Freaked out about 1 ID twin having a HUGE head size....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by desolation_anonymous, May 11, 2010.

  1. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    Both of our ID twin boys have big heads, but I'm really freaked about twin Bs head circumference.... it is 96%! At the lost Dr. visit she said it wouldn't be concerning unless it is over 95%.... well, now it is.. but then yesterday she said it isn't concerning unless there are other 'not normal' signs too.

    What is freaking me out is his identical twin is at the 79%.. there is a WHOLE 2 CM difference in their head size! if they weren't nearly identical in every other way.. and very close in head size up to now I wouldn't be so freaked. They have been within 1/4 inch of the same height, and 6 oz of the same weight since birth. I noticed that hats are too small for one and too big for the other.

    The doctor said it's OK... siblings can have different head sizes, but I have these awful scenerios going on with in my mind with twin B having medical issues not addressed, etc. I know they are different people but they have always had so similiar measurments, alarm bells are going off in my mind re: this.

    So... does anyone else have ID twins that are virtually the same in measurements except head sizes?

    And what could be causing the large head growth? I know a few worst case scenerios, but don't want to work on the internet because I'll freak myself out.
  2. bdhtwins

    bdhtwins Active Member

    I think I have the opposite problem, mine are different in everything but head size!
  3. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    My identicals have always had the EXACT same head circumference since the day they were born. It has ALWAYS been the same. I might be concerned also. I'd check into it further. GL, I'm sure it's nothing but I'd just get a 2nd opinion esp if it's sudden :) My boys have always been w/in a few oz of each other, as of right now they are the EXACT same to the oz and inch on both BUT their head circ has always been exactly the same, never been even 1/10 of centimeter off.

  4. jendisney8

    jendisney8 Member

    My ID twin girls had the same's head was very large, enough that the DR wanted to keep an eye on it. Meanwhile, her sister's head size was normal. I wasn't too concerned since everyone in my DH's side of the family has head's the size of pumpkin's! Poor thing, it's a struggle to get any shirt over her head and she doens't fit in any hats. At thier last appt (18 month wellness visit) it was no longer a concern. Her head is still a little bit larger then her sister's but they are after all, two different people even though they are ID twins. Trust in God, as long as his motor skills and other development seems to be normal, I wouldn't be too worried. ;)
  5. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    My girls heads were consistently in the 90th percentile at every visit while there body weight was less than 50th percentile. My doctor was never concerned with the head size being that large...especially after he saw my husband's big noggin :D If your doctor isn't worried, then you should try to relax. Just because they are ID does not mean that they will grow exactly the same...they still are two individuals. Just keep track of their development and if you see something that concerns you then alert your doctor, but just the increase in percentile would not alarm me if there were no other signs of developmental problems.
  6. Shohenadel

    Shohenadel Well-Known Member

    My girls are fraternal, but they I have to tell you that their head size is extremely different. At their 15 month check up, one had 38% and the other was 88%!!!! At their one year check up, the doc suggested we look into it a bit since Sarah's head was going off the charts (over 95%) and she was also progressing more slowly in her milestones (not crawling, etc.) She had an ultrasound and they determined that there is some extra fluid in there, but it is in a place that is not dangerous and not a big deal. We even took her into Children's in Boston and they confirmed it and said that they were not concerned and that it should just resolve on its own. We don't even need to go back to the specialist. (I think it's fairly common??) Also, she has progressed nicely in terms of milestones and is on the verge of walking which isn't too bad for 15 months. (Her sister has been walking for months.) So anyway, maybe that could be what is happening with your twins? I'm not sure. The ultrasound was very simple and not painful at all. Maybe you could ask your doctor. Now I"m not worried about her head at all. She's growing into it nicely :D

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