are for babies and they are not babies anymore. I asked if Calliou and other fav characters had a pacies and they both said no.

    Friday night they got them for the last time during story. After it was over daddy had a paper bag opened it up and both kids took one last suck and put it inside.

    We thanked and congratulated them,sang our song, gave kisses and left the room. They proceeded to cry for about an hour before they went to sleep.

    The next day at nap DS went to sleep straight away no fuss. DD cried for about 20 min before she realized there would be no pacy.

    Bedtime was a bit rough for DS he asked and DD told him "we gave our nite nites to baby Calin". He did not want to accept this fact and cried for about 20 mintues before he fell asleep.

    By Sunday they were ok and have been ever since. Kids are more adaptable than I think we give them credit for. The first few nights maybe rough but stand firm and don't give in and they will be fine.

    Good luck,
  7. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    Thanks for asking this! DS never took a paci, but DD still has one at nap time and night time and some longer car rides. I said I was taking at a year and caved, then 18mths and caved. Now they are turning two in a few days.

    I think after the new year (once we are settled from our move) I'm going to stick to it and get rid of it!

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