From cribs to toddler beds - suggestions?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 1800IneedHelp, Dec 17, 2006.

  1. 1800IneedHelp

    1800IneedHelp Member

    My kiddos are 28 mos old & ready to make the transition from cribs to toddler beds. Can anyone tell us what to expect? Anything we need to plan for ahead of time? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

    Thanks so much!!!!

  2. 1800IneedHelp

    1800IneedHelp Member

    My kiddos are 28 mos old & ready to make the transition from cribs to toddler beds. Can anyone tell us what to expect? Anything we need to plan for ahead of time? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

    Thanks so much!!!!

  3. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I would make sure that any heavy furniture in the room is anchored to the wall and that all breakables or anything dangerous is well out of reach. I would also put safety latches on the drawers and a doorknob cover on the door/closet. Remove any toys, etc. that would entertain them instead of sleeping. HTH [​IMG] Good luck!
  4. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    My only advice is to wait until they're 15 to make the transition. [​IMG] I have no advice since we aren't at that stage yet -- I am dreading it! -- so all I can say is good luck and I hope the other posters give you some excellent advice!
  5. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    We went right from cribs to twin beds at 2 1/2. I didn't remove anything from their room, or lock the closet. Yes, we did have the boys pull out their clothes a few times, and pull down their books, but, after I finally realized I needed to make them pick it up--piece by piece, it didn't happen again. We did loose naps for about a month, but we did get them back by being consistant. Good luck, the transition is tough, but doable.
  6. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    My boys did great the first night and then had a rough nap the next day.

    I just kept putting them back in bed (I think for 45 mins) until they finally gave up. I wanted them to understand they had to stay in. I used the Super Nanny method of saying Goodnight a couple of time and then no eye contact or conversation, just back in bed. This was a lot of work but it did pay off.

    I did darken the room completely the next day so they would take a nap and that worked great.

    Good luck! Hope your transition is as smooth as mine was. The boys were the same age as yours.
  7. ~*Twinmom22*~

    ~*Twinmom22*~ Well-Known Member

    I still don't know when I want to make the transition. Victoria and Alissa are 28 months and I don't know if we are quite ready. We had to stay over his mom's for a while when his step dad passed earlier this month, and I put the girls on the lower bunk of a set of bunk beds and that night they both fell off eventually. Thank GOD we were both in the same room on the floor.

    I just don't know if they are ready? I don't even know if we are ready?
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