Gah! Now neither are eating

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by MrsWright, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This a.m. Jack only drank 3oz and J.T only drank 4! They are driving me bonkers!!! Jack usually does better throughout the day drinking 7-8oz a bottle but J.T is increasingly frustrating to feed! He chews on the nipple, talks with it in his mouth, squirms...anything but drinks! The nipple isn't too slow for him (they are on medium) bc when he does drink he makes a mess and drinks well for the most part. He just doesn't seem to want any!! My sister told me that 4-8wks after they get the bottom 2 teeth they ("almost always") get the top 4 so that may be the culprit but I just have to say they are annoying the heck out of me!! I don't know what else to do...they really love solids and even when I cut back on them they still aren't drinking nearly enough, well J.T. anyways.

    Also J.T. has been doing this weird movement with his right arm. He will like hit things....his chest, me, toys..ect. He can grasp things fine with that hand/arm but it seems like sometimes he is just flailing it around everywhere and making the little grasping motion with it. It almost seems like he can't control it sometimes. Is this a developmental thing or should I be concerned??

    Thank you girls for letting me vent..sometimes I think some people just don't get it!
  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    My Nate does the same thing with a bottle; he started it around 9 months when he began to teethe, but he's still very finicky. Most times we have to feed him via spoon because he'll just bite the nipple or blow raspberries. It may be teething for your boys as well. Hopefully it's just temporary. Give it a few days, and perhaps try some Motrin 10 minutes before feeding time. If he's loving solids and you're concerned he's not getting enough liquids, you could try mixing some rice cereal into the formula to make it very runny but "spoonable" and feed him that way. Any formula you get into their systems "counts", even if it's not from a bottle.

    Nate also does the flailing arm thing. DH says we need to give him a "rally towel". :lol: I think this is just his way of getting excited and exploring his environment and body.

    Good luck with the feeding issues. I notice that lots of people have these problems at some point with their LO's, and usually it's temporary. Keep offering bottles, spoon feed if necessary, and try not to worry! (Yeah, right, I'm one to talk! ;) )
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Babies love to flail stuff around but if it seems like he can't control it you might want to contact your pedi.

    :hug: I hope they are both eating for you soon!
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I vote for teeth as far as the eating goes. Hopefully, it will correct itself quickly & they will be back to eating for you. :hug:

    As for the flailing arm, babies do that sometimes but if it worries you at all, it never hurts to ask the ped next time you are in there.
  5. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry feeds are tough!! Amber is the same at the moment and i'm 100% sure it is those pesky teeth that are too blame. We are using Nate and Jacks Mom's suggestion and are spoon feeding her formula mixed with cereal if she flat out refuses the bottle, my mind is alot more at rest knowing that she is getting her milk one way or another.

    Not sure on the arm issue but just wanted to share that my Ruby does the same thing and it does seem like she has less control over it the more excited she gets. We have her at the drs next week for a different reason but i will be asking about this also. Hopefully it is just that she is giddy but i have had the same worries.

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    Oh my gosh - we are in the SAME boat! :) One of my babies has been doing the exact same thing - and she is just about to get her bottom teeth. Actually, they both have days where they hardly eat a thing, and then after a few days they eat regularly again. I asked the pedi about it, and she said as long as they are having at least two soaking wet diapers a day, they are fine. If it goes longer than a few days, I'd look into it, but that's the minimum of wet diapers to look for.

    About the arm thing - it's weird, isn't it? Only one of my girls does it, but it's when she's excited or tired. Sort of like a reflex more than intentional. I'm sure it is some sort of developmental thing now that I know other babies her age do it (they are 6 months and a week)...

    Just try to get what you can into them, make sure they have wet diapers, and hang in there! I hope those teeth come in soon! :)
  7. Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem Ipsum Well-Known Member

    We’ve been dealing with the same thing on and off since the teething started. Sometimes the problem turns out to be that someone has chewed a hole in the nipple and they don’t like how fast the milk comes out.
  8. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Such stinker babies we have huh!?!?! ;) I now firmly believe its teeth...his top gums are super puffy today and he refused the bottle to the point that the daycare had to call DH who told them to soupy spoon feed it to him. We did oragel tonight and that seemed to help so between Tylenol and numb-gel lets hope these top teeth bust through soon! He also has a small spot on the bottom to his bottom left tooth so he might just wake up with a mouth full of teeth! Geez...I think like the Peds office said, "Sounds like the kid just wants a piece of steak!" LOL! As for the arm flailing...he did it front of my sister yesterday and she laughed and said my nephew does the same thing to his head so it must be sure does look weird though!:)
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