Getting babies to take Enfamil? Or a formula they don't like

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by LMW1015, Mar 27, 2009.

  1. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    My BM supply has really started going down and I am completely drained and just cannot keep up. The babies cry because they're hungry. It's getting really frustrating. After doing a little Googling I read that Similac has a sweeter taste so BF babies might take it better. So far we had tried Enfamil Gentlease and GoodStart and while they'll take it mixed with EBM (1/3 formula to 2/3 EBM) they make faces like they hate the taste when we give it to them unmixed. We tried Similac Advance EarlyShield last night by itself and they gobbled it down. You have no idea the relief I felt and the weight lifted off my shoulders. I know I should be more about the breastfeeding but I'm just exhausted and they seemed SO happy to get their bellies full for once. They even only woke up twice last night (as opposed to 4-6 times they have been!). My problem is that I called WIC this morning to apply because we are eligible now and I asked her if they gave out the Similac and they said NO they only do Enfamil. I asked her what if the DR wrote a note that they had to have Similac because that's the only thing I can get them to take. She said no, unfortunately they will only do the contracted formula which is Enfamil. :( Back to the beginning of my mess now. I guess I can give them Similac for now (we have two canisters and we go to their 4 month Ped appt next week and I'm sure she'll give me more then) and try to switch to Enfamil ?? Maybe the switch from Similac to Enfamil will be easier than breastmilk to Enfamil?? I'm planning on still trying to do some breastfeeding - possibly switch to just pumping and adding to their bottles what I can pump out - but I am more planning on depending more on formula now. We have a LOT going on right now (DH lost his job a couple weeks ago and is working on getting into the military...we have to move in with his stress level is HIGH) and I think I just can't handle the pressure to keep my breast milk up and being the only one that can take care of my precious little pumpkins. I also have to breastfeed almost constantly to keep up with their demands (I just don't make that much at a time) and I have a whole house to pack. :( SO I'm frustrated and stressed. Any advice/tips to switch over to a formula that they currently hate the taste of?
  2. ohjojo

    ohjojo Well-Known Member

    first of all, kudos to you for BF for as long as you have(i only made it 3 weeks..) and :hug: for all the stress you are going through right now.

    whenever i have had to change formula i did a gradual change by slowing increasing the amount of new formula in the bottle, 3:1, 2:2, 1:3 and finally all new. i do a new ratio each day. this worked really well when i had to switch DD from similac sensitive to alimentium (which smells like dog food :nea: and must taste horrible) i am guessing that if you have to switch to enfamil from similac it will be an easier switch than BM to F since they have to taste more similar and the consistency is going to be the same.

    good luck with everything, your plate is really full.
  3. ohjojo

    ohjojo Well-Known Member

    BTW-i have an unopened can of similac advance early shield that i'm not gonna use, if you pm me your address, i will mail it to you..

  4. Natalochka

    Natalochka Well-Known Member

    I had to gradually change formula for one of my girls from Enfamil AR to the Costco brand. She had reflux, but now its getting so much better, that we wanted to put her on the same formula as her sister - which is half the price! I started with one scoop of new formula and 2 scoops of her regular. Within a couple of days she was fine with the Kirkland brand (she previously would not drink it). If there is a Costco anywhere near you, their formula is sooo cheap compared to the others! One of my girls liked it from the start, and now they both drink it. It really saved us a lot of $$. GL!!

    eta: if WIC is your only option, then I think that adding one sccop per bottle for a day ot two of the new formula, PLUS an oz. or so of bm, might be a good start. then do 2 scoops, and a tiny bit of bm. Slowly make the transition to just the new formula.
  5. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    You've gotten some great advice. We only switched a few times and I used the gradual mix method as well. I will tell you that we exclusively used Enfamil and the kids had no problem with it, I also found that it was the one that mixed the best and dissolved fastest.
  6. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    I don't know about you but I live in Florida and I'm on WIC. The just need a prescription from the doctor stating the change in formula. I know this is a state-to-state thing but I just assumed it was the same everywhere. We are about to change the girls formula as well. They want nothing to do with their goodstart and make faces and push the bottle away. I'm hoping to switch them to Similac.
  7. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(orangeyaglad @ Mar 27 2009, 12:02 PM) [snapback]1247084[/snapback]
    I don't know about you but I live in Florida and I'm on WIC. The just need a prescription from the doctor stating the change in formula. I know this is a state-to-state thing but I just assumed it was the same everywhere. We are about to change the girls formula as well. They want nothing to do with their goodstart and make faces and push the bottle away. I'm hoping to switch them to Similac.

    I'm in Nebraska and they said no even with a prescription. :( Only Enfamil.
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