Getting Everything Ready

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by egoury, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    I'm starting to really stress because I haven't done a thing yet for this baby. Everyone tells me we have time, but I just want it to be done. We have a bunch of things in a storage unit and I need to get it all out to set up the room, get clothes washed, etc. I need to see the crib in the room before I will paint/decorate since it will be a guest room/baby room and I need to match the bedspread and crib and whatever crib bedding I wind up buying. My sister is here this week and has offered to help me organize, but she can't do it until I can get to our storage. This is really bothering me because I know that with the twins, I was all done at this point. So, how far in advance are you ready for this baby? Am I the only one who has waited this long?
  2. denali_ice

    denali_ice Well-Known Member

    I am still a bit behind you, but I haven't started anything yet either. Even worse, because we didn't expect to have any more children, we don't have anything. No crib, car seats, nothing. We gave it all away last year. I am looking forward to yard sales starting up around here.
  3. BaaRamEwe

    BaaRamEwe Well-Known Member

    Here I am at 38 weeks and the only thing I have done is the base to the car seat is in the car. I don't even have a bag packed yet and I am less than a week away. SO don't feel bad, you still have some time.
  4. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    Thanks. That makes me feel much better. I feel like everyone I know who is pregnant and due around when I am is basically done and has these adorable nurseries. As it is, she will be getting a handmedown haven of a room and supplies.
  5. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    I sorted clothes and gave some to my neighbor who is due in a few weeks but I have no intention of doing things too early. I did think of getting the car seat installed already only because we had the car seat check last month...
  6. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Oh no.. I'm almost at the finish line and I feel like I still have everything to do!
  7. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    LOL...with the twins, I was anal and had everything done by 26 weeks! In hindsight, that's good b/c I went on bedrest at 27 weeks. With Olivia, I didn't even pack my hospital bag until I had to go to L&D (good thing, I delivered the next day)!
  8. Grandma2TwinBoys

    Grandma2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    Ellen, don't worry, you're definitely not the only one! My DD is just a month or so away from delivering Baby #3 and she hasn't done a thing! They don't have a third crib yet, the cradle she plans to use in her room for the first couple of months is still in their garage, the tiny clothes are still all packed away and need to be sorted and washed, etc. Her twins are just 12 months old and DD is still working full-time, so I think she's just overwhelmed and exhausted! Plus I think the fact that she is having another boy makes her feels that there's nothing much to prepare for since she doesn't need anything new!

    I think I'm in "nesting mode" though because I'm itching to get up there and help her get set up and ready for the little one! :D
  9. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    I havent got alot done yet either ellen and I am a week behind you. I have got the babies clothes washed and stored and have the crib mattress but no crib. I am still waiting on my sister to bring it to me. The carseat I was given is broken so now I need to get another one. I am hoping i get a boost of energy soon and get everything all ready to go then. If not I am going to need a good swift kick!!
  10. RondaJo

    RondaJo Well-Known Member

    The only thing I have done so far is washed the baby's clothes. I need DH's help with moving everything to where it belongs and he's been busy working on other things around the house that I told him has to be done NOW. I figure before the baby is home everything will be done--whether or not it is when she is born. ;) That's how it's always worked for us. Sad, but true.
  11. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    With the last one, I didn't do much at all until about 40 weeks. I had a plastic bag of clean clothes, clean diapers, and the crib set up. That's it. He really didn't need much more than that so I wasn't too worried about it. ;) By the time he was born, I had washed the carseat cover and installed the base in the car and brought down the swing from the attic and that was pretty much it.
  12. greengirls

    greengirls Well-Known Member

    Don't worry, babies don't really need all that much when you really think about it anyhow! We have the C-section scheduled for May 5th and will be moving into a new (new for us) house on May 3rd so I can't even get into the house to set up the nursery until the babies are here or practically here. It will all work out! At least I'll get a big dose of the stress over with right away.
    I can't wait to see your new little one!
    (Doesn't it seem like we have come a long way?)
  13. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    Thanks Beth! I was just thinking about you and wondering how things were going for you. I can't believe you are moving two days before your scheduled c-section. You are brave. And doing a great job carrying the twins. I have nothing to complain about... :) We did make it to our storage unit over the weekend and just dumped everything in our garage so at least we have it at the steps.
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