Getting a 1-year-old to wear glasses?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by t_and_j_mom, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. t_and_j_mom

    t_and_j_mom Active Member

    Has anyone been able to get a 1-year-old to wear glasses? My daugher has been diagnosed with farsightedness after I noticed one eye crossing. The crossing may be due to the farsightedness or it may be due to muscle issues, but she has to wear her glasses for us to find out. She's pulling them off, and if she's not pulling them off, her twin brother is. The opthmalogist has prescribed drops called Atropine which will make her vision blurry and will make her want to wear them. After reading about these drops, I only want to use them as a last resort, so any tips would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you so much!
  2. jennduke

    jennduke Member

    Hey! One of my twins started wearing glasses at 7 months. I had the same problem with his twin bro. ALWAYS pulling them off. What kind are they? Do they have the hooks that loop around the back of the ear or the strap? Maybe you should switch to the other type and see if that works better. Personally, we like the loops around the ear. I would suggest just being consistant (even though it may drive you nuts) by saying "no, you HAVE to wear your glasses" and put them back on or "no, your sister has to......" Eventually they will get used to them and and leave them alone! I hope that helps. Let me know!
    Good luck! :a_smil09:
  3. t_and_j_mom

    t_and_j_mom Active Member

    Thank you so much for your reply. The glasses do curl behind the ears. I had asked the ophthamologist about the strap and he said, "you want her to WANT to wear the glasses, not force her, so I think the drops would be better." But I'm really hesitant to use them. I want to find other ways to make them appealing to her. How did you make them more appealing? Did your ophthamologist ever suggest these drops? She pulls them off, I put them back on...and she laughs. I'm afraid it's becoming a game to her.
  4. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Kelly was 15 months old when she was prescribed her first pair of glasses. We had a hard time getting her to wear them too. When we went to choose her glasses we were discouraged from getting her the glasses that loop behind the ear. We were told that a lot of kids find them uncomfortable and they wind up not wearing them. So, we got her regular glasses. We also made sure that we got titanium frames which have flexibility to them and they take a lot of abuse. We used the Atropine drops and they did help her see the difference of her vision with glasses and without. One day she literally sat in front of the tv looking through the lenses and above them. Once she figured it out she was more willing to wear them.

    Something that I would suggest for your DS is getting him a pair of sunglasses that he can wear so he doesn't feel left out. We got Kaitlyn a pair of cleap sunglasses with a really light tint so she had something new too. And, it made her less curious about her sister's glasses since she could explore her own glasses.

    Good luck!
  5. jennduke

    jennduke Member

    Camron never had to have the drops so I can't help you there. I think it may actually be a game to her until she gets used to them and realizes how much better she can see with them. She will get used to them may take time, but she will! I love the picture! I think babies in glasses are precious! We call Camron the "professor"!
    That is a good idea about getting your son a pair as well. You may want to ask the store where you got your daughters and see if they have a spare pair that they would give to you.
    My son loves the glasses that curl behind the ear. It may be b/c he's had them for so long (7 mos.). We tried the "regular" ones last time and they didn't work too well. We also opted for the lenses that change in the sun which are GREAT!
    Talk to you soon!

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