"Forbidden" baby foods

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by hsuter, May 24, 2009.

  1. hsuter

    hsuter Well-Known Member

    I was just looking on the wholesomebabyfood.com website and wondering what everyone did about the "forbidden" baby foods. Did you REALLY avoid citrus fruits until after 1yr, and if they are not supposed to be given until 1yr why are there orange and pineapple baby foods? They also make babyfoods with blackberries.
    Also strawberries...I would love to offer some to my LO's when they are 10-11 months old for finger foods as they are so delicious in summer time; anyone not follow the rule for strawberries?
    Also when did you start offering whole eggs scrambled?
  2. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    OK, I didn't know they were "forbidden" when the girls were young! I didn't follow "wholesome baby food" though. I didn't wait at all with strawberries, like you said, there's strawberry baby food. I did wait till maybe 8-9 months with citrus just because the acid made me think I should wait a little bit. But mandarin oranges were always one of their favorite finger foods.
    This time with Caleb, all rules are out the window as he refused baby food. :unsure: So, I'm just happy that he's eating anything. I'm not doing single ingredients, waiting three days, blah blah.
  3. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    I didn't follow a lot of rules. I used common sense coupled with the knowledge that we did not have a history of allergies.

    We fed those foods before a year.
  4. Lizzybo

    Lizzybo Well-Known Member

    I'm not really following the "rules" after reading about a study in the UK that found that avoidance of those foods doesn't necessarily decrease the risk of the child developing allergies, and actually found that there was an increase of peanut allergies in those who actually avoided such foods. So, I think the jury is still out on that one. If there is a family history of certain food allergies then it is highly recommended to follow those rules, though.

    With strawberries, it's said that cooking them first can cook out a lot of the allergens. Stage 2 babyfood has strawberries because it's pasteurized and that apparently takes away the allergens to a great extent. My boys have done will with the store-bought babyfood containing strawberries, however, I made them some cooked/pureed strawberries last week and one baby did really well but the other one threw up. The one that threw up has reflux and throws up a lot, so I don't know if it was the strawberries. Just to be safe I'm going to put homemade strawberries back on hold for a few more months.

    I gave them blueberries yesterday and they both did really well with them.
  5. Natalochka

    Natalochka Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Lizzybo @ May 24 2009, 09:45 AM) [snapback]1326426[/snapback]
    I gave them blueberries yesterday and they both did really well with them.

    Just wondering - did you give them whole blueberries, or did you cook them?

    I just gave my girls pineapple diced into tiny pieces, mixed with some cottage cheese. They did fine with it. Haven't given them strawberries yet, bit I will this summer, probably before they are a year old.
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I didn't follow the rule for strawberries because I had already given them some (around 9 months) before I learned about the rule. In general I didn't worry about anything that came in a jar labeled for babies.

    Citrus (and other acidic foods like pineapple) are a risk not because of allergies (usually) but because they can cause diarrhea and digestive troubles. A bit of citrus mixed with other things is usually fine, but I gave my 18-month-old a cup of mandarin oranges one time, and she had a bleeding diaper rash for about a week. :( So I didn't give straight-up citrus again for at least 6 months, and even now I ration it. Some kids may not have trouble with it -- just start slow.

    I gave blueberries around 9 months too. They totally loved them, but if they eat a lot, their poop turns forest green (go figure) and smells like blueberries. It didn't seem to hurt or cause a rash, though.

    I gave whole scrambled eggs starting at 1 year. I didn't give them eggs at all before that -- I think I tried hard-boiled yolks once and they just weren't into it.

