For those with big kids

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Snittens, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Are you ever a little embarrassed about how much your kids weigh? I know this is really dumb. Maybe I feel it more because they are girls and girls are supposed to be little and dainty and it's OK for boys to be big? People look at a big boy and say "oh he's gonna be a linebacker! what a bruiser!"
    Ainsley is only 1 lb heavier than Bea, but she has a stockier build and I am always getting "chunky" comments about her. Ainsley is about 28 lbs and Bea 27, not sure of the height but probably 33" and 34", so they are on the taller end too.
    I see all the weights on here and I hardly ever see anyone with girls about the same age who weigh that much. They do eat healthy and I get called a food Nazi because I don't allow junk, juice, or sweets.

    I know, I'm being silly but I'm just wondering if I'm the only one.
  2. hudsonfour

    hudsonfour Well-Known Member

    At first I thought you meant older kids. Ha! Yes my girls are big. Peyton is 30 lbs and 33 inches, Paige is 28 lbs 33 inches. They are bigger than both of their cousins who are 1 year older. My girls eat healthy meals and aren't picky eaters. I also think they are taking after my DH. My biggest worry is what shoe size they end up with!
  3. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I know you are concentrating on girls here but Kyle is just shy of 30 pounds heavier than Kayla, yup 30 pounds! He is off the charts in height and weight! The only time I was uncomfortable was at the peds when she was telling me we might have to do a food study, chart what he eats and see a nutritionist because of his size. I make the same foods for Kyle as I do Kayla and actually Kyle doesn't have a sweet tooth what so ever and eats healthier than Kayla in general. At our most recent visit the ped told me Kayla was "perfect" which was fantastic because usually she is not on the chart, this time she was. Then in her next breath she talks about how she is concerned about Kyle, ughhhh will there ever come a time when I don't have to worry about either of their weights? Just seems like they are taking turns at making me crazy!!!!
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    My kids are short, and they're both getting skinnier every day now that they are walking (which will probably be true for Ainsley too, BTW), but for most of the first year, I could not take Sarah out in public without someone commenting on what a fat baby she was. Fortunately, with infants, people usually mean that in a good way. I can see how it would be harder once they get a little older.

    We have some friends who have a 2yo boy who is built like a linebacker -- from the day we met them (when he was 6 months old) they always introduced him by saying "This is Ethan -- yes, he's a tank." But I can see why it wouldn't sound as cute saying that about a girl. I'm sorry it's stressing you out!
  5. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    I'm a little uneasy about it, but mostly for Berkley's voerall size - weight and height.
    Berkley turned 6 last Friday and wears an 8 sometimes 9.
    She's 49" tall and 63 lbs.
    SHe's beautifully proportioned, not a roly poly at all, but people assume she's a 2nd grader and she's in Kindergarten. . . so people's expectations of her are WAY too high [​IMG]
    It makes me a little sad.
  6. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, I got loads of fat baby comments about Ainsley when they were infants. I know most people mean it in a good way, but sometimes it would annoy me, like the "oh I see who gets all the food!" things. She is thinning out, but I can tell that she is going to have a stocky build.
    I don't know that it's really bothering me per se, just been on my mind with all these childhood obesity things in the news every day, almost like they are hitting us over the head with it. First I was feeling guilty about possibly overfeeding them as infants, when I was always told you can't overfeed a baby. Now I read something that lack of sleep can lead to childhood obesity. Well, as I have posted Ainsley doesn't nap anymore, not for lack of trying on my part. It's like there's always something out there to make us feel guilty. [​IMG]
  7. vansmudge

    vansmudge Well-Known Member

    I know what you mean! My girls weigh about 30 pounds a piece and are 19 months old. They are also tall so they look like 3 year-olds. Caroline's build is stockier so I get a lot of comments about that. Funny thing is, Emily could eat her under the table! I also worry about them not being the dainty girls they should be but I am 5'10" so why would they be?? My parents raised me to walk straight and have good posture. I also am not overweight so I am hoping the girls will at least follow in my footsteps if they have to be tall. I think good posture asthey grow is key because it's not becoming to be tall and gawky!
  8. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Nathan was 35lbs and 36in tall at his 2yr check up. In the last year he has only gained about 3 or 4lbs. He has really slimmed up this year as he lost some "baby fat". I do get tired of hearing how much heavier he is than William who is just now hitting the 30lb mark.
  9. Jill R.

    Jill R. Well-Known Member

    Ally's always been my chubby one. She's weighed more than Jack from birth. It's never been more than a 5lb difference, but Jack is about an inch taller, so it makes him look even skinnier compared to Ally. She's always worn a size bigger than her age. Now that she's 4 though, she's getting taller, and not gaining much weight, so she's starting to thin out. I'm even to the point where I have to use the adjustable waistband in pants to keep them from falling off.

    I wouldn't worry too much. They're still young and have a lot of baby fat. As they get older they'll stretch out.
  10. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    people assume she's a 2nd grader and she's in Kindergarten. . . so people's expectations of her are WAY too high
    It makes me a little sad.

    This is also what bothers me the most about Kyle. People assume he is alot older than he is. I had people talking to me about how he was doing in first grade and he is still in preschool. Expectations are way too high for him too.
  11. kimr

    kimr Well-Known Member

    Its an endless saga for us. Natalie weighed just shy of 37lbs and is 36 1/2 inches tall and Brooke is 33 lbs and 36 inches tall 2 weeks ago when they were measured. They have always been bigger and are way off of the charts for their age. Natalie is at the top of the charts for weight/height. We've gotten the linebacker comment about Natalie from on of my dh's uncles (he didn't say it jokingly), my dh was so mad he told him to shut up and it wasn't nice. For us it will be an ongoing issue, the girls have something called Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome and part of the characterstics of it is that the girls will be "bigger." We have a nutrionist and don't feed them junk. Because Natalie's weight gain hasn't stopped, we have been charting what they have been eating, what a pain - I just want them to be kids and not have anyone critiquing what we give them! Research shows that their weight gain will slow down once they reach adolescent age. The girls are as tall as our 3 1/2 yr old niece. I can usually smile the comments away, but i [​IMG]f I'm not in a good mood when someone makes a comment I'll go thru the whole syndrome explanation and made them feel bad.
  12. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Our kids have always been big. Usually when we are at the park they are bigger than most 3 year olds. I also feel like because of their size people tend to expect behavior that you would see in an older kid. You can see their 2 yr stats in my siggy.
  13. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Jazzy is 3 months younger than your girls and she is 25lbs and 33 inches. She isn't fat most of it is muscles but she is 3 inches and 5lbs bigger than Jessy. On top of being taller and heavier than Jessy she also has a larger chest and head. She is just a lot bigger girl. Even though they are id alot of times people ask me if she is older since she is so much bigger. I'm just so glad she is healthy and hearty and eats like a horse! She has gained over 20lbs and grew over 15 inches.
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