Freaking out a bit about my shortening cervix

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kitkat72783, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. kitkat72783

    kitkat72783 Well-Known Member

    I went to the Peri today...alone..My hubby usually comes but everything has been so routine I told him he didn't have to take the day off. My bad!...So the babies are doing perfect A's 3lbs 5oz and B's 2lbs 15oz which is right on track and they both have great fluid. But I knew something was up when during the internal the tech kept talking about weather my son came early (Ihad told her in the begining he was late) and about contactions. So the peri came in and told me my cervix had shortened quit a bit since last month and now it was only about 2cm. He's going to start seeing me every two weeks now, so I'll now have weekly apt's rotating the OB and the Peri. He said I should just take it easy and keep my feet up as much as posible. How is that possible I sit at work all day (which he says I don't really need to stop yet since I sit all day) and I am in bed within an hour of being home...How much more can I take it easy? I probably should have asked him more questions but I was in shock and nervous and stupid me let my hubby stay home!..ugh... Does this mean I'll probly deliver early? The peri kept talking about contractions but I told him besides around easter when I was having alot of cramping for 24 hours I havent had any. I'm always uncomfortable and have some wierd pains like I cant breath but it feels more like the babies are in my lungs than a cramp, is it possible I'm contacting but not feeling it?
  2. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My cervix shortened at my 30 week ultrasound as well.. it went from 3.5 cm at 28 weeks to 2.3 cm at 30 weeks. The peri and my OB said that this was pretty typical, and they'd often seen women ride it out and deliver full term. I think the idea of putting your feet up is to cut out any unnecessary house work, lifting, etc just to not put any extra strain. Do you know if the doctor mentioned any funneling? My peri mentioned that there was no funneling indicating that dilation was happening, so that was reassuring as well.

    I also have the weird lung pain, and my OB assured me that it was likely due to positioning of the babies than anything else.. however, if you're having persistent pain like that, you should mention it as I think it can be a symptom of HELP and other things.. Now that you go to the dr every week (like I do ;) ) you'll have lots of time to ask! Just write everything down.
  3. kitkat72783

    kitkat72783 Well-Known Member

    What is HELP? I googled it and cant find anything=(
  4. Farrah

    Farrah Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(kitkat72783 @ Apr 22 2009, 06:51 PM) [snapback]1284569[/snapback]
    What is HELP? I googled it and cant find anything=(

    It's a condition pregnant women get and it is not very common but it is serious. It's actually HELLP Syndrome. Which stands for a laboratory diagnosis for severe pre-eclampsia...hemolysis (H0, elevated liver enzymes (EL), and low platelets (LP).

    Hope this helps!!
  5. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    :hug: I am sorry. I hope you are able to elevat your feet while at work too and drink lots of water etc. Hang in there!
  6. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Allow me to give you a glimmer of hope :)
    Heres me in a nutshell (this was my first pregnancy and I was on bedrest from weeks 29-34):

    29 weeks - cervix 1cm and funneling
    32 weeks- dilated 2cm and 80% effaced
    33 weeks - dilated 3cm and 90% effaced
    34 weeks- allowed off bedrest still 3cm & 90%

    37weeks- showed up for INDUCTION. dilated 5cm & 100% effaced. Still NOT in labor :)

    Anything is possible! My doctor only agreed to an induction of 37 weeks because she swore Id never make it (typically she doesnt induce to 38.5)
    Every womans body is different. Doctors dont have crystal balls they can only make judgement calls and suggestions based on worst case scenario. You always prepare for the worst but hope for the best.
    make sure you are taking it easy. drink your fluids, eat your protein and rest, rest, rest.
  7. kristykimmle

    kristykimmle Active Member

    Here is what is going on with me:

    At 25 weeks - cervix was opening and closing rhythmically on ultrasound...Dr. put me Procardia to stop contractions

    At 27 weeks - cervix measured 0.8 cm in length...put on at home bed rest using at home uterine monitor

    At 28 weeks - cervix showed major funneling and still at 0.8 cm in length...Dr. said if I didn't have at home monitor I would be on bed rest in hospital

    At 29 weeks - cervix showed funneling and still 0.8 cm in length, but dialated to 1 cm.

    At 30 weeks - cervix the same 0.8 and 1 cm...still funneling also given steroid shots to develop babies' lungs.

    This is where I am at today! 30 weeks and 3 days!
    Good luck to you!!! I wish my cervix was 2cm! :)
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