    FWIW, we gave peanuts shortly before their 2nd b'day... but entire books have been written about when to start peanuts.
  7. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    The only rule I followed was waiting until after a year to try peanuts and eggs. (I didn't realize that the rule had changed to two, but we didn't have any problems with it. They love it!)
    The only reason I waited on eggs was because I didn't want to deal with the hassle of separating them! LOL.
  8. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Lizzybo @ May 24 2009, 12:45 PM) [snapback]1326426[/snapback]
    I'm not really following the "rules" after reading about a study in the UK that found that avoidance of those foods doesn't necessarily decrease the risk of the child developing allergies, and actually found that there was an increase of peanut allergies in those who actually avoided such foods. So, I think the jury is still out on that one. If there is a family history of certain food allergies then it is highly recommended to follow those rules, though.

    agreed. we're basically following "rules" but going by common sense more than anything.

    think about it, timelines based on age have to be general suggestions. one year doesn't mark the magical development of citrus-tolerating organs. i think you have to go by what your family history is like, how your children have developed and use the rules with common sense. if something is "forbidden" until a year, i probably won't give it to them until we're within shouting distance of that chronological marker. but it's not like one year ticks over and these foods are magically okay, where they wouldn't be okay the day before.
  9. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    We waited on oranges and tomatoes until a year as the ped said the acid would be tough on their tummies. I'm pretty sure we waited on strawberries too. They did love blueberry baby foods. Blueberries are now their favorite (and most expensive) fruit. When the boys turned one, PB was okay to start and honey was supposed to be started at 2. Well, we started both and neither has a problem. We don't have ANY food allergies in either of our families so we didn't need to be as cautious as some. I really trust our ped and followed her guidance to a tee.
  10. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    QUOTE(mommymeg @ May 24 2009, 03:31 PM) [snapback]1326526[/snapback]
    We waited on oranges and tomatoes until a year as the ped said the acid would be tough on their tummies.

    Same here because we had reflux, and I know you all do too. I gave strawberries toward the end of the first year. PB at 10 months(brother was eating a PBJ :pardon: ) , and honey right at a year. I can't remember when I started whole eggs, but it was before they were 1.
  11. Lydia

    Lydia Well-Known Member

    So far I haven't let anything inhibit what I feed my babies. I simply do what feels right to me. In fact, they have been introduced to peanuts, strawberries, and eggs. I don't feed them these foods in large amounts but I am slowly introducing them into their diet. I know this may not be the norm but it is what I felt right doing. More than anything else, use common sense and I am sure you will make out all right.
  12. Lizzybo

    Lizzybo Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Natalochka @ May 24 2009, 10:02 AM) [snapback]1326433[/snapback]
    Just wondering - did you give them whole blueberries, or did you cook them?

    I steamed them a bit first, to bring out the juices and make it mushier for puree. My little R still has difficulty with anything not pureed. I saved the stock and will mix it a bit with water in their sippy cups to see if they like it.

    Yes, their poops were green today and smelled sort of like poopy blueberries. :lol:

    As soon as I finish pumping I'm going to take them for a walk to our local produce market to buy some cherimoyas for tomorrow's fruit dish. :)
  13. Natalochka

    Natalochka Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Lizzybo @ May 24 2009, 03:22 PM) [snapback]1326600[/snapback]
    I steamed them a bit first, to bring out the juices and make it mushier for puree. My little R still has difficulty with anything not pureed. I saved the stock and will mix it a bit with water in their sippy cups to see if they like it.

    Thanks! ;)
  14. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    My dr gave me a list of forbidden foods and I did follow it. They are for their health and to avoid allergies. I didn't give them eggs until 12 months. You can give them egg yolks though. I waited with strawberries also because they are known to cause allergic reactions. I would talk to you pedi and see what they suggest. I still haven't given citrus. My dd has reflux so this is added incentive to avoid it. I am thinking of giving them mandarin oranges soon though. I also avoided the baby foods that contained any of the forbidden foods. I don't remember this being such an issue with my older kids, but I am going by the book with these two. It is hard sometimes because I have wanted to give them some of these things but I am being good. GL.

