for those with 7+mo olds

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by LB, May 1, 2009.

  1. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    I was wondering how many of you have 7+ mo olds that didn't start sttn until after this age? Collin goes down to sleep at 530-6 pm, then gets up at 11 for a bottle then 3 and then up for the day at 530-6. He was sleeping from 530-6 till maybe 1 or 2 for a bottle then at 5-6 for the next bottle and that was great..I have no idea what is going on? Since my twins were sleeping 12 hrs by 4 months this is so confusing to me. Should I try and get him to skip one of these bottles yet? He sucks both of them down so I'm wondering if this is why he doesn;t take as much during the day which then makes him have to get up in the middle of the night. I was assuming he'd just start sleeping straight through without me doing anything (like weaning off) since this is what my others did..what do you think?
  2. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    All my other kids were STTN by 8 weeks for 10 hours and by 4 months 12 hours. Now with these twins, I too am at a loss. They will STTN for a few nights and then they start teething or get a cold and we are back to a similar schedule as yours. Although I've been so tired that last night I let one CIO for over 45 min. He went back to sleep and slept til morning. Have you tried CIO? I just wish they could tell us what is wrong.

    So I really don't have any other suggestions then what I'm sure you've tried or heard about. Just want you to know there are other mammas out there up when you are. :hug:
  3. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I finally did CIO at 7 months because they were decreasing the amount they were drinking at the 11pm bottle. They woke at 3 too, but I wouldn't feed them, just rock them back to sleep. I waited until DH was out of town for a week and did CIO. It took a few days, but worked....until they got their first teeth a month later. Honestly, they only STTN about 3-4 times a week even now. Luckily it is getting better, but it was really hard. Hang in there!
  4. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Mine are 9.5 mos old and are still Not STTN. Just last night I had to wake up 9+ times... teething is officially 'the Devil.' I feel so exhausted today :blink:
  5. jec34e

    jec34e Well-Known Member

    We also go through phases. For the most part they are SSTN but when they get a cold, are teething etc, we are completely thrown off and have a week or so of waking several times.
    We did start CIO around 8 months when needed and it seemed to work. But who knows, just last week my son was up every night.
  6. artemis

    artemis Well-Known Member

    I think the answers to your question will vary on whether the parents did CIO or other sleep training. Babies who are sleep trained are pushed to learn how to STTN earlier, and babies who aren't ST'd take a little longer because they figure it out in their own time.

    If your son gets a 5+ hour stretch and then a 4 hour stretch after that, I think that's pretty good for this age. My DD didn't start sleeping through the entire night (11 hrs) until a year, and my twins sure aren't yet. They each wake up between 2-4 times a night, depending on teething and not counting the dream feed I do around 11.

    "STTN" means different things at different ages. I can't remember it right now, but the number of hours corresponds to their age. Like newborns sleeping 4 hours straight would be considered STTN, and a 6 month old sleeping 6 hours straight would be STTN. There's a chart of it out there somewhere.
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Mine didnt STTN until they were about 9 months old.
  8. trustinHim

    trustinHim Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=18pt]For those of you that did the CIO any advice??[/SIZE]
  9. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    We did CIO at 8 months. They both slept slept 3-4 hour stretches at that point, and their interval was not increasing. It took one night and then they STTN; BUT that lasted a few weeks. Then they slowly started waking again about once a night. Right now they are 10.5 months olds and just got over a pretty bad illness, which totally jacked up the sleeping, but they are back to waking once a night.
  10. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    Older DS didn’t sttn till I did CIO at 9 m… twins… God only know why, but at whatever age in weeks was how many hours I got, so by 10 w… 10 hr… 12 w 12 hr …. The only thing I did different was at 4 weeks (way too early to expect a schedule, I know) I just always put them in their crib at 7pm (awake or asleep… they never cried)… and each night they woke up a little later until it hit me I was getting up at 6:45 before them… and I always woke the other baby and fed both… and that KILLED me to wake a sleeping baby

    CIO was hard (for me at least)… I cried as much as he did… it was soooo hard and I was soo tired… but it took 3 nights and then I was sooo glad I did it… as I was a nicer mom/wife/neighbor (yeah you honk in front of my house when my kid was sleeping I come after you)… GL on whatever you decide to do... as only you know what is best for you and your family
  11. angelf

    angelf Well-Known Member

    According to HSHHC, you can expect them to get up twice a night to eat until about 9 months. That's pretty much where I'm at now. Of course, it gets worse if one or both are teething or sick.
  12. dallasm

    dallasm Well-Known Member

    My babies have been sttn since 3 months old when I swtiched their formula over to bright beginnings gentle formula from it was heaven sent! my boys were gassy and were waking up with gas pains not hunger pains. try a new formula! it worked for me!
  13. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    They are all over the place! A couple of nights one will STTN then they wont - teething - a cold - too much sleep during the day - not enough sleep during the day - WHO KNOWS. We have tried everything. Occasionally we will let them CIO for 5-10 minutes or so but we are no where near anything consistant. At this point we just take the nights that they sleep well as a treat.
  14. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    You said that he's sucking these bottles down and it's decreased his daily intake...perhaps you can work on making sure he takes more during the day (I'm assuming this is abnormal). I know when mine were eating well during the day (which didn't happen until around 8 months old), they started STTN (7p-6a). Plus it could be a growth spurt or if you're desperate and open to it...try CIO (had to do this around the 10-12 month mark when they were learning to pull up, etc and they were way too active in their cribs and figured out we'd come in there if they hollered enough). I'm doing a modified version with my baby girl now as I don't expect her to STTN, but I do not believe she needs to be up 5+ times a night to breastfeed...can we say I think mommy is a comfort item.

    Good luck!
  15. QUOTE(snoopytwins @ May 6 2009, 01:57 PM) [snapback]1303088[/snapback]
    You said that he's sucking these bottles down and it's decreased his daily intake...perhaps you can work on making sure he takes more during the day (I'm assuming this is abnormal). I know when mine were eating well during the day (which didn't happen until around 8 months old), they started STTN (7p-6a). Plus it could be a growth spurt or if you're desperate and open to it...try CIO (had to do this around the 10-12 month mark when they were learning to pull up, etc and they were way too active in their cribs and figured out we'd come in there if they hollered enough). I'm doing a modified version with my baby girl now as I don't expect her to STTN, but I do not believe she needs to be up 5+ times a night to breastfeed...can we say I think mommy is a comfort item.

    Good luck!

    We went cold turkey with nite bottles at 6 months. We were even doing a "dream feed" of about 4 oz around 10:00 and stopped that too, and the girls did not miss it at all. So they get 5 bottles a day -

    Between 6:00-7:00 AM 8oz
    then 10ish 6oz and some fruit (this week)
    then 1is another 6oz and if DH is on the ball (rice cereal)
    then 3-4ish another 6oz
    I come home and do the dinner/nite routine - 6ish 6oz and rice cereal again

    this is a busy schedule but the are put to bed after a story and or play time at 7:00 and are sleeping till 6:00 -7:00

    We have and do use the 10 minute rule and works usually like a charm - if one is crying/fussing during the nite we wait 10 minutes before going in but usually she figures it out and goes back to sleep we use the 10 minute rule when we put them to bed too. Consistency is the key for us -

    This forum is great and 3/4 of our schudule is due to what I have read on this site!!!!
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