? for those with b/g twins

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by SJV, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. SJV

    SJV Well-Known Member

    I'm really noticing in these last few weeks, ds likes to play "rough" with dd. It doesn't start out terrible or anything, he just wants to roll around with her or something, but then a lot of times it ends up with dd getting knocked to the ground and of course she screams. Now whenever he tries to even touch her she just screams. She does not like the rough play at all!! (She'd rather sit and play with her baby dolls) Finally last night I did give ds timeout because it was turning into "let me make my sister cry" instead of just "rough" play.

    Does anybody have any advise on how b/g twins can play together without fighting all the time??
  2. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    The same goes here! DS is a brute! A big solid, all boy, rough and tumble kid. Mikayla is this little, petite book loving, babies and stroller kind of a girl who loves to dress up in shoes. Michael will constantly just sit on Mikayla like she is no even there...like she is a piece of the floor.

    There are times tho that they do get along such as when we play with our puzzles at the table, sometimes when we color...although they do like to fight over crayons, and when we watch our tv shows.

  3. bkimberly

    bkimberly Well-Known Member

    Yes mine tackle each other. Zoe usually holds her own with Drew, but there are times I have to say "Drew GET OFF YOUR SISTER!" He is just a boy and boys tackle! :rolleyes: I don't put him in time out for it because sometimes Zoe starts it too.
  4. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    my kids favorite thing is playing horsey., ds on top of dd who is atleast 6-8 lbs lighter.

    i just pick him up off of her.. mine arent rough yet.. and when they get rough.. well..
    lets just say dd can hold her own..

    we call her pixie..c uz shes so tiny .. and boxer.. go figure..

    le le whine boxer!
  5. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    I have noticed this, too. DS is such a jumper, roller, tackler. However dainty DD is, over the last few months she has learned to get back the toy she wants by bear hugging DS until he relents.

    As for the rough play, we don't have too much- DS likes to just run/jump around the house solo. I guess I will just re-direct or tell them to be gentle.

    I am also interested in the responses on this thread...it's a good one.
  6. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    DS is a big tackler and jumper on sissy but let me tell you - she is more likely to take a running start, knock him to the ground and roll all over him - and the two of them crack up! DS actually cries more than DD does when the wrestle - unless biting or serious screaming is involved I usually let them go!
  7. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    Well DD holds her own but DS is definetly more rough than she is... I let them work it out if its minor and no one is really getting hurt. I figure they'll learn now while they're young or else I'll always be in the middle of things.
  8. Kathy1109

    Kathy1109 Well-Known Member

    My DS is definitely more rough and tumble than his sister. If he wants you to play with him, he throws the toy at you (we are working on stopping this now). My DD is definitely a little mommy. She tries to take care of him (i.e. bring him his lovey, sippy cup, etc...). Usually she holds her own with him, however, it wasn't always like this. She used to scream like mad if he took anything from her or touched her. Now she defends herself more, and he doesn't seem to bother her as much. For awhile my DS was pulling her hair. For that he got a timeout (I am not sure he understood, but he has stopped doing this). They seem to be getting along better now, and are actually playing together for stretches. I think it is just the differences between boys and girls. Good luck!
  9. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    We have had similar issues including a 30 pound weight difference which can be very problematic. What I did was institute certain times when we could all rough house a little, mommy too. All other times rough housing is off limits. This way Kayla could participate if she chose to with me there to ensure no injuries.
  10. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    I can offer no advice on getting them to play together all the time with no fighting. Around our house, we let them go until there is a lot of screaming. My son definitely plays rougher because he is bigger. However, my daughter generally starts it. We are working on getting her to figure out that she should not start with him since he is bigger. It is not working but we keep trying.
  11. Joyful

    Joyful Well-Known Member

    I have b/g twins that are 16 months old and my DS does like to play a little rough. When I see that DS is wanting to play hard and is getting aggressive I try to give him activities that can be used as a positive outlet for his energy. For example, we have a plastic bat and baseball thing that he can swing at and hit, or allow him to stand on top of the couch and jump to me, or have the tickle monster come and attack, let him throw or kick soft balls around, wrestle with him on the floor or the bed etc. It isn't the aggression that is wrong it is simply the outlet that is not desirable so I would redirect and show him an appropriate way for him to let out his energy.
  12. SJV

    SJV Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Joyful @ Jan 4 2008, 02:43 PM) [snapback]557617[/snapback]
    I have b/g twins that are 16 months old and my DS does like to play a little rough. When I see that DS is wanting to play hard and is getting aggressive I try to give him activities that can be used as a positive outlet for his energy. For example, we have a plastic bat and baseball thing that he can swing at and hit, or allow him to stand on top of the couch and jump to me, or have the tickle monster come and attack, let him throw or kick soft balls around, wrestle with him on the floor or the bed etc. It isn't the aggression that is wrong it is simply the outlet that is not desirable so I would redirect and show him an appropriate way for him to let out his energy.
  13. SJV

    SJV Well-Known Member

    Sorry for the last reply, I don't know how I did that!!

    Anyway, thanks for the input, tonight when ds started jumping on dd and then stealing her paci, she screamed, but I just ignored it, and they did resolve it quickly, they both just went about their business!!! Yeah!! I think I'll try more ignoring and redirection!! Thanks!!
  14. c0nfuzd_drumr07

    c0nfuzd_drumr07 Active Member

    I can't remember all the little 'parenting' things that went along with my brother and I when we were younger, but I do know that basically I just learned how to put up with him or ignore him when he wanted to play a way I didn't. I'm sure your kids will figure things out, unless it's something real major where someone could end up seriously hurt, I'd probably just let them learn on their own.
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