  15. mom2identicaltwingirls

    mom2identicaltwingirls Active Member

    Ummm the only thing I've heard "forbidden", is peantus, because if the child is to be allergic to them, the reaction is often very serious. My four moth olds have been eating 'people foods' for some time now. I put frozen strawberries in those mesh feeders all the time (along with several other fruits). They eat Stage 2 baby foods that contain oranges, mango, strawberry, cherry, ect. All is fine there. They have also eaten mashed potatoes, yogurt, brownie batter, popsicles, ice cream, Quaker oatmeal, cous cous made in chicken broth, bits of meatloaf and SCRAMBLED EGGS. They've been having the scrambled eggs since...Ooo, 3 months old, I think. I had no idea that you weren't supposed to do any of that. If they're watching me eat and the food is fine enough, I offer it to them. They've never met a food they don't like LOL. I have had no problems whatsoever. Now I don't let them eat tons of this stuff, but they do eat small servings quite often. I've never heard of this "wholesome baby food", but it sounds a bit quirky...they're kids! Geeze LOL. A lot of people don't realize that if neither you nor the baby's father have food allergies, then the chances of baby developing any are less than 1%. I consult my pediatrician for medicines and vaccinations, but nothing food related. I'd just go with the flow (I did) :) Good luck!
  16. Lizzybo

    Lizzybo Well-Known Member

    Actually, our pedi gave us pretty much full reign on baby food at the 6 month appointment. The "rules" seem to be getting less strict these days.
  17. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mom2identicaltwingirls @ May 24 2009, 10:55 PM) [snapback]1326825[/snapback]
    Ummm the only thing I've heard "forbidden", is peantus, because if the child is to be allergic to them, the reaction is often very serious. My four moth olds have been eating 'people foods' for some time now. I put frozen strawberries in those mesh feeders all the time (along with several other fruits). They eat Stage 2 baby foods that contain oranges, mango, strawberry, cherry, ect. All is fine there. They have also eaten mashed potatoes, yogurt, brownie batter, popsicles, ice cream, Quaker oatmeal, cous cous made in chicken broth, bits of meatloaf and SCRAMBLED EGGS. They've been having the scrambled eggs since...Ooo, 3 months old, I think. I had no idea that you weren't supposed to do any of that. If they're watching me eat and the food is fine enough, I offer it to them. They've never met a food they don't like LOL. I have had no problems whatsoever. Now I don't let them eat tons of this stuff, but they do eat small servings quite often. I've never heard of this "wholesome baby food", but it sounds a bit quirky...they're kids! Geeze LOL. A lot of people don't realize that if neither you nor the baby's father have food allergies, then the chances of baby developing any are less than 1%. I consult my pediatrician for medicines and vaccinations, but nothing food related. I'd just go with the flow (I did) :) Good luck!

    Seriously? To me this seems pretty risky, especially to advise to others since the recommendation is to wait until 4 months before introducing anything other than formula or BM (except for a little cereal maybe for reflux babies) and better if you wait until 6 months. I'm glad it worked out ok for your babies so far, but I'd hate to see other people offer high risk foods BEFORE 4 months...what's the hurry? I didn't follow all of the rules, either, but I am holding off on strawberries, peanuts, and citris (although kiwi's working well for us mixed with yogurt or avocado and I think that's citris) until they turn 1. I still seperate their eggs, but plenty of egg white gets in with the egg yolk omlets :pardon:
  18. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    My boys have had eczema for a couple months now and while it doesn't seem to be related to their formula, the pedi said we should go slow when starting solids. So personally, I'll be careful to follow the "rules" on those things since my boys are already allergy-prone. (Runs in the family, too.)
  19. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mom2identicaltwingirls @ May 24 2009, 10:55 PM) [snapback]1326825[/snapback]
    Ummm the only thing I've heard "forbidden", is peantus, because if the child is to be allergic to them, the reaction is often very serious. My four moth olds have been eating 'people foods' for some time now. I put frozen strawberries in those mesh feeders all the time (along with several other fruits). They eat Stage 2 baby foods that contain oranges, mango, strawberry, cherry, ect. All is fine there. They have also eaten mashed potatoes, yogurt, brownie batter, popsicles, ice cream, Quaker oatmeal, cous cous made in chicken broth, bits of meatloaf and SCRAMBLED EGGS. They've been having the scrambled eggs since...Ooo, 3 months old, I think. I had no idea that you weren't supposed to do any of that. If they're watching me eat and the food is fine enough, I offer it to them. They've never met a food they don't like LOL. I have had no problems whatsoever. Now I don't let them eat tons of this stuff, but they do eat small servings quite often. I've never heard of this "wholesome baby food", but it sounds a bit quirky...they're kids! Geeze LOL. A lot of people don't realize that if neither you nor the baby's father have food allergies, then the chances of baby developing any are less than 1%. I consult my pediatrician for medicines and vaccinations, but nothing food related. I'd just go with the flow (I did) :) Good luck!

