formula yogurt: is it doable?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by w101ttd, Nov 24, 2010.

  1. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    I did reseach. I am sure I can make breast milk yogurt. But I can't find anything related to formula yogurt. I need to increase my son's milk intake to 24oz. Now he only drinks 20oz (including milk I sneak in his solid). But he loves yogurt so I thought making yogurt from breast milk and formula(for days my suooly low or I'm just too busy)

    What do you think? Is it safe for him to eat formula yogurt? I will make breast milk yogurt tonight after they go to bed. But I'm not sure about formula.
    Thanks! Please input your thought!!
  2. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    Why not just use store bought yogurt? There is nothing special in formula that you wouldn't find in the store bought. If there is concern of milk allergy then you could do soy yogurt.
  3. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    I have been giving them yobaby, whole plain yogurt mixed fruit.I'm not sure if that's counted the same as breast milk/formula.I'm stressed that he only drinks 20oz/ you think he intakes enough milk? He drinks 20oz plus 4-6oz yogurt/day.he loves solid. And feeding him solid is way way too easier than feeding him bottles.he can eats 9oz of solid/day. But our pedi wants him to drink at least 24oz.I just try my best to make him take another 4oz! Oh my god!!!
    Like today: he had 1.5oz ebm mixed 2.5tbps cereal for breastfast, lunch he had 4oz yogurt mixed mango, dinner he just ate 1oz yogurt and 2.5oz turkey and sweet potato.but he only drank 14oz milk so far.he will have 6oz at 9.I will give them mid night bottles.I'm lucky if he drink another 2oz
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Could you just use regular yogurt and mix some formula powder in with it? You could do that with their regular pureed food too.
  5. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This is what I was going to suggest. I found I could sneak scoops of formula in some of my boys solids and they never knew the difference. They were like your DS and loved food and were ALWAYS on the low end of formula intake. I felt like we force fed them until we could finally leave the formula behind and get to real food!!
  6. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Can I mix formula powder with regular yogurt/pureed?I wasn't sure if I could do that.I'm afraid itd be hard on his kidney (I read about it somewhere)
  7. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't think it would be hard on his kidneys, particularly if he's eating other sources of food throughout the day that have water in them. You could even water the formula down a bit before you put it in the puree or you could just offer him a bit of water every so often :).

    IVF TWINS Well-Known Member


    My girls had a horrible time getting enough milk. So I made smoothies. 4oz formula + 2oz yogurt + jar baby food. I did this twice a day (about 8oz there). They LOVED it!!

    In my opinion it's not worth making "formula yogurt" store bought is just as good. If your that worried about formula intake then you can try a vitamin to supplement what he's not getting. Enfamil have great vitamins.
  9. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    I knew I would get good ideas here. I mixed 1oz bm, 2tbps rice cereal, 1oz yogurt, 1/2 scoop formula. I thought he didn't like it. He finished all. Yike!!!!

    We introduced sippy cup for a while but not so serious. They have water only in the cup. I will train them seriously from now. Then I will make smoothie and give it in the cup. Thanks ladies!!
  10. mandywellman

    mandywellman Well-Known Member

    Another thought you can try is---when he gets a all breastmilk bottle---addd a scoop or two of formula--he gets more nutrients that he needs---he gets more calories---just not mor liquid!!!

    thats waht my doc suggested to me--when one of my girls was low weight gain and not eating ever i did nto do it because i dont want my girls to have formula yet---and she ended up starting to eat more on her own..

    but try it! thats more calories-

    food stresses are a nightmare in this house too---but i have eased off some heere lately --trying not to stress as much but its soooooooooo hard!!

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