Getting impatient with thier impatience!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mandylouwho, May 23, 2007.

  1. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    When does this end?? I know this is normal for this age, and they dont get it. Im trying to teach them, but its slow going. They stand over me, as I make every meal and whine...dont want to even wait till I pour milk, etc. I try getting them to help, but sometimes I cant.

    Does this happen alot?? When does it end?? Its going to send me to the nut house. Not to mention they are learning to talk and say please, more, when they dont, or forget to...they grunt...uh uh uh...ARG!!I think I might loose it!!

  2. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Mandy, our kids are about the same age and this is a daily struggle for me. Especially with DS. Honestly they just don't get the patience thing. I try to just re-direct them to something else and sometimes that works. Other times I just have to deal with the whining until the food is ready.
  3. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I hope you get it figured out, and let me know the solution ;) Mine are still impatient while waiting for food... right now their fish sticks and mac n' cheese is cooking and they are having a fit for it. I keep trying to explain when it comes out, we have to let it cool off... they totally don't get that part! Then they figure it out when they touch it and its hot.
  4. r-twins

    r-twins Well-Known Member

    We're a few months older and I'm sorry to tell you this is still going on with us. <_< I can usually distract them with SOMETHING, although sometimes it takes awhile to find that something. Being a Mommy sure is teaching ME patience! LOL
  5. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I have started doing crayons at the table like we are in a restaurant. This has helped me on two fronts: When they had crayons in the family room on trays, I had big problems with them wandering around with the crayons, coloring on things other than paper, etc. It has also helped with the whining for food. I let them color while I am preparing food.
    That solves that problem, but other than that, yeah, they are pretty impatient.
  6. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    We moved our toy kitchen INTO the kitchen...and that helped during mealtimes. That and a new DVD we borrowed (Jungle Book).

    But OH MAN the whining due to lack of patience is going to DO ME IN!!!! I wish I had a solution for you, but I am finding it to be the most challenging aspect of parenting so far! (That and the independence phase where everything is "I do, I do...")
  7. leslie

    leslie Active Member

    O.K. I am a new twinstuff member here, and It was good to read this about impatience. My two darlings are 2 1/2 and I am struggling with the same thing. My husband just got put on second shift, and I am pretty much a single mommy every night. Night time seems to be the hardest. (Supper, baths, bed time). There just never seems like enough of me to go around! People ask me if we are having any more children.... I can't IMAGINE having more right now! I guess the one thing that works for me is a "Mommy time out" where I stop...breath... pray... and then continue with the chaos!
  8. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Well, you have all officially depressed me. Our 14-month olds have had DH & I have been pulling our hair out with their impatience/whining which kicked in FULL FORCE about 2-3 weeks ago. Looks like we're in for the long haul.
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