    This makes me a little nervous too. First because of choking hazards. Second, our ped always told us that formula needed to be the main source of nutrients and calories for a long time.
  20. mom2identicaltwingirls

    mom2identicaltwingirls Active Member

    Geeze guys, thanks for the put-downs. I wasn't telling anybody to do a darn thing, just sharing my experiences. Up and call me a bad mother why dont you? I have COMMON SENSE and I introduced my kids to itty bits of things one by one and documented them all. I do not happen to agree with current guidelines about when and how to feed a child. That is a choice and I'm not pushing it on the rest of you, just sharing. Unlike the rest of certain judgmental people. I also happen to be a sociologist and have thoroughly read and broken apart the studies that have led to current feeding guidelines BEFORE offering any food to my babies. Most people do not even know what these studies are, or who pulished them, they just listen to what they are told. The studies were inconclusive at best and I cannnot believe that they are what support new literature on the subject. Not that I should actually have to share that information, but people decided to be so rude. I shared my story to give another Mom something to compare to. Please keep your opinions to yourself if you have nothing nice to say. I did not criticize anyone that chose to do things differently than myself. And you're right, MY KIDS ARE FINE. More than fine actually. They are well fed, happy and content.
  21. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Royce was drinking 2 oz of orange juice a day at 8 months because he was anemic (makes the iron absorb easier). They had their first PB&J at 10 months, scrambled eggs at 7 months (didn't know that it should have been whites only, in fact, I didn't know that until reading this thread).

    When the beginning of strawberry season came around, they were 18 months or so, we went picking at the farm behind my parents' house (Plant City - Winter Strawberry Capital of the World). Royce fell in love. He was picking the berries and shoving them in his mouth. Thankfully they had run the sprinklers that morning so most of the fertilizer and pesticide was washed off!
  22. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mom2identicaltwingirls @ May 26 2009, 07:53 AM) [snapback]1327995[/snapback]
    Geeze guys, thanks for the put-downs. I wasn't telling anybody to do a darn thing, just sharing my experiences. Up and call me a bad mother why dont you? I have COMMON SENSE and I introduced my kids to itty bits of things one by one and documented them all. I do not happen to agree with current guidelines about when and how to feed a child. That is a choice and I'm not pushing it on the rest of you, just sharing. Unlike the rest of certain judgmental people. I also happen to be a sociologist and have thoroughly read and broken apart the studies that have led to current feeding guidelines BEFORE offering any food to my babies. Most people do not even know what these studies are, or who pulished them, they just listen to what they are told. The studies were inconclusive at best and I cannnot believe that they are what support new literature on the subject. Not that I should actually have to share that information, but people decided to be so rude. I shared my story to give another Mom something to compare to. Please keep your opinions to yourself if you have nothing nice to say. I did not criticize anyone that chose to do things differently than myself. And you're right, MY KIDS ARE FINE. More than fine actually. They are well fed, happy and content.

