Frequent fit-throwing

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JoyX2, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. JoyX2

    JoyX2 Well-Known Member

    I think the terrible 2's have hit us like a ton of bricks. One day I had sweet, evn-tempered, easy-going children. The next, I had kicking, wailing, rolling-in-the-floor monsters! How do (or did) you handle fits at this age? What I'm doing is obviously not working or stopping them. I've tried totally ignoring them, I've tried time outs, I've tried putting them to bed until it passes. That's the thing. They take forever to pass. Connor threw a fit the other day that lasted an hour and a half! My nerves are running thin these days. Can I run away for a couple of years? jk LOL

  2. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same boat. Jessy bit me this morning because she was throwing a fit because my shoes she was tryign to wear was not doing what she wanted it to. I'm going insane!
  3. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Same boat ehre aswell....

    Dylan throws things, hits things, rolls on the floor, kicks, throw his head back and today he started biting himself.

    We were actually at the Dr officve when he started biting himslef today b/c I put him in his stroller to wait for the dr to come in.

    I told her about it and she said cont, to ignore him. As long as es not putting himslef in danger. hes not going to bang his head hard enough or bite himself hard enough to hurt himself.

    she said hes just in a stressful situatuon and hes not sure how to deal with all his emotions yet. We have gone from 45 min tantrums to less then 5 but just ingonoring him...

    Shes said Im doing everyhting right.... I was happy to hear that but still not happy to see my baby so angry..

    good luck!
  4. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I'm still on that boat, and man has it been a tough ride! I do hope it gets better soon.

    Sending you :hug99: because I know you will need them.
  5. boogerkw

    boogerkw Well-Known Member

    I'm right with you guys too. Riley has gotten so bad she will throw herself on the floor and kick her feet and scream - For NO reason at all.
  6. JoyX2

    JoyX2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the reassurance. Last night we almost made it tantrum-free until...I put sippy cups on the table at dinner and waited just a couple seconds too long to put the food on the table. Our whole nice,quiet family dinnertime was ruined all b/c of my being too slow. Sheesh.


  7. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned


    im not sure i handled it right..

    i put him in the stroller and walked around with a big SMILE :rolleyes: ON MY FACE..

    said hes three.. and people just smiled back at me..

    my kids are even tempred.. pretty good..

    i made him look at me.. told him THIS WASNT ACCEPTABLE IN PUBLIC AND WE WERE LEAVING..



    as for at home..
    i put him in his room and that upsets him worse..

    if i take time out and sit in his room with him.. he gets the attention he wants ( negative) but then the tantrum dosnt get worse..

    who knows if what i do is right..
    one day at a time:)

  8. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    It's tough but just continue to ignore him and it should get better. When he has a tantrum do you remove him from the room so he is alone to ride out the rest of the tantrum? I would, as long as he is getting no reaction from you and has no audience to watch him he should start to calm down fairly quickly. When he calms down he can return to doing whatever he was doing before (like dinner).

    Hang in there Jamie! :hug99:
  9. rachel123

    rachel123 Well-Known Member

    Im having the same problem DD will just yell NO I cant hadle it anymore I just want to start screaming
    I have tried the naughty spot but she thinks it is a joke she could be in it 20xs a day and it wouldnt stun her.
    SHe has been taking her diaper off and then wont go on the potty everything is just a big joke. :crazy:
  10. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    Thank goodness we are not alone. We are having "meltdowns" almost every evening recently and can't figure out why. The girls will be fine and then the next minute one or both is screaming and inconsolable. We can't figure out what is causing them to have tantrums. I know they can't communicate very well right now and it is frustrating for all of us. I just want to help them, but I can't help if I don't know what is wrong. We are having big issue around dinner time. One or both will start having a fit when it is time to get in their chair for dinner. I guess we will try waiting for them to tell us when they are hungry and go from there. I don't know how much more crying/screaming I can take in the is so stressful!
  11. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I have been ignoring them if we are at home and that usually works pretty quick. If we are out and about I seperate her from everybody else and walk her till she cools down.
  12. Holly Wiebe

    Holly Wiebe Well-Known Member

    Thank you for posting this! I am so frustrated right now. Luckily my boys will throw fits at different times/things. We just got back from their eye appointment. When the nurse comes in and asked how things are going, I told her they are 2. She looks at me and in a condescending tone says, "But YOU impose the rules, don't you!". I wanted to slap her. Maybe I am just mad at myself because before I had kids I felt the same way.

    Whenever I escape by myself and go shopping and see a Mom with kids acting up, I always smile and tell her that I have twin boys that are 2. That usually will cheer her up. We all need some slack every once in a while. If it were that easy to control a 2 year old, I'd do it - trust me.

  13. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(2_sweet_peas @ Aug 14 2007, 09:35 AM) [snapback]367863[/snapback]
    Thanks for the reassurance. Last night we almost made it tantrum-free until...I put sippy cups on the table at dinner and waited just a couple seconds too long to put the food on the table. Our whole nice,quiet family dinnertime was ruined all b/c of my being too slow. Sheesh.



    THis happens to me. They have become SO impatient at everything ESP waiting for food! They learned now it's "EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT!!!" All with urgent urgency.

    They are getting better though controlling the tantrums....It happens to me in the store sometimes, and I just pick him up and we take a break...walk into another room..etc.

    We once went to the mall and we passed the Disney Store. My one son is obsessed with the movie Cars, and saw the charachters in the window...I told him, No, we cant go in there...well, you would think the whole damn world came crashing down on top of him!!!! Ive never actually removed him from a store before, but this time, I had to totally take him from the mall. It was so rediculous...but, luckily...that was only once.

    I totally feel the pain. cracking down on your tolerance for that early helps. "Mommy doesnt appreciate what your doing and you need to stop...NOW" Dont be afraid to use that mom voice. Maybe Im harsh, but I rarely let them get away with crap like that!
  14. traceyru

    traceyru Well-Known Member

    AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! me to OMG !!!the boys bite each other pull hair, they have bitten me & they both seem to do it @ the same tiem they get each other going... and usually while i am making dinner...they throw themseves on the flor & bang there head & then cry because they hurt themselves...or they throw what ever they can reach...& mine aern't even 2 yet ...what will 2 be like if 20 months is like this .... :icon_eek: :umm: i'll be in a mental the time 3 rolls around... :blink:
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