funny of the day

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fuchsiagroan, Jun 19, 2010.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I was chatting with DH and said something about "my opinion." Ivy looked at me very seriously and said, "Sweetie, you don't have a penis." :rofl:

    What have your kids done to crack you up today? :D
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    OMG!!!! I love her!!! :rotflmbo:

    I have a couple of funnies from today. We went to my cousin's bridal shower. I sent the girls up when she was opening our gift since I had the girls make her a homemade card yesterday. After she opened it and they were pointing out who did what, Emma says "and mommy yelled at me". :blush: Oh crap. I sure did. Bad mommy award went to me yesterday for totally losing my patience with her. The crowd roared, and I wanted to hide.

    Then I was in the bathroom with Lauren a little while later and all the stalls were filled. Lots of people were peeing at once so Lauren says (nice and loud of course) "who's taking a shower" with that "why would they be doing that" voice. Luckily, the women peeing laughed!! :escape:
  3. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    Holly - I'm not sure whats funnier, the fact that she mistook opinion for penis or that she called you sweetie! LOL

    The other night Abby told me that only she and I had heineys - I said what do you which she answered "well daddy has a big winky and Ian has a little winky and you and me have heinies"....

    needless to say Tony has started locking the bathroom door :rofl:
  4. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    The other day, Gabe asked me to read what it said on the bottom of his Spider Man ball. I told him it said "Marvel, 2009" and he said "That's must be because Spider Man is marvelous".

    A couple weeks ago, Abby decided to help me weed the garden. I was putting all the weeds in one of those brown recycle lawn bags. As I was in the garage getting something I hear "Mom, where's your weed bag?".

    At the zoo last week, Isabel noticed 2 scarlet McCaws being "friendly". She said "they must be making a deal".

    I actually started a blog recently just so I can keep track of the hilarious things these kids say.
  5. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    You know you've been calling your toddlers "babies" too long when this is now what they say when they are trying to round up their brothers:

    Sullivan says to Lennon and Finley: "C'mon Babies - let's go!!!"

    And obviously they hear this from me (A LOT during the school year) because they have both started saying: "Come on, HURRY, we're late!!!" :laughing:
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :laughing: I love all these!!!

    We took the girls to a wedding last night and Ana was the first on the dance floor all by herself doing ballet.When the music stopped turned to all the tables and took a bow! And then she grabbed her 4 year old cousin for a slow dance. They were both beaming with smiles as they danced hugging to U2s "All I want is you." OMG it was cute.

    Oh and then there were fireworks (for a Strawberry festival down the road, but it was perfect timing because the guitarist took a break), and we were all out on the deck watching. Meara said it a booming voice "This is the BEST wedding EVER!" (Sweetie, this is the only wedding you've been to).

    One more from last night- I guess we stayed too long (it was a late night) because at one point Meara said to DH "I'm so tired. Tell mommy I want to go home now!"
  7. KimberlyF

    KimberlyF Well-Known Member

    Natalie was playing her guitar and singing for her uncle who gave her the guitar:

    "Mommy told me not to
    and I started crying!"
  8. Brizzy_Twins

    Brizzy_Twins Well-Known Member

    These are so cute :)
  9. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member


    That reminded me of when Dawson(now11)was 4. We were in the grocery store on a crowded aisle when all in a sudden out of the clear blue he shouts "hey daddy!!! did ya know, girls have vaginas" :woah: :laughing:
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