gaining too much weight?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by paperclippy, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. paperclippy

    paperclippy Well-Known Member

    After reading the thread about worries about not gaining enough weight and lots of success stories of people who didn't gain much but had healthy twins, I'm feeling like I need some success stories of people who gained a whole lot of weight. :) I'm at 27 weeks and I've gained 42lbs so far (pre-pregnancy was at a normal weight). My doctor had told me to gain 40lbs or more so the docs seem okay with it, but I admit I'm starting to worry about gaining too much since I've already hit the 40lbs and I know babies are putting on a lot of weight quickly now.
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I gained a ton of weight with my twins. From 8 - 12 weeks alone I put on 12 lbs. I was starving all the time! The OB told me to slow down with the gain, but I couldn't. And you know what? I was walking around right up until 36 weeks 5 days when my water broke. I delivered two 6 lb babies. And it took me a long time, but I lost all of the weight, plus more. I'm 5'8 and now I weigh 137 lbs. I think I got up to 225 or higher when pregnant...
  3. georgiamommy

    georgiamommy Member

    As long as the doctors are telling you that the babies are healthy, I wouldn't stress over it. :)
  4. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    Dont stress ... My doc had told me to gain a certain amount of weight, halfway through my pregnancy I was VERY close to that number, I talked to him about it, he told me that id just be waving at that number on the scale as I flew by it, and that I did! :lol: I gained 82 lbs with the twins, they were healthy weights, no NICU time, I had no issues with gestational diabetes (which when I passed that test I told my doc that was good bc the twins liked carrot cake, banana pudding, key lime pie, and what a burger chocolate milk shakes WAY too much for me to give them up!!! Lol!!!!). They're almost 8 months old (they were born at 37 weeks planned c/s) and I've lost 60 lbs already.
  5. Krystine

    Krystine Well-Known Member

    I'm 19 weeks and have gained over 30 lbs. I gained 30 lbs with my daughter, total but almost all of it was by 30 weeks. I think it's fairly common to not gain much in the last tri, although I know women who gain a lot then. From what I've read it's better to gain it early than at the end and then it's easier to lose. I didn't have a problem losing all my weight by 4.5 mos with my daughter and I am going to work hard to lose it after these babies come. But I am trying to be more careful with cutting out sugar, especially since I keep getting yeast infections and my doctor did say I could slow down the weight gain and cut out too many carbs.
  6. bayoubaloo

    bayoubaloo Active Member

    I think it's better for the babies to gain too much rather than too little -- and I think over a pound a week is the bare minimum that would be good to gain, if one could in a twin pregnancy. The only caveat I would give you on so-called too much weight gain (and I doubt you've gained too much! ) would be if you had a sudden unexplainable massive weight gain and got overly big too early. For example if you're only 20 weeks and suddenly measuring close to 40 weeks, that could be a sign of a serious problem like TTTS or I'm not sure what. But it could mean a lot of extra fluid in you that isn't supposed to be happening. I've gained 30 pounds and am almost 35 weeks ... but my babies are not as big as they should be. Very low percentile, and would have been in danger if I had delivered early -- thank God, I am getting really close now to the end and they should be developed enough. I wanted to gain more, just had aversion issues, massive reflux, the flu, and now no room. Don't let those weights on the responses to the other post about not gaining enough scare you. Our bodies are all different.
  7. Kessedi

    Kessedi Well-Known Member

    You know, I really like to take care of my health and always prefer healthy eating. I recently discovered a new product in the form of a natural cannabis distillate, which I add to various salads and it helps me effectively deal with stress. I didn't really like the taste of the pure distillate, but in cooking this product gives an excellent effect.
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