Gabe took his first martial arts class today

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MLH, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    and he loved it! He really burned off some energy and had a lot of fun. The instructor was great and said that Gabe did a great job. I'm hoping that this will help with some of our behavior problems and give him a way to get out some of his agression and help with his self-discipline at home as well. I know this is the 2-4 forum, but has anyone else's kids taken martical arts? If so, did you see any positive changes at home as well? They are letting him try the class out for another week and if he likes it again, we'll sign him up for the next 8 week session.
  2. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    AWESOME! Glad he liked it. My nephew is in Karate. I think it is a real good thing as far as teaching discipline, self control and respect. I can't wait until my 2 are old enough for it.
  3. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I'm on the other end of it - I teach aikido to kids (ages 5-12), and it's a blast. Martial arts classes are great exercise, and are good for teaching concentration, cooperation, and etiquette (NOBODY gets on my tatami without bowing first! :girl_devil: ).

    That said, I think it's only really effective that way if it's something the kid enjoys. Otherwise, it's just a forced march. But this stuff really is a lot of fun, and good instructors can make it engaging for kids.

    Also, I have to admit that when a parent comes in and asks about classes "because little Cameron really needs some more discipline" (or something along those lines), I inwardly :headbang: and think, "Well, if s/he's not getting it at home, there ain't much I can do for you." Of course, outwardly I smile and chat and invite them to watch a class.

    Not saying that's how you're coming at it, though! I think it's a great supplement to good discipline at home, which of course you're doing. I hope Gabe has a great time with it!
  4. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    He had a blast! The instructor was really engaging and made it so much fun. He had them laughing and us laughing at them too. There was another boy that was new today as well. He has been expressing interest in taking "karate" (everything's Karate in a kid's mind I think) for awhile. I was waiting until he turned 4 and finally found a place that had classes on the days that I have off. It so happened to be the same art that DH studied so he got really excited. The instructor did ask why we wanted him to take it or why he wanted to take it. I told him that it looks like fun to him, we'd like him to have so more activity/fitness as we like all our kids to take one fitness "class", that DH studied it back in the day and then I told him that we're also hoping that some of his overall behavior would benefit from it as well. He talked a lot about how we'll probably see a lot of changes at home with more respect, etiquette, attention, etc. To us, it's more of a fun, fitness thing for him but I have to admit I will be happy if we have some of the other benefits of improved behavior as well.
  5. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    That is awesome Melissa!!! I had thought about putting the girls in dance, but a friend of mine suggested Karate and I am seriously considering it. :Clap:
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