Frustrated with Dr. Brown's nipples

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Ava&Emma's mom, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. Ava&Emma's mom

    Ava&Emma's mom Well-Known Member

    I have been using these bottles for almost 8 months and I'm fed up with the nipples. We use the Y cut nipple b/c we add cereal to bottle for reflux. The nipples will start to rip after about a month of use and the hole gets huge so we have to replace them. But when we replace them it seems that the whole is so small and they have to work so hard that they can barely get anything out! I've tried reducing/eliminating the cereal but they just spit everything up! Any suggestions?
    Thanks alot!
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    [​IMG]s! Putting cereal in bottles is a gigantic pain! I reduced the amount of cereal and went down to the size 3 DB's. It worked much better, and we still had less spit-up. Hang in there, I know how you feel. [​IMG]
  3. mama mouse

    mama mouse Member

    My daughter has reflux and she has been on Enfamil AR formula since 6 weeks old. The AR formula has added rice starch in it.
    It is definitely thicker than regular formula and we have never had a problem with it in bottles. We use the playtex angled ventair bottles with the Y cut nipples.
    I don't know if this could help or if you would even want to change at this point. Just an FYI. [​IMG]
  4. Trillian

    Trillian Well-Known Member

    the same thing happened to us with the playtex y cut nipples. I think they get used to the hole being bigger on the old nipples and then forget that they have to suck harder. DH got so frustrated with it that he cut the nipple so it was like the one I threw away [​IMG]
  5. delby23

    delby23 Well-Known Member

    We started adding one tsp cereal to one ounce forumla about a month ago. We experimented with nippes for a couple of those weeks. Avent wouldn't let the thickened formula through. We switched to Dr. Brown's Y-cut and they were WAY too fast for DDs. I then tried DB's leve 4...still too fast after a couple of uses. Now we use DB's level 3 nipples and they are working really well! I'm not sure how severe your babies reflux is, but if a little less thickening is possible maybe you can try the Level 3 or Level 4 Dr. Brown's?? Just an idea. I know that finding the right nipple was SO frustrating, but the thickened bottles are sure helping our DDs A LOT!
  6. i4get

    i4get Well-Known Member

    We had the same thing. Switched them to 3s and it's working well now. We also reduced the amount of cereal in their bottles since it didn't seem to help as much as the zantac.
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