    Not one person called you a "bad Mom" and it only takes a very little bit of something introduced too soon to cause an allergy ( I was allergic to so much as a child) My parents started feeding me very early on. I was on allergy shots weekly by the time I was 2 years old. I don't think that people are being rude, I think it more concern. When you put all of your information on a public forum you are inviting, the good,the bad and the ugly. You can't ask people to keep their opinions to themselves. If you chose to make a post...it is there, you can only chose what you post.

    Allergies start somewhere along the family lines.
  23. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Hsuter @ May 24 2009, 10:36 AM) [snapback]1326331[/snapback]
    I was just looking on the wholesomebabyfood.com website and wondering what everyone did about the "forbidden" baby foods. Did you REALLY avoid citrus fruits until after 1yr, and if they are not supposed to be given until 1yr why are there orange and pineapple baby foods? They also make babyfoods with blackberries.
    Also strawberries...I would love to offer some to my LO's when they are 10-11 months old for finger foods as they are so delicious in summer time; anyone not follow the rule for strawberries?
    Also when did you start offering whole eggs scrambled?

    We followed all the "rules" especially due to the fact that they had reflux. We did strawberries around the same age (11 months) since we live in FL and they were in season. We didnt do eggs at all until after their first birthday. They just had peanut butter around 2 (and now my Ped says 3 for that). But they had no reaction and love the peanut butter and honey Uncrustables.

    QUOTE(Snittens @ May 24 2009, 10:57 AM) [snapback]1326345[/snapback]
    I didn't wait at all with strawberries, like you said, there's strawberry baby food.

    I think the reason they can offer that is the way it is processed takes the potential allergen risk away. :pardon:
  24. caba

    caba Banned

    I listened to my pedi. I think the only thing I was specifically told to wait on was eggs and peanuts (well, nuts in general). We introduced baby food at 4 months, and finger foods probably around 7 or 8 months ... I was a nervous nelly (first time mom) and followed the whole "introduce one food at a time, wait 3 days, etc" ... we had no allergies in our family, still don't, but it was what I felt comfortable with.

    my pedi never mentioned the whole citrus/strawberry thing to me ... so when we moved to Stage 2 baby food they had strawberries ... oops! No issues though ... plus, mandarin oranges are their favorite! Just talk to your pedi, and follow your mommy instinct!
  25. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mom2identicaltwingirls @ May 24 2009, 10:55 PM) [snapback]1326825[/snapback]
    Ummm the only thing I've heard "forbidden", is peantus, because if the child is to be allergic to them, the reaction is often very serious.

    Actually babies can have a reaction to just about anything and it can be serious.

    "Symptoms may be mild or very severe, depending on how much of the food your child ingested and how allergic he is to the food. A severe reaction can include anaphylaxis, with difficulty breathing, swelling in the mouth and throat, decreased blood pressure, shock and even death." Taken from here.

    QUOTE(mom2identicaltwingirls @ May 26 2009, 07:53 AM) [snapback]1327995[/snapback]
    Geeze guys, thanks for the put-downs. I wasn't telling anybody to do a darn thing, just sharing my experiences. Up and call me a bad mother why dont you?

    I went back and re-read everything and I didnt see anywhere where people called you a "bad Mom." :pardon: I do see where some were concerned about what you are offering and you can add me to the list of those that are concerned. Offering meatloaf, etc... to an infant is very risky not only due to a possible allergy that you cant isolate due to the ingredients but also a choking hazard. But if it works for you and you are comfortable with that, then so be it.

