Gettibg harder and harder to burp

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Paully, Dec 23, 2010.

  1. Paully

    Paully Member

    We are feeding Similac Sensitive (orange) and ironically, they are still gassy, constipated and spit up. Box says it prevents gas... From what i see when DS spit up, the formula thickens quickly. In DD, we have to burp her for 20 minutes before we get a burp. Sometimes we never get a burp and it worries me.

    I dont want to play around with formulas... So what is the next step? We are looking at NeoSure or Similac Soy (purple) but as i said... We dont want to upset them any more than they already are. DD cries "randomly" for a few seconds and its obvious shes trying to poo. However her stools look normal and somewhat loose. Actually, it has the consistency of maybe peanut butter.

    Both babies also have a few blemishes on their face. Could they be allergic to cows milk?

    Were calling the pedi tomorrow. I hope she recommends something that works and will be long term... This is not fun...
  2. Paully

    Paully Member

    Sorry, posted from my iPhone.
  3. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Six weeks is the peak of fussiness for most babies. Were they early at all? If so, that 6 week mark would be from full term. I gave them mylicon with every bottle for the first 2 mos. That way I knew the gas wasn't the problem. There are a multitude of ways to burp a baby and for some of mine I had to use combos of all of them.

    Their intestines are still getting used to actually digesting things so the poop thing will work itself out in a few more weeks. As long as they are going pretty regularly, you're good.

    The blemishes are totally normal and will come and go for the first few months.
  4. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    I had burping problems, mostly with DS...we found that if we laid him on his tummy on our legs it would help with the gas (both ends) and he LOVED this position. I always hated burping and was never very good at it. I must say that with the girls if I didn't get one in the first 5 min or so I would give up. If there was a good one in there it usually came out quickly, other times there was nothing. This is a fussy stage, I hope it gets better quickly!

    6 weeks is usually when 'baby acne' appears it's not very pretty but usually harmless. All my kids also started loosing their hair around this point too so the baldness mixed with the bad skin didn't make for too many kodak moments at this age :).
  5. Chrijodo

    Chrijodo Well-Known Member

    We went from Similac Sensitive to Nutrimagen (Hypoallergenic) for our girls. The sensitive still has lactose in it so you could try something soy based if you haven't already but for us once we moved to the Nutrimagen it made all the difference. It could just be the 6 week fussiness but it also could be a milk protein allergy. Are their poops mucousy? I hope you find something that works for them
  6. Paully

    Paully Member

    Thank you! Yes, I figure they are "fine", since they aren't too fussy/upset. I will try the gas drops but I really wish I could burp them well at each feeding. We have tried every way of burping. We've watched a number of youtube videos to get some ideas. The methods used to work well up until recently. My twins burped "well" during the last feeding but they weren't as good as they used to be. Sometimes with DD she just releases air so you have to observe closely. She doesn't make the usual burping noise. We are waiting to hear from the pedi.
  7. Paully

    Paully Member

    We are asking the pedi about Nutrimagen. Forgive my ignorance, but I am not sure what you mean by "mucousy" poo. Their stools are definitely thicker than they used to be. Think "mashed reeses" - color and consistency - that's what we're dealing with right now.
  8. murtygirl

    murtygirl Well-Known Member

    My twins went thru this at this age and I think it is very normal. Then all of a sudden after they were a couple of months, I noticed they were much more pleasant amd not as gassy. As for the blemishes that is totally normal at that age too. It can take a few weeks to a few months for that to clear...and it may get a little worse than what you are experiencing now. Mucuous in the poo is like if you see clear snotty looking stuff running throughout the poo...there can even be traced of blood if there is a lactose intolerance issue. THis does not sound like the case for your kiddos...I really would not change formulas if I were you. Just hang in will get better in a couple of weeks, And if it doesn't, then I would talk to the dr. I agree with using gas drops. You can also "bicycle" the babies legs to help get any trapped gas out.

    As for the grunting and crying when pooping, but soft stools. My DD did that!!! My ped said sometimes it takes a while for baby to "learn" to relax the sphincter muscles when pooing. So even though they have soft stools, they may be clenching...said not to worry that they will learn to relax the muscle. When to worry is when there is really hard, dry poo that is difficult to passon a regular basis, or if baby hasn't done in a few days
  9. murtygirl

    murtygirl Well-Known Member

    My twins went thru this at this age and I think it is very normal. Then all of a sudden after they were a couple of months, I noticed they were much more pleasant amd not as gassy. As for the blemishes that is totally normal at that age too. It can take a few weeks to a few months for that to clear...and it may get a little worse than what you are experiencing now. Mucuous in the poo is like if you see clear snotty looking stuff running throughout the poo...there can even be traced of blood if there is a lactose intolerance issue. THis does not sound like the case for your kiddos...I really would not change formulas if I were you. Just hang in will get better in a couple of weeks, And if it doesn't, then I would talk to the dr. I agree with using gas drops. You can also "bicycle" the babies legs to help get any trapped gas out.

    As for the grunting and crying when pooping, but soft stools. My DD did that!!! My ped said sometimes it takes a while for baby to "learn" to relax the sphincter muscles when pooing. So even though they have soft stools, they may be clenching...said not to worry that they will learn to relax the muscle. When to worry is when there is really hard, dry poo that is difficult to passon a regular basis, or if baby hasn't done in a few days
  10. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    Our never fail burping method when they got tricky was to sit them on our chest facing us, then lean them forward over their legs--like if they were touching their toes. You get a burp right in the face sometimes, but it was our failsafe. I hated burping. Beyond that, it sounds lie they are fine and normal. I wouldn't switch anything, but talk to your doctor.
  11. sheras2

    sheras2 Well-Known Member

    I just thought I'd add that our babies did not tolerate the Similac Neosure well. I know you mentioned you'd considered it, and I wouldn't recommend it for gassy babies. It made our babies' gas and reflux worse. Something about the texture makes it foamier than the Enfamil formulas we used and more foam meant more air in the bottles and in their little tummies.
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