Gaining too much weight

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by jentwinmom, Sep 13, 2007.

  1. jentwinmom

    jentwinmom Well-Known Member

    Any one else have the issue of gaining too much weight? I am 26 1/2 weeks I have gained nearly 30 pounds. I asked my Dr. if that was ok and she said she did not want to fuss at me, but that was certainly more weight than she would like. She suggested lots of veggies and fresh fruit and to try to do some walking. I was a little surprised at the walking part because just a trip to Wal-mart is enough walking to make me exhausted.
  2. dr802

    dr802 Well-Known Member

    That does not sound like a lot of weight at all! You are carrying 2 babies! My peri dr recommended that after 20 weeks I put on almost 2lbs per week, so he was promoting the weight gain just in case I delivered early. My ob has never mentioned my weight. I am almost 35 weeks and I have gained about 40lbs. I wouldn't worry about it-you want big healthy babies! Plus the bigger you get, the less room you have for food so it slows down anyway. Enjoy yourself and don't stress over what the dr has to say.

  3. prairiemom3

    prairiemom3 Well-Known Member

    I gained weight like that but now I have been having trouble eating enough and am not gaining like I want to be. I wouldn't worry about it, your body will tell you what it needs! Good luck!
  4. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am in the same boat as you and you are the first person that has had this same problem that I've found!! At my first two appointments I gained 13 pounds each month and I'm now up to almost 60 pounds!! I think it's because before I was pregnant I was exercising an average of 2 hours a day and constantly on a diet, so the weight has just been piling on. I'm too tired to exercise like that anymore, and a lean cuisine just doesn't cut it for a meal anymore. All my tests have come back fine, so I just try to not worry about it, I'm having a very healthy pregnancy. But when my doctor told me I needed to "cut back" and "slow down" on weight gain I was so upset about it, because I really don't eat that much. I would just try to not worry about it!! They even had me call and speak with a dietician, which now I think is ridiculous because I've had such a healthy non-eventful pregnancy that I don't think the weight gain has been a bad thing at all.
  5. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I have to admit I gained a little excessively. I was about 120 when I got pregnant and I delivered at somewhere around 205, I had very healthy babies and my little guys are 4 months and I am maybe 130. So a total of 30lbs doesn't seem like a lot to me. I gained 10lbs before I even saw my ob. Your body probably needs it, try and eat as healthy as you can and take your vitamins. My weight gain tapered off a lot toward the end of my pregnancy.
  6. jentwinmom

    jentwinmom Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies for your responses. I feel better about it now. I just feel like I should eat when I am hungry as it makes me feel like I am not taking care of the girls when my stomach growls. Luckily my weight is all showing up in my stomach.
  7. LaRae81

    LaRae81 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Jentwinmom @ Sep 13 2007, 04:02 PM) [snapback]406154[/snapback]
    Any one else have the issue of gaining too much weight? I am 26 1/2 weeks I have gained nearly 30 pounds. I asked my Dr. if that was ok and she said she did not want to fuss at me, but that was certainly more weight than she would like. She suggested lots of veggies and fresh fruit and to try to do some walking. I was a little surprised at the walking part because just a trip to Wal-mart is enough walking to make me exhausted.

    I gained over 60 pounds with my twins and lost all but 4 pounds just delivering them. Don't worry about weight, be happy when you can still fit food in your stomach!!!!
  8. jentwinmom

    jentwinmom Well-Known Member

    Just got a call from my Dr. office that I failed the 1 hr. GD test - I guess that could be part of my problem.
  9. navywife2bmom

    navywife2bmom Well-Known Member

    im um... 23 weeks and have gained... 28lbs... but my nurses and docs say that is just perfect. They said with multiples they dont get on people about weight, that its good that mommies gain alot of weight, that our bodies will tell us when to stop
  10. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(navywife2bmom @ Sep 14 2007, 11:00 AM) [snapback]407695[/snapback]
    im um... 23 weeks and have gained... 28lbs... but my nurses and docs say that is just perfect. They said with multiples they dont get on people about weight, that its good that mommies gain alot of weight, that our bodies will tell us when to stop

    I wish my OB thought like that. It upset me so much to be told I was gaining too much. I haven't been worrying about it anymore though, I passed all my tests and am still on unrestricted activity at 31 weeks. I'm not about to start dieting since obviously for my body and my babies this is working.
  11. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Jentwinmom @ Sep 14 2007, 03:38 PM) [snapback]407661[/snapback]
    Just got a call from my Dr. office that I failed the 1 hr. GD test - I guess that could be part of my problem.

    Lots of women fail the one hour and pass the 3 hour GD don't automatically assume you have GD... hopefully you'll pass the three hour test without a problem!!