    Here is a good article about why you should wait before starting infant foods let alone child/adult foods. Their digestive systems are so immature at 4 months and they are just not able to chew at all.
  26. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mom2identicaltwingirls @ May 24 2009, 10:55 PM) [snapback]1326825[/snapback]
    Ummm the only thing I've heard "forbidden", is peantus, because if the child is to be allergic to them, the reaction is often very serious. My four moth olds have been eating 'people foods' for some time now. I put frozen strawberries in those mesh feeders all the time (along with several other fruits). They eat Stage 2 baby foods that contain oranges, mango, strawberry, cherry, ect. All is fine there. They have also eaten mashed potatoes, yogurt, brownie batter, popsicles, ice cream, Quaker oatmeal, cous cous made in chicken broth, bits of meatloaf and SCRAMBLED EGGS. They've been having the scrambled eggs since...Ooo, 3 months old, I think. I had no idea that you weren't supposed to do any of that. If they're watching me eat and the food is fine enough, I offer it to them. They've never met a food they don't like LOL. I have had no problems whatsoever. Now I don't let them eat tons of this stuff, but they do eat small servings quite often. I've never heard of this "wholesome baby food", but it sounds a bit quirky...they're kids! Geeze LOL. A lot of people don't realize that if neither you nor the baby's father have food allergies, then the chances of baby developing any are less than 1%. I consult my pediatrician for medicines and vaccinations, but nothing food related. I'd just go with the flow (I did) :) Good luck!

    I'm just surprised that they are eating all that at 4 months! The usual recommendation is to start plain rice cereal at 4 months, at the earliest. Brownie batter? Wow. If you are comfortable giving your babies chocolate and raw egg, I guess then good for you. Do they pick up the food with their fingers? Sorry I'm just surprised, all three kids had the tongue thrust thing still at 5-6 months and would instinctively push the food back out. Caleb is just now getting the hang of baby food, but will eat some finger foods.
  27. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mom2identicaltwingirls @ May 26 2009, 07:53 AM) [snapback]1327995[/snapback]
    Geeze guys, thanks for the put-downs. I wasn't telling anybody to do a darn thing, just sharing my experiences. Up and call me a bad mother why dont you? I have COMMON SENSE and I introduced my kids to itty bits of things one by one and documented them all. I do not happen to agree with current guidelines about when and how to feed a child. That is a choice and I'm not pushing it on the rest of you, just sharing. Unlike the rest of certain judgmental people. I also happen to be a sociologist and have thoroughly read and broken apart the studies that have led to current feeding guidelines BEFORE offering any food to my babies. Most people do not even know what these studies are, or who pulished them, they just listen to what they are told. The studies were inconclusive at best and I cannnot believe that they are what support new literature on the subject. Not that I should actually have to share that information, but people decided to be so rude. I shared my story to give another Mom something to compare to. Please keep your opinions to yourself if you have nothing nice to say. I did not criticize anyone that chose to do things differently than myself. And you're right, MY KIDS ARE FINE. More than fine actually. They are well fed, happy and content.

    your initial post referred to a resource many people value as "quirky" and you advocated risky feeding decisions that run counter to 90% of the medical recommendations. you're not an expert, you're a mom. same with everyone else here. be respectful if you want others to be respectful. no one said anything to "put down" your post. it's a discussion forum. if you're too sensitive to handle adult conversation maybe you should refrain from contributing.

    yes, i realize this post does not contribute to the discussion but this reply made me mad.
  28. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Hsuter @ May 24 2009, 10:36 AM) [snapback]1326331[/snapback]
    I was just looking on the wholesomebabyfood.com website and wondering what everyone did about the "forbidden" baby foods. Did you REALLY avoid citrus fruits until after 1yr, and if they are not supposed to be given until 1yr why are there orange and pineapple baby foods? They also make babyfoods with blackberries.
    Also strawberries...I would love to offer some to my LO's when they are 10-11 months old for finger foods as they are so delicious in summer time; anyone not follow the rule for strawberries?
    Also when did you start offering whole eggs scrambled?

    We talked to our pedi who okayed all these foods before one year. We gave them the citrus and strawberry baby foods, etc. I do think there is a difference in the baby food processing. I gave my 10-11 month olds actual strawberries, citrus fruits, eggs, etc. all with the pedi's okay. She said that a lot of these guidelines are changing.

