Gatechecking car seats?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Zabeta, Mar 29, 2009.

  1. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    We're flying cross-country this week and our plan is to use the car seats with the Go Go Kidz attachment through the airport, then gate check them for the way out (day time flight - we'll be bringing them on board on the way home - night time flight). I'm beginning to think about the real logistics of all of that, and I'm wondering if any one else has any tips about...

    ...gate checking car seats...can you do this (on United)?
    ...what to do with the Go Go Kidz. Do you gate check this, too, or bring it on board?
    ...any other random tips for this scenario. We've got a stroller on the other end, but no car seats.

    Thanks for any and all thoughts!!!
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have never flown with my twins so I don't have any advice but just wanted to say good luck and I hope you have a safe trip!
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    You can gate check the seats and I'd call and ask about keeping the attachment on since it will be easier once you get to your destination. If you are worried about it coming off in flight, get some bungee and tie it on. Or you can get a big bag for each seat and put it in the bag before you gate check it. We have used big sail bags in the past for our stroller. GL!!!
  4. gottagiggle&twins

    gottagiggle&twins Well-Known Member

    Did you get them seats? If so, why not take the car seats on the plane with you? If not, and you plan on holding the kids, bless, you must have very different toddlers than I do! Haha. But I see no reason you can't gate check the car seats and keep the go go kids attached, if you must check them.
  5. snowmom

    snowmom Well-Known Member

    I have flown with the twins 3 times now ( on WestJet) and they allow gatechecking of carseats and strollers. They allow one car seat and one stroller OR PNP per child. I have a double stroller, and when I flew with the kids, I just kept them in the car seats clicked into the stoller until we were at the gate.

    Some tips:

    -Take the early boarding call, you'll need the extra time before others get on the plane to get settled.
    -Be demanding at the airport. I had WAY too many people trying to get preboarded in front of me who did not need to preboard: ie the "I'm more important than you" businessman. Grrr! I "accidently" ran over his heels with the stroller.
    -Bring what ever snacks the kids love, favorite toy, new toy to surprise.
    -Ask when getting your seats if the airline can leave the one in the middle vacant. Sometimes if the plane isn't really busy they can do that. In a 3 seat row, there are only 4 oxygen masks, so they can't put more than 4 bodies in one row. So ask to have you and partner and twins in the ame row, then the seat in the middle is kept empty and the twins can take turns crawling over you and sitting in the seat. Gives your arms a break.

    BREATHE!! People will offer to help and take advantage of it. Last time I flew, I was moving across country, and I flew with my 12yr old, the twins were 9months, 4 cats and 2 dogs...... BY MYSELF!!!! My older son held one baby, I held the other and we sat in different rows, him one behind me. There were awesome people around who would hold the kids if we needed to go to the bathroom, the stewardess were great helpers, and we had a good time. It was crazy, and tiring, but what day with twins isn't?
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