Getting admitted to the hospital today

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by garden2009, Nov 24, 2009.

  1. garden2009

    garden2009 Well-Known Member

    Hi ladies. I am not sure if I'll be able to connect easily from the hospital or not so wanted to let you all know that at my checkup today, my ob found that I am 5 cm dialated. He gave me 3 choices... (1)They could induce today (2) Send me home and wait for something else to happen (3)Admit me to hospital until babies decide to come. We decided together with my ob that we would do option 3 as it presents the least risk to babies. They were concerned with NICU time with option 1 and with option 2 they said babies could be born at home or in the car (like in the movies) and that would be obviously horrible. THis is my second birth so they said babies come much quicker.

    I have been crying for the last hour but am finally calmed down and realize that I am fortunate to have made it so far and only have at most a 2 week hospital stay. I am most upset because I have to leave my 3 year old son and miss THanksgiving. THe hospital did say that since I wasn't on best rest that I could visit my son in the parking lot each day (since children aren't allowed to visit in the hospital now). I can deal with that.

    THey let me come home and gather some things so that was nice too.

    I'll let you all know updates if I can get online. Otherwise, I'll post again with my birth story!!

    Thank you all for your support!
  2. evemomma

    evemomma Well-Known Member

    Oh I'm so sorry you have to miss Thanksgiving with your family! I am scared to death of going in the hospital, too, since I also have a 3 year old son, and will miss him terribly. Thanks for the idea of the parking lot visit...I will definitely remember that if I get admitted sometime.

    You doing great to be at 36 weeks already! And, at 5 cm, I bet you won't be there too much longer without those babies in your arms!!!
  3. fromthecabbagepatch

    fromthecabbagepatch Well-Known Member

    My babies were born at 36 weeks 2 days. No NICU time, and we all went home in 48 hours! I wasn't planning on them being born at 36 weeks, but everything worked out just fine. :) Just to give you some encouragement.
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: Hang in there, I think you chose the best option, that's the one I would have chosen as well.
  5. AmyH

    AmyH Well-Known Member

    Good luck!!
  6. tkkincaid

    tkkincaid Member

    I my opinion, letting nature take its course is always the best option. My first baby was born at 34 weeks and although he was small and had to spend 10days in the NICU, there was nothing really serious. I was admitted to the hospital 11 days ago, and the time has flown by. 34 weeks is the gray area whether babies might need to stay in the NICU; they should be fine by 36 weeks (37 is considered full-term anyways). In fact I am 34 weeks and joke that if I make it to 36 weeks, I am starting to run again to get things moving along (although probably just getting off bedrest would do it!). I'd be thankful you are already 5cm - I doubt you'll be in there that long. I have a 2 and 3 year old and was emotional being away from them the first day or 2, but they adjusted and are doing fine now. I asked our nurse if they could come up, and she actually got approval from her boss to let children of mothers come into ONLY the "Special Care Unit", but my kids did not come up for the first week. Try to find things to be thankful for instead of what you are missing out on (2 healthy babies to start!). Being there is better than delivering at home or on the way to the hospital and it is better just waiting in the hospital than to be away AND in the NICU over the holidays! Good luck and relax - stressing can increase contractions!
  7. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug: I think you guys picked the best option, even if it does mean you'll be missing your son and Thanksgiving. :hug: I hope you are able to keep them in a bit longer, but you have done an amazing job, remember that. :good: Keep us posted if you can.
  8. garden2009

    garden2009 Well-Known Member

    HI everyone. Thanks for the replies. I am now situated in the hospital and trying to adjust. It has been a very emotional 24 hours because I miss my son like crazy. He is diong better than I am. :) I just saw the doctor and he said I am now 6 cm! It is absolutely crazy to me because I haven't felt a single contraction. That helped reinforce that we made the right decision. Now I am basically waiting for my water to break or something. The nurses are in shock that they haven't put me in a labor and delivery room yet but the doctor is trying to keep me comfortable since it is the holidays, I think. L&D is just a short walk/wheelchair ride away and they already put the IV in place so I am basically ready to go. I am 36 weeks 2 days today so every day helps, I guess.

    THanks everyone for your replies. It helps a lot. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to sleep in this place?! I was sleeping at least a few hours at a time at home but last night I really don't think I slept more than an hour here and there at a time. I guess the sleep deprevation is starting early.

    I'll keep you updated! Maybe we are having THanksgiving babies! :) Guess we need to finally agree on the baby boy name!
  9. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    It's definitely the option I would have picked too. Not ideal, but in the best interest of you and your babies, and that's all that matters!

    Good luck!
  10. garden2009

    garden2009 Well-Known Member

    hi again. Just updating ...
    I am still in the hospital and babies have not arrived. We thought Thanksgiving was going to be their birthday but turns out not. At 7 am on Thanksgiving day, the high risk unit nurses rushed me from this unit to labor and delivery because regular contractions were showing up on the monitor. I could finally feel them although they weren't bad and I could talk through them with no problem. Everyone was so afraid I was going to have a 1 hour labor (since I was aleady 6 cm) so it was quite chaotic getting moved. It turns out it was a big rush for nothing... I spent that day and next night in L&D being constantly connected to monitors, etc. with no change to my already 6 cm, 100% effaced cervix. Contractions never got painful either. Why is my body so weird?!

    Yesterday morning I was sent back to high risk unit and I am so thankful. The beds here are soooo much more comfortable (and that isn't saying much) and I only have to be hooked to monitors 3 times a day. Thanksgiving Day was a very frustrating day because we thought it was going to be our babies birthday and it turns out they were not ready to meet us. Our ob says he is going to keep me here until I am 37 weeks 1 day (next Tuesday) and at that point he wants to break my water and start the process. He is worried about risk of infection since my membranes are exposed and he said that next week the risk to babies is less (since they will no longer be considered pre-term) than the risk of infection. I am glad to have an end in sight now but the days are very long and I miss my 3 year old little boy so so so much. I was so upset about the 2-3 days away from him when I first found out about the no children rule... little did I know that I would have to spend possible 10 days ways from him. :( Our hospital has a wonderful NICU and I learned yesterday that the number of germs/infections allowed into the NICU this season has decreased dramatically so I understand the restriction has an important purpose for those little fighters!

    Looking forward to meeting my babies in another few days!!!! And so lucky to have made it so far! THanks for your support.
  11. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    6 & 100% eh? WAY TO HANG ON!!!!
    I was 5 & 100% when I went in for my induction at 37weeks. I had a quick labor, heres to hoping you have the same when the time is right :drinks:
  12. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    Hang in there - it won't be much longer! Just think about all those people who have to spend weeks in the hospital. I know what you mean about the devestation of thinking they will come on a certain day and then not having it happen - it's so frustrating - especially at a time when you are so emotional. You are doing great though - you are lucky to have made it this far :)
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