Getting out of bed... How many nights of this?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by shannonfilteau, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. shannonfilteau

    shannonfilteau Well-Known Member

    Our two and a half year old b/g twins have learned how to get out of their beds...
    Last night it took 42 times (I know, sad that I tallied it) of placing them back into their beds until I finally sat on a chair in their room until they fell asleep. Tonight I am up to 16 times so far. No, Make that 17.
    My question to you all is how many nights am I in store for until their new found freedom wears off?
    1 Week, 2 weeks? Days, Months? Ugghhh! ~#@$%^& ^%$#@&*&
    We are new to this and am doing all I can do to not strangle them. (I won't really, Just a figure of speech)
    I need info from all of you that are more experienced.... 19, 20, 21 HELP....
  2. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    OK so this isn't a particularly practical reply. We've still got our girls in sleepsacks so they've yet to climb out. But, since noone has replied yet, I wanted to send you a big :hug: and add: wow you are patient. 42 times is amazingly patient. I wonder if it's like CIO when the first night is bad, the second worse, the third still pretty bad and then things start to improve?
    Hope you get some answers soon - and some 'stayers' in bed.
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    We went through a rough transition! :hug: NOT 42 TIMES rough.... I would lie on the floor in their room (there was no chair) and if they got up, I (w/o speaking) put them back. (Half the time I would fall asleep too) then I moved eventually out to the hallway. I then booby trapped the door so that if they left, this little stick thing would fall and alert me (it was at this point I was going to put a gate over the outside of their door, but didn't have one handy) and I would put them back.

    That got old REALLY fast, so then at 3 years old I took naps away. That pretty much took care of all the nonsense! It was like a light went on in my brain! Now I have NO trouble at all!! I hope you figure out a way!! :hug: I would probably put a gate up over the outside of the door. So that if they get up, they can't just wander out into the house.
  4. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Did you move them to beds or are they climbing out of their cribs? If it's beds, I'd put them back in the cribs. If they are climbing out of cribs, I'd put on crib tents. Bedtime is a battle I refuse to loose. I need to know they are safe at night. The twins are the only ones who climbed out of the crib and kept doing it after I told them to stay in. If they didn't listen then, why would they listen when they had the freedom to get in and out without a rail in the way? So I put on crib tents. I didn't move them to beds until they had been in the crib without the tent for a month. For Erick that was just before three, for Kayci she was 3.5!
  5. shannonfilteau

    shannonfilteau Well-Known Member

  6. shannonfilteau

    shannonfilteau Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the input! We went from 42 times (Ughhh, talk about getting a workout!) to 39 the second night (wine sure helped that night) to 2 attempts the third night of placing them back into their beds. We just transitioned them in to toddler beds because I was fearful of them falling from such a high level with the crib rails know that they knew how to climb out.
    So far they have not come out of their rooms yet on night four. My fingers are crossed.... :woo:

    I researched the crib tents and read an in depth article from a Mother who used one and her son attempted to climb out after he learned how to unzip it and somehow hung himself on it and was brain dead so with that I am willing to tough it out until they find it boring.....??? I do not know how it is possible to hang oneself b/c I have never actually seen a tent but the article scared the heck out of me.
    Two words: "bedtime" is all I say and they seem to give up now that the novelty has worn off thank god!
  7. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Ditto. I transitioned mine to twin beds at 3 years old and it was totally smooth with no getting out of bed.

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