FREAKING out during changing time

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by newtothis, Jun 26, 2010.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    i try and put my LOs on their changing table to be changed and the minute i walk in the room and even BEGIN to lay them down they FREAK OUT!!!!!!

    is this normal?
  2. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member's normal. Both my boys did that around a year. I would make up songs or give them something to play with as I changed them as fast as I could.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yup, totally normal. I did the same as Judy: made up songs and/or gave them books and toys that would distract them while I changed them.
  4. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Ditto pp's, it's a normal thing. They are just realising that there are a lot more fun things they could be doing than getting their diapers changed, and protesting accordingly! :lol:
    I do the same thing with just trying to distract them. I also try and get everything ready to go (pull a couple of wipes out of the pack, unfold the new diaper, get out and open up the plastic bag for the dirty diaper) before putting them on the changing mat, so that I don't have to keep them on there any longer than absolutely necessary.
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, totally normal. Just wait until they can tell you they pooped, and then run away screaming "noooo" when you tell them it's time to be changed. <_< One thing that really helps is to keep some stuff in your diaper changing area that they don't normally get to play with. I keep a set of keys, medicine droppers, and assorted bottles in the basket on their changing table. They can't reach this stuff when they're not getting changed (and I'm paranoid about letting them run around with keys) so getting to play with these things is a novelty and can keep them happy for several minutes. :good:
  6. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    Valerie had a great idea. I have also resorted to changing pee diapers while they are standing. It takes practice..but there is no whining.
  7. atinar

    atinar Well-Known Member

    Ditto with pps. I try to give them a toy or whatever make them distracted for a while. At times it's the colorful wet wipes package, others it's small cars which is their favorite toy, etc. Good luck.
  8. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I changed all diapers with them standing. It keeps them off balance, so they are busy maintaining their balance. Works very well.
  9. mama_dragon

    mama_dragon Well-Known Member

    I used to dread diaper changing time. Screaming, twisting, kicking. At about 14 months I started giving them more "control" over diaper changing time. I did it by accident one day. Asked one to get a diaper. He did. He then went and sat on his boppy. I changed him with his head on the boppy. NO FUSS. For the first time in many many months. I now have them both "trained" to go to their boppy for a diaper change. They get a diaper and go to their boppy. They will even go get their boppy from where I keep them stacked if it isn't out. They take the long way or need a reminder or two sometimes. I think it was a combination of factors. Not having to lay down on their back completely. And I gave them a task to "help" with. Now I have one who will when poopy will go over to the boppy sometimes, lay down and wait. He even holds his own legs the air to indicate he is ready.

    They still have their moments when I interupt them and they are not thrilled. I also try to change them on a schedule (unless they poop).
  10. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ditto everyone else. Mine love to play with the water bottle, or the lotion bottle, or i toss clothes onto their face to play peekaboo...anything that distracts them.
  11. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    ALL diapers? Or just the wet ones? I still don't know if I could change a wet diaper with them standing up, but a poopy diaper I would never even try! LOL
  12. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    Have a special toy only for diaper changes and they don't get it after it is over. If you are out somewhere a necklace or watch (washable preferably) would help. Flashlights can be a hit. A wipe can work at some ages. My last daughter was the WORST and sooooooo strong !!! She could and still does twist so her head is on the ground and her body is twisted. Not fun when they are poopy. I kept talking stern and eventually they will mature enough to know. a collection of toys might help for a child who is bored quickly with one toy. I did find that her one leg in particular was her strength and she'd use it to twist. If I grabbed that early on it prevented some. She is 14 and still gets away halfway through a diaper change... but at least she is wiped at that point. Man at the park the other day even my dh had a real struggle with her.....

  13. tpowers

    tpowers Well-Known Member

    One thing that I found with my DD was taht she hated the changing pad as she got bigger. I started changing on the floor and that helped for awhile.
  14. ilovemonkeys

    ilovemonkeys Well-Known Member

    We are getting rid of our changing table because they have climbed on it and had it fall on top of them. But, it is still a struggle to change them on the floor. So frustrating, especially when it's a poopy diaper.
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