Gaining several pounds in a week

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by TrishaLinn, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. TrishaLinn

    TrishaLinn Well-Known Member

    Up until last week I had only gained 6 pounds total. Well, in the last week I've put 6 more on... in ONE week! I'm 22 weeks. Is this normal? I don't seem to be retaining a lot of water. The weight just seemed to appear overnight. It seems really bizzare to me because I"m not eating any differently.
  2. redhead1_8

    redhead1_8 Member

    I think everyone is different on when they start putting on the weight faster...up until 2 days ago getting hit hard witht the flu i had gained 12 pounds, but i had gained alot in the first half of my first pregnancy, carrying only one. in the end i only put on 25 pounds, but i bet i gained closed to 10 pounds by 20wks and i was only carrying one last time. i also fee that, as the doctors and books tell me, we will be gaining anywhere from 35-50 pounds when carrying twins. so if you only gained 12 and you are already half way, you are probably doing just fine. the babies just took a strong growth spurt for you :0) some weeks i gain a 1/2 a pound and the next i gain a full 2. so i'm sure each of us and our bodies take on the wait differently.
  3. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I think around my 5th month it was, I gained 13lbs!!! In one month! I was like OMG. I had only gained about 3lbs total before that. My weight then slowed again, and I only gained 20lbs total. Everyone is different and will gain differently depending on how the babies are growing. I woudlnt worry.
  4. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I wouldn't worry, either. Your weight gain hasn't been excessive up to this point, so I'd second a growth spurt. ;)
  5. TrishaLinn

    TrishaLinn Well-Known Member

    Watching the scale jump that much all at once is a bit alarming. But I'll try not to worry too much about it!! Thanks for your reassurances ladies :)
  6. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry about it either. I gained 11 lbs between my monthly appts (two of them) and the nurse assured me that I was having twins.. I was allowed. You say you aren't eating any different. Don't worry about it! :)
  7. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    I am with the others and say not to worry. I gained 7lbs at 8 weeks and would sometimes gain 12lbs in less than two weeks. I thought for sure I was going to gain 100lbs but I didn't. I was all belly and gain 50-55lbs.
  8. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I wouldn't worry either. I really believe everyone gains weight differently when pregnant and your body knows how much it needs to gain.
  9. ~Christine~

    ~Christine~ Well-Known Member

    I had the same thing happen to me last week! At 18weeks, I had put on 8lbs, and when I went in, I had put on 9lbs in 2 weeks! I was shocked (and a bit upset!) but my doctor wasn't concerned at all, and she said it is actually pretty common about halfway through to see a spike in weight gain due to growth spurts. Either way, I changed my diet a bit just to be safe, because I was going a bit overboard with my cravings of twizzler pull and peels lol :)
  10. TrishaLinn

    TrishaLinn Well-Known Member

    Weight gain is always a bit disconcerting to me considering I spend so much energy trying to lose weight and keep weight off when I'm not pregnant. With my two singleton pregnancies I only gained 15 and 17 pounds. I am quickly approaching that number this pregnancy, albeit a twin pregnancy. I just have to keep reminding myself that the weight gain is alright since I have two little babies inside of me this time! Gosh it's hard to see those quick spikes on the scale though!
  11. ~Christine~

    ~Christine~ Well-Known Member

    I can definitely understand; the summer of 09, I lost almost 50lbs, and was down to size 10s and working out all the time! It is very scary to see my weight creeping back up,but the comfort I have is knowing I will have 2 healthy i can still fit into my 10s, just not around the waist :p (also another motivation to breastfeed - I read it burns off 500 calories a day with a singleton, guessing it nearly doubles for twins!) :)
  12. TrishaLinn

    TrishaLinn Well-Known Member

    I wish I could be hopeful that the nursing would help take off the weight, but I'm not. After nursing my first two and gaining 25 pounds during the year that I exclusively breastfed them, I have no hope that it will be different this time around. My body just seems to like to store as much weight as it can while nursing no matter what diet I try. I had just lost my 15 pounds I gained while pregnant with DS2 and the 25 pound I gained while nursing DS2 before getting pregnant this time. It's kinda a bummer to have literally gotten back to my pre-pregnancy weight just 3 months before getting pregnant again, but there are worse things in life!

    The weight gain must not be that big of a deal. The doctor didn't say a word about it. Actually, the doctor hasn't said a word about my weight at any appointment once I finally started gaining weight and stopped losing. They must not be worried about it in the least!
  13. redhead1_8

    redhead1_8 Member

    its amazing how all of us gain it so differently. i know i tried not to sound like a worry wart on my previous post, but i overworry myself (i know not good) but it is reassuring that others are on the same boat. i am a very petite woman...with a great metablosim. i seriously did nothing but exclusivly nurse my first son and the weight was gone plus some in about 10wks or so. i have to say that i am still wondering how each of us will rack up the lbs with twins. 50lbs sounds so overwehlming for me, but i know just take it all in with a grain of salt and appreciate to heathly babies inside, rigth?
  14. JennBurgessFit

    JennBurgessFit New Member

    I wasn't gaining weight at all in the first trimester (maybe 2 pounds). But by 16 weeks I had gained 10, and I have now gained 6 more in the last four weeks. It's definitely coming on quicker, but my doctor says I'm right on track. So I wouldn't worry. If you're eating the same, it's just your body doing its thing! :)
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