    If it's any consolation the last 6 weeks of my twin pg I didn't gain a thing... too much heartburn to eat too much I guess... so it can slow down even while the babies are picking up weight...just kind of transfers from your fat to theirs! LOL!

    I'm hoping I have a slow down this pg too... I gained nothing until around week 17 and then from week 17 until week 29 I gained 19 lbs.... 19lbs in just 12 weeks!! yikes... I gained four of those pounds between week 27 and week 29... that's 2lbs a week... if I go at that rate until the end of this pg I'll be at 41lbs total...that's 10 lbs more than I gained with my twins!!! I'm hoping that doesn't happen, even only gaining 31lbs with the twins I had a difficult time getting back to normal...took like 2 years. So I think every body metabolism is different with pg and nursing..some women here gain tons and then lose it really fast while nursing or just pp. And some women don't gain much during pg but then their body just won't let it go in spite of nursing and the effect of time....
  12. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I gained 65 lbs. in the 34 weeks I was pregnant, so according to my stats, you are doing GREAt!!!! It's nothing for me to put on weight when I'm pregnant, it's kind of annoying. So, my OB didn't really say too much to me. I told her ahead of time that I had just lost 100 lbs prior to getting pregnant wit hthe twins and was at my "goal" weight. So, to go from dieting for almost a year to being pregnant with twins...ANYTHING I ate that wasn't remotely healthy, I swear I gained 3 lbs. from any! So, ti was EASY for me to put the wegith back on. Plus, I had no nausea or m/s with the twins, so I gained from day one...I was SO hungry with the twins. Hasn't been that way this time around.

    Goodluck, I think you are doing just fine! My dr. tells me more fruits and veggies too...however, i have a sever aversion to veggies while pregnant and fruit is "ok" sometimes.
  13. fluffhead

    fluffhead Well-Known Member

    I have no clue how much weight I have gained, but I'm sure it's a lot! I have not looked at the scale at all since about 10 weeks pregnant! It would just be too distressing to see those numbers creeping up and up. Just like the pp, I was very overweight in the past and lost about 100 pounds through diet and exercise. Priot to getting pregnant, I was always pretty vigilant about what I ate and worked out constantly. Now I feel like I'm just packing on the pounds again! But, my peri has not said anything about my weight and my pregnancy has been as uneventful as they come and the babies are growing well... I am looking forward to getting back into shape and hoping BF will help.....
  14. belinda07

    belinda07 Well-Known Member

    I am 30 weeks and I have gained 35.5lbs. Everyone says I am all belly - but I know I'm not - I can feel the extra weight everywhere. lol. I had lots of nausea in the beginning and the only thing that would help was food - so I was gaining from day 1. I have read that anywhere between 35-45lb weight gain is normal in a twin pregnancy, so I am not too worried. Also, like everyone has said, the bigger you get the harder it is to eat as much, it may even out in the end.
  15. DGehring

    DGehring Member

    Me....30 weeks, and 58 lbs! Some of you made me feel much much better about my weight gain. Some others, well lucky you! I really can't wait to start working out again, so if anything, this gain is very inspiring. ha ha!
  16. kris833

    kris833 Member

    I am almost 23 weeks right now and have gone from 120 pre-pregnancy to 159 this morning. That is almost 40lbs! I had my first son at 24 weeks and had only gained 11lbs. With these twins I had already gained 11lbs by 9 weeks! But I read a book written by doctors who run a multiples clinic and they stressed that gaining healthy wait (not all ice cream and cookies but good protein) in a twin pregnancy was crucial to having healthy babies esppecially if they were born early. They said 25lbs by 20 weeks which I've also read online that some other mothers reccomend. So I feel a little better about the weight gain even though it's crazy to watch. Honestly I don't know how I wouldn't gain that weight since from the beginning I've had to eat every three hours. I wouldn't worry about the weight gian as long as you are eating healthy. :)
  17. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    Well I gained 80+ lbs in the 35w6d I was pregnant and I gained almost 20 of that in about 2 to 2.5 weeks...fluid! :)
  18. erinmichelleb

    erinmichelleb Well-Known Member

    I've gained 30, too! Don't feel bad. It just happens. Each woman's body responds to pregnancy differently. You're completely normal!
  19. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    I stopped looking when I topped 200. Very depressing. I started at 145 or so (heavier that I would have liked but oh well). But, by my follow up apt after the boys were born, I have lost almost 50lbs. Also, towards the end I could not only hardly eat anything, I was wishing for any sort of craving and SOOOOOO tired of food and eating! Also, how are they looking in the ultrasounds? My guys arrived at 8 lbs 2 and 5 ;bs 14. I had a bit of baby in there.

    Good luck. Try to have fun. It really is amazing what a small part of your/their life this period is.
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