Fun and Educational activities

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Chrishelle, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. Chrishelle

    Chrishelle Well-Known Member

    My boys are 15 months old and I am trying to get creative with some fun activities for them. With Fall and winter just around the corner it's going to be even more important to know some fun things to do with them. I've tried doing crafty stuff or coloring and everything goes in their mouths so that hasn't worked very well for me but if you know of anything I could try please let me know.

    We do go on walks and play out back and stuff but I feel like we do the same things all the time and it's getting old and they are even getting bored. What are some things you did/do with your kids at this age?

    I've also wanted to take them to some of the play areas around here but everything seems so advanced and I am worried that they are too little to climb around and stuff without getting hurt either by falling off something or by a bigger kid not being careful. I'm sure I'm being silly but I worry. Has anyone tried the Gymboree Play and music centers? If so how did it work exactly.

    I am a SAHM and I think it's time I get the boys around other kids too.

    Any ideas would be really great!!! Thank you!!! :)
  2. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I did music together and my gym when my girls where that age. I loved My Gym since the center that I went to included a free open play each week. I also took them to story time at Barnes and noble. At 15 months old, I mostly kept them in the stroller with snacks. You need to update your ticker so we can see how old your kids are.

    Also check your local library, some library have amazing kids programs . The fall after my girls turned 2, we had something everyday that I did not pay for.

    What about going to a local zoo? Make playdates at mall play areas at off times
  3. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    OUr library has 2 story designed for younger kids where they do a lot of songs, movement and fingerplays. THen one for older preschool age where they sit a lit longer.

    For my 15 months old playgroups were wonderful.

  4. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Our library has a wonderful story time program. My boys have been going since they were infants (tagging along with siblings...but doing great and loving it). Also try the mall play areas. And maybe join a mom's group of some kind (the papers here all advertise them).
  5. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    i'm not sure if you're asking about out-of-the-house/take-them-places activities, or things you can do at home to change things up a bit. in case of the latter, i would suggest

    blowing bubbles
    taking out colorful plastic containers & lids (tupperware) from your kitchen (stack them, nest them, sort them, make drums)
    making a "fort" from a blanket and 2 chairs and reading books or having a snack under it (mine LOVE this, they think it's cool to sit under the "roof")
    drag them around the house on a blanket (magic carpet)
    put all the pillows from the couch(es) on the floor and let them climb over them and walk on them (you hold their hands)
    find all the hats you can and try them on, also use things that aren't hats such as tupperware, colanders, etc doing this in front of a mirror will make it more fun
    find a big cardboard box, and put in the middle of the room

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