Four in one bed = awful sleep

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by happyfortwo, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. happyfortwo

    happyfortwo Member

    Almost every night one or both of the boys comes into our bed anywhere from 2:30 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. (They are four.) Usually I am so tired I just let them crawl in but then I get horrible well as everybody else! They are kicking us in the back, flinging their arms on's horrible! If I try to take them back to their beds they just cry and I end up having to sit on the floor of their room until they fall asleep...return to my bed...and then they will return like an hour later! I was hoping it was just a phase but it is really starting to drain me and I need to make a change....desperately! Can anyone help please with suggestions? Thank you!
  2. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    How about making a sticker/reward chart for each night they stay in their own bed - then start off with only needing like 3-4 stickers before they get a reward, and as they get better at it, increase the number of stickers they need to get for their reward.
    I would also talk about it during the day, how mommy sleeps better when everyone stay in their own bed, otherwise you wake up at night and don't get the sleep you need, which means you might not have the energy to do fun stuff with them (this helped my kids to understand a bit).

    Good luck! I also put up gates in my kids doorways to make sure they don't leave their rooms!
  3. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    I think the sticker chart is a good idea. We did something similar with my oldest who went through a horible sleep period.

    I also went and crawled in her bed a time or two (after she was back asleep in mine). :lol: Not a long term solution by any means, but a twin bed feels awesomely spacious after a kid has been crowding & kicking you in yours!!
  4. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We set up little air mattresses on the floor of our bedroom. Then during the day we talked about the night time rules: night time is for sleeping, kids are allowed to sleep in their own bed or on their air mattress. The first night, when they came & asked to get in our bed, I reminded them of the rules & offered to tuck them in on the floor. They were really excited about their special spots so didn't mind not sleeping in our bed. Now, most nights, they come in & tuck themselves into their little beds & I don't even know they're there until morning. :good:
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  5. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Can you put a stack of blankets and pillows in your room and explain that if they come into your room, they can grab a blanket and a pillow and sleep on the floor? That works well with our oldest DS.

    I like Rachel's air mattress idea, too. Same thing we do, except the air mattresses are comfier!
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  6. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    I cannot imagine! My DH is lucky he gets to share my bed!:) If you really want to stop them from coming into your room at night all together I would do what I've seen Super Nanny do on TV...drag them back to bed! Explain to them before bed that they are to stay in bed all night and NOT to come in your room. When they come in your room (of course), without words or expression take them back to bed quickly. Of course you'll be up for hours doing this over and over again with lots of tears so maybe start on the weekend. I've seen it done dozens of times the first night and maybe 3 the next. GL!
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