For those with b/g twins????

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Bride121402, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. Bride121402

    Bride121402 Well-Known Member

    I have b/g twins...they are 27 months old. We have noticed over the past little bit that our daughter wants nothing to do with me...her mother, especially when my mom (grandmommy) or her daddy are around. For example, last night we got home from some errands and she flipped out when I went to get her from her carseat instead of her he came around to get her and she starts giggling and playing with him. Anytime I put her clothes on, her words are..."going to Grandmommy's house." Now when I pick them up at preschool, she runs up to me and says "Mommy!" with big smiles, but when her daddy or grandmommy is's like I've got the plague. Now, my son is totally different...he is a Mama's boy...but he doesn't freak out if someone else cares for him in my presence like she does.

    Is this a phase.....?
  2. Cheesecake

    Cheesecake Well-Known Member

    First I have to say OOOHH your in NC! I just moved here and hating it so far. Only because I havent' been able to meet anyone. To answer your question yup its a phase. In my house its usually the other way around. Mommy mommy everything and they ignore
    Daddy for periods. I have had a few periods with the others that when Daddy was home on the weekends they just wanted him. I usually loved it for two reasons. It gave me a break and #2 it was good to see them close with Daddy. Now a girlfriend of mine her kids have always been the opposite. They cling to they're Dad a lot and blow her off. They always stop eventually and its more even but yup I've seen it both ways. Hang in there. They love you [​IMG]
  3. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Yep, a phase. Don't make a big deal out of it and it will pass. If there are times they are fighting you but you're the only one to take care of the situation, then just matter of factly say, "I know you want Daddy to do it but he's doing (whatever) so I'm going to help you" and then just do it. [​IMG] I know it's hard to hear but it will get better!
  4. tarajh

    tarajh Well-Known Member

    I'll continue the NC trend here [​IMG]

    Mine go back an forth between whom they want (still at 5!). Hailee definitely wants to hang out with Daddy more when he's home. I've always attributed it to the fact that they see me all day and don't get to spend nearly as much time with Daddy. You used the example of the carseat - that was a big thing for us too. When we were all together, they always wanted him to get them out of their seats, of course now they do it themselves, but both still want to get out his side to hold his hand through the parking lot. I was a total Daddy's girl myself, so I get it [​IMG]
  5. r-twins

    r-twins Well-Known Member

    We're the same age and going through the same thing, only with Daddy. Most of the time they want nothing to do with him, especially Heather. I'm glad it's just a phase, although i know it makes him feel really bad sometimes. [​IMG]
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Mine want me most of the time because my DH has been traveling an awful lot and it takes them a few hours to warm back up to him or something! I don't know, but I wish weekends could be his! [​IMG]
  7. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    I just posted a similar story recently. DD is all about dada, and DS just wants me (this is when we're both around). DD feels very strongly about dada doing everything from putting her bib on, putting her shoes on, putting her to bed, reading to her. If I try to do anything for her she says "dada's turn!". We alternate kids for bedtime, and she always wants DH, but as soon as he's out of the room she's fine. DS, on the other hand, wants me for bedtime and throws a fit when DH takes him into his room and shuts the door.

    No one feels unloved at least, but it will be nice when this phase is over . . .

  8. kalinka

    kalinka Member

    We have the same situation. My daughter says: My daddy, Anton's mama.
    But I think we provided some base for this behaviour. DS most of the time wants me and DD just doesn't have much chance to spend time with me. If I try to have for ex. both of them on my laps, DS will throw a tantrum or start kicking DD. DD in those situations just leaves. When ever my DS is upset, he usually comes to me. If at that time DD will be with me, she often sees him upset and just will walk away from me because she knows DS is ready to throw a tantrum. I asked our ped about this and he recommended to spend more time one on one for me with DD, and for my DH with DS. He said if DD doesn't want to go with me and wants daddy, tell her it's mama's turn and take her for some adventure just the 2 of us. [​IMG]
  9. Moms2NTwins

    Moms2NTwins Well-Known Member

    wow the twins are going through the exact same thing here!! Joshua is so clung to me it isn't funny, he was up around 2am and I told him lay down with daddy while I went to give brother some cough meds and he started screaming. Katie is daddy's girl from the time he gets home until bed. She is like that with my dad too.
  10. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    Yes, it's a phase. Mine seem to float back & forth. Right now, I'm the only one that can solve anything for Gillian while Garrett needs his dad to solve his issues. A few months ago it was the opposite.
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