    ETA more detail: We got the go-ahead at 9 months for everything but PB, honey, and shellfish. That's when we started the whole eggs and citrus. They weren't doing a lot of finger foods but puffs and cheerios before that - just the baby food versions. We got the go-ahead for PB and honey at 1 year (I've never heard anything BUT one year for honey - was surprised to see someone say 2?) Honestly, I do think that the studies are showing that waiting later - 2, 3, 4 for PB can cause more harm than good, but ultimately we went with our pedi. We are holding off on shellfish until 2 because my brother has an allergy, but otherwise we have no family history of allergies.
  29. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    since it's relevant i wanted to post this link to an article about why it's not "quirky" to be careful with the types of food you feed your babies. feeding adult food to babies can be very dangerous because of the risk of salt overdose.


    while it may be cute to see your little ones snack on meatloaf and brownie batter, that decision is very risky.
  30. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    I followed the rules with strawberries and everything else just to be on the safe side as there are allergies in our families. The other fruit "no-nos" for me were also pineapple, kiwis and mangoes. I gave them a few mixed in with their fruit puree last week and had no problems. I have a pedi that doesnt encourage finger foods until 1+ year so I´ve been overly-worried about it (plus I have everyone around me telling me not to!). Funnily enough, we started the kids on spoons of natural orange juice at 5 months before introducing the fruit puree. I was also advised to add cooked egg yolk to their puree when they were about 8 months. Again no probs. I live in Spain and that´s what the pedi told us to do! Interesting how it´s different from country to country.

    I agree with a PP though, it is common sense and knowing your children once they come of age for solids. My DS is now clearly ready for normal food now and I let him try everything Im eating as long as it´s easy to gum (he hasnt got any teeth yet!). I cant wait to get the go-ahead this Friday at their check up. If I dont, Im going to take matters into my own hands!

    edited to add more info
  31. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mom2identicaltwingirls @ May 26 2009, 07:53 AM) [snapback]1327995[/snapback]
    Geeze guys, thanks for the put-downs. I wasn't telling anybody to do a darn thing, just sharing my experiences. Up and call me a bad mother why dont you? I have COMMON SENSE and I introduced my kids to itty bits of things one by one and documented them all. I do not happen to agree with current guidelines about when and how to feed a child. That is a choice and I'm not pushing it on the rest of you, just sharing. Unlike the rest of certain judgmental people. I also happen to be a sociologist and have thoroughly read and broken apart the studies that have led to current feeding guidelines BEFORE offering any food to my babies. Most people do not even know what these studies are, or who pulished them, they just listen to what they are told. The studies were inconclusive at best and I cannnot believe that they are what support new literature on the subject. Not that I should actually have to share that information, but people decided to be so rude. I shared my story to give another Mom something to compare to. Please keep your opinions to yourself if you have nothing nice to say. I did not criticize anyone that chose to do things differently than myself. And you're right, MY KIDS ARE FINE. More than fine actually. They are well fed, happy and content.

    I also agree with other posters who said no one was putting you down; just expressing concern over what most--both moms and doctors--would consider very risky.
    In your original post you did not mention thoroughly researching this; you said you had "no idea" you were not supposed to be doing that and seemed to find it funny, so I think concern was a very natural reaction!
  32. gekasbaby

    gekasbaby Active Member

    I just wanted to add that I gave my daughter some pineapple at a family gathering the other day along with some other fruits and she her behind was so raw the next day and bleeding from the acids. :( I felt horrible so I am waiting to do citrus now. They are 11 months now so we have been experimenting with many new things like bits of chicken breast, chedder cheese, fig newtons, gerber stars and puffs, wheat toast, peaches, etc. They do not like the puree foods anymore but I try to squeeze them in here and there. I am looking forward to doing french toast and scrambled eggs soon. :) Oh and BTW, I have found that when they feed themselves not only do they enjoy it more the added bonus is that it is less messy than feeding those pureed foods!!!
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