foreign objects up the nose!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by greymom, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    Last night as I was getting the kids ready for bed, Sam pulled something out of his nose. My husband thought it was a giant boogy. I was like - that's no boogy! I said, "Sam, what's up your nose?" He said, "A mac-n-cheese part." :laughing: My mom was babysitting yesterday and gave him mac-n-cheese for lunch. Apparently, a noodle is a "mac-n-cheese part" :laughing:

    Anyway, I pulled out what I could. Then I had to get the nasal aspirator out, because some was shoved way up there. We sucked it out (he was NOT happy about this). I think I got everything out, but he sounded a tiny bit conjested this morning. I'm not sure if this is just irritation from yesterday, or if there may be some up in his sinuses?

    I'm totally freaked out. I called the pedi today and the nurse was very unhelpful. She said to call an ENT. I really don't want to take him to a specialist unless I know there's a problem. I thought the pedi must get calls like this all the time - aren't there certain symptoms you should look for if your kid has something up his nose??

    Anyone have experience with this??

  2. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    LOL, what a kid! Yep, unfortunately it's a common thing...something up the nose. If you sucked it out, I would assume if there was anything left, it would come out the rest of the way. That, or it should have drained down into his mouth to be swallowed. I guess you could call the ENT office and just ask if they think it's more likely you got it all, or if it's even possible that it got pushed up into his sinuses. And if it could cause an infection or something you need to worry about.

    :hug99: Boys! I was a freshman in high school (so I don't know when it ends with them) when a classmate put a stopper up his nose in chemistry. It actually got stuck and he had to go to the doctor to get it removed. And my nephew put a bunch of peas in his ear when he was 4, just because he could. And when I say a bunch, I think there were 7 total shoved up in there.
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    My parents LOVE to tell the story of how I shoved pieces of styrafoam from a cup up my nose when I was about 3 years old. They rushed me to the ER and it took 3 people sitting on me to hold me down to suck it all out. I was a tiny 20ish lb 3 year old and 3 people had to hold me down!!!

    I agree with pp's and either call the pedi back about what are the complications if you didn't get anything, or call an ENT and ask them. GL!
  4. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    OMG! You are giving me a taste of what I have to, um, look forward to... Andrew already shoves little bits of tofu up his nose. Sometimes when I pick out a huge booger, it's almost black, all full of bits of god only knows what!

    So I will be following responses to this thread, because I know it's only a matter of time for us! :lol:
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