Full Body RASH - no other symtoms

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by WENDERELLA, Jun 4, 2007.


    WENDERELLA Well-Known Member

    Both boys have developed a full body, flat red rash all over the body. It started on their face and has spread.............I called the pedi and the nurse said since there are no other symtoms and it really doesn't seem to bother them, not to bring them in unless I really wanted to.

    I trust our pedi office, but just find it odd..........james is getting 3 teeth, and I was thinkng this rash could possibly be from that. We haven't started any new foods either, so I doubt it's a food allergy, but maybe other allergies? (DH & I have MASSIVE sinus migraines today).................just wondering if anyone else's babies have had something similar.

    btw, Stuart has always had sensitive skin and has ezcema, but this is completly different. TIA!
  2. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    did they have a fever, even low grade recently?
  3. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Have they been outside a lot today? Could it be a heat rash? If there are no other symptoms and it doesn't seem to be bothering them, I would probably take a watch and wait approach myself.

    WENDERELLA Well-Known Member

    James had fever Saturday, but we pretty much attributed that to teething.......but Stuart hasn't had a fever at all.
  5. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    a fever precedes a rash w/ roseola. . . could it be that?
    Heat rash is also a good point.
  6. Lougood

    Lougood Well-Known Member

    Happened to Ashlyn a couple weeks before their bday. Just broke out in a rash for no reason. We took her to the pedi and he said it was just hives. :unknw: Went away in a little under a week. Still no idea why she got it but for a while it got worse when she would get upset. Hope it clears up soon!
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    One of mine got sent home from daycare today with a rash and fever. Different situation from yours, but I've been reading Dr. Sears on what to do about fevers & rashes, and he says the same thing as your ped. They can get rashes for so many reasons, it isn't worth worrying about unless it fits certain descriptions (like chicken pox or hand-foot-mouth), or has other symptoms, or is really bothering them. Usually it's just a random virus.
  8. twindependent

    twindependent Well-Known Member

    We just had a full body rash and took Conrad to urgent care- it was Fifth Disease, and Nolan got it shortly after, and my husband got it, and my niece got it... :eek:

    It was basically a red, not too rough rash alllll over, with the cheeks (both kinds!) looking particularly bad!

    Good luck and hang in there!
  9. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    Regan recently had a low grade fever and red rash (spots only, no bumps) over her entire body, but it was a reaction to the measles portion of her first MRR vaccine. The spots went away after 3-4 days and she seemed fine.
  10. LisaJB

    LisaJB Well-Known Member

    DD developed a full body rash several months ago and the conclusion reached is that it was viral. According to the pedi it's common for the final phase of a viral infection to be a rash -- that the appearance of the rash generally means it'll last a couple of days and the virus is on its last legs. I was told that a rash, or at least a rash of that kind, is not caused by teething (and my pedi is pretty good about teething, meaning, while so many pedis will tell you teething cannot cause even a low grade fever my pedi is absolutely on board with the whole low-grade fever from teething thing, etc.). We considered food reactions (not the case with DD). If memory serves, DD's rash started on the face too; during a diaper change later in the day we noted that it was all over her back and abdomen, and by the time we got to the doctor's office it was on her arms and legs, etc.

    While the pedi felt pretty confident that it was the tail end of an otherwise harmless viral infection, she did do a test for strep to be safe. Also, by examining the rash and other symptoms (or lack thereof) she was able to rule out Scarlet Fever, but she did have to see the rash first to do that.

    If your kids have had any kind of fever, coughing, or anything else questionable recently I would take them in to be checked, so the doctor can see the rash and, if she feels it's necessary, run any kind of tests to rule out anything. With my kids I'm convinced I wouldn't necessarily know of a low-grade fever, so if they were just at all out of sorts, lethargic, etc. lately I would probably take them in. Although if the rash wasn't causing them discomfort I would probably wait a day to see what it looks like tomorrow.

    WENDERELLA Well-Known Member

    thanks for all the advice and words...............it has been comforting to read! Their rash seems to be getting a little better and still not bothering them, so we're holding off going to the DR................thanks again!
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