getting kids in and out of nursery school (for new two year olds)

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by someone, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. someone

    someone Well-Known Member

    Until now, I have always taken the stroller out of the car to get my newly two year olds (turned two in July) in and out of public areas. But I'm wondering what you all do - do you just let them walk in? They nursery that they go to is a very busy parking lot so it makes me nervuos to have them walk - am afraid they will get so exciting not being in the stroller they tehy will try and run off. Today, I got a parking spot right in front and carried them both to the side walk, then they walked in. To pick them up, I also got a parking spot in front but so decided to try again without the stroller, and they walked to the car but wouldn't let me carry them. I was a little nervous about this.

    I'm curious what everyone else does. I know everyone in their program who is a singleton just gets walked in, so I am one of the only ones to always bring in a stroller, and don't know if I am being silly by it. I know of some others with twins but their twins are closer to three and do walk in. Let me know what you do, and also the age of your twins - and what you did when they were closer to two. Thanks!
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I'd get them used to hold your hand in parking lots first. Practice in non crowded ones (in and out of the grocery store etc).
  3. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have always walked in, but they have to hold my hand in the parking lot.
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Mine walk most of the time now but we have to hold hands. It was at about that age that we really started working on it and now I can let them go in places and just say "hand" and they come over and hold my hand. It's sooo nice! Good luck!
  5. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    I thought about this too! We also practiced holding hands. They seem to understand when I'm worried because I say "stay there" while I'm getting the other one out of the car seat, and "hold my hand!" and they listen. I say practice when you can like when you take them for walks make sure they hold your hand across the street, etc. The other thing I had to do was buy a small table and chairs. I saw them during orentation and realized mine were still in high chairs and booster seats!

  6. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    Could you try the backpack leashes for a few times to make sure they do not dart?
  7. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Yeah when I take the second one out I put the first one in the car too so there's no darting.
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I had a cheapo single umbrella stroller -- I put one in that and held the other one's hand. (It helped that Sarah loved the stroller -- in fact still does. :laughing: ) Amy was not reliable about following instructions and staying near me, so I needed to keep a very firm grip on her. I don't think they both started walking until they were closer to 2.5.

    I also recommend practicing hand-holding. It's something they need to learn (I still make mine hold my hands in busy parking lots) and you have to start somewhere.
  9. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I always found a stroller more trouble than it's worth. I always let the walk. We all hold hands in parking lots
  10. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    While I get kid #2 out of the car, kid #1 has to "assume the position", in other words, they have to touch the side of the car. And they have to hold my hands. Not each other's, both have to hold mine.
  11. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    Practice makes perfect. We practiced going on a walk in our neighborhood holding hands only. If they refuse to hold my hand, they get held (which they don't want). They quickly got the idea to walk and be out of the stroller we have to hold hands. Be firm. Then we moved on to the grocery store, same idea. Then they go in the cart when we get in the store. So for preschool this year, I unbuckle one but close their door immediately and let them climb out of their seat with the car door closed. I then go to the other side and unbuckle the other one. Then both climb out of the car together immediately grabbing my hands, one on each side, we then walk in. Coming out we do the opposite, I open the door, put one in and let them climb in their car seat while I close the door, then go to the other side and buckle the other one in, then go back and buckle the other one in. This way no one is left in the street at any time. Works for us! Good luck!
  12. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    when I'm in strange situations and have to walk a long ways I put the backpack leashes on, they love them.

    but if its daycare, maybe they will get used to it, and if its a small area it might be a great place to do some training. though I love the idea of "training" the hand holding at home.

    another thing my dh does is to tell the one still outside the car to "hold onto my pocket"... and miraculously that works. anyway yes practice makes perfect. I also tried when they were less than 2 to have them hold my hand anytime we went outside the house, and made that a 'have to'... and they say "hand" too... very cute.
  13. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Our situation is similar, nursery school is next to a very busy road, and has a busy parking lot. So, until the kids were around 2yrs 4mnths I used the stroller - yes it was a pain, but I didn't trust the kids (and other drivers!) to not have an accident.
    Then I started to let them walk. But we talked about it for weeks first, how when we are around moving cars we must hold mommy's hand, and then we did do some practicing (when going for walks in our neghbourhood - as we have no sidewalks here) so when a car was coming I had them come back to me and hold my hand, and once they got good at that I tried taking them to school without the stroller.
    But I let them know that if they didn't stay close to me and hold my hand that we would have to use the stroller (and I was extremely strict with t his - even if they took 2 unauthorized steps from me they either got right into the stroller or had an immediate timeout wherever we were). So they knew I meant business.

    I also get my more reliable twin out first, and pin him between my legs and the car while I get the other child out, and then I pin them both next to the car while I get the lunch bags etc. It has worked very well for us.

    I also used crackers as rewards to get them to the car holding my hands for a few weeks (then we dropped the reward because they didn't need it anymore).

  14. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    My kids hold my hands from the car into school and back. Sometimes DD wants to be held, so I'll hold her on my hip and walk DS holding hands.
  15. kenneymich

    kenneymich Member

    I can definitely relate! My 3 yr old just started preschool and I had been walking him in everyday with the my 2 yr old twin girls in a double stroller. I quickly learned that not only was it time consuming to get them in/out but it was also challenging as the hallway in the school was narrow and usually filled with parents, teachers, and kids. So, I have been teaching them to hold my hand and walk in with me. They seem to enjoy it more and it makes pick-up and drop-off a lot less stressful!
  16. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    I hated this. I've never used a stroller getting my kids to/from daycare, but I remember how awful it was when they were out of infant seats but couldn't walk. Ever since they started walking, we've practiced holding hands. Now, mine KNOW that a parking lot means holding hands (thankfully I have 1 hand per kid, not sure how I'd do it with 3 kids!).

    One thing I do in a busy parking lot or street is to unload one from their carseat & have them walk to the other side of the car INSIDE the car (ie on the floor of the backseat towards the other carseat). Then, I unbuckle the other kid & can take them both out of the car at once. I always worry about my one that's out of the car & not being held on to while I unbuckle the other, so that solves my problem.

    If I have stuff to carry in/out (ie blankets, bags, etc), I put all the 'stuff' into one hand & then hold onto the hand of one boy. Then the other twin holds on to the twin's hand that I'm holding. It took lots of practice, but I now feel confident doing that. It's definitely something I would start working on!

    As for to/from stores, I used the same techniques. If it's a LONG walk, when they were younger, I'd sometimes park next to a cart corral thing & then load them into a cart. I honestly have not used a stroller since they were maybe right around was way too much of a hassle!

    Definitely start practicing now with hand holding...walking around your neighborhood, while it's two adults for two children, walking around your house, etc. Mine got threatened with leaving if they didn't hold hands, which they hated, so it worked. I never threatened carrying them since mine LIKED that & I could NOT carry both of them easily when they were around 2. So, do what will work for your kids.

    Good luck. I hated that daycare drop off/pick up when they were younger, but once you get a system, it should be better!
  17. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Like everybody else...we practice "parking lot rules." My boys will ask, parking lot rules? Yes. They know that means whoever I get out must stay by me as I get the others out and you MUST hold hands when walking in a parking lot. Parking lot rules also get used in stores too...they just know that means listen, no running off, and holding hands. Practice, practice, practice. They'll get it.
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