for those with 2nd pregnancy singletons!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by twinzmom2b, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to buy as much time as possible here in searching for a job. So, I'm wondering (if this baby is only one) when I might start "looking" pregnant. With the twins, no one even could tell I was pregnant until I was 19-20 weeks (that was with measuring 4 weeks ahead). My pants started getting tight at about 8 weeks. At 18-20 with the twins, I was wearing maternity clothes b/c they were more comfortable, but I probably could've hid the fact that I was pregnant if I had needed to.

    With me looking for a new full-time job, I don't want potential employers looking at me and noticing that I'm pregnant, so on the "looking for a job" end, I will be trying to disguise my belly for interviews as much as possible.

    I obviously don't have to worry about it right now, but even at 6 weeks, I can feel that my uterus has gotten bigger, but not showing, KWIM?

    I know that most women get bigger quicker with 2nd pregnancies...but is this necessarily true if you have a singleton after twins? Plus, I'm 5'9" I have plenty of room to grow up and not out!

    I was with a friend this weekend who is 18 weeks and on her second singleton...if you didn't know she was pregnant, you wouldn't have guessed it. So, that gave me a little bit of hope.
  2. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I definitely was in maternity clothes earlier with my second pregnancy. With the twins, I didn't start wearing maternity clothes until probably about 15 weeks. I only had one person who "noticed" my pregnancy at 11 weeks, other than that I just looked chubby. With Liam, I was wearing maternity clothes at about 12 weeks. I could've continued disguising with bigger clothes, but it would've cost me a fortune. I was wearing bigger clothes earlier in my pregnancy the second time.
  3. ~rosie~

    ~rosie~ Well-Known Member

    I was like Moski. I started really showing/wearing maternity clothes with Melvin & Carl around 16 weeks, but with Wesley it really was 12.
  4. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    If you have some baggier dress shirts you may be able to get away with it for a while. I know I was in maternity pants around 9wks with Brandon. I could have worn larger nonmaternity clothing, but that would have been an expense and I already had maternity clothes. You are more than likely going to fool the people you are around all the time more than the stranger you meet though, so hopefully you will get a good job ASAP.
  5. hudsonfour

    hudsonfour Well-Known Member

    I showed really early, but the twins were only 8 months old when I got pregnant again. I know at my 1st check up I should have been no more than 10 weeks, but measured 15 weeks. I was wearing some strechy stuff by 10 weeks. Most people just thought I was still fat from having the babies.
  6. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I started showing around 5 months, but I didn't have to start wearing maternity clothes until about 2-3 weeks ago.
  7. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(KYsweetheart @ Jul 24 2007, 06:08 PM) [snapback]342931[/snapback]
    I started showing around 5 months, but I didn't have to start wearing maternity clothes until about 2-3 weeks ago.

    Whoa! Good for you! I hope that's how I am!
  8. mamaslilbears

    mamaslilbears Well-Known Member

    Well, my 1st and 2nd pregnancy were singletons, but I did not show with my 1st till about 5-6 months and all my clothes got too tight, but with the second it was about 3 1/2 months and clothes were too tight, and with the twins, my final pregnancy, it was about 2 1/2 months when I could no longer wear regualar clothes.
  9. candctwinfactory

    candctwinfactory Well-Known Member

    I am 5'7" and started showing at 10/12 weeks. Just for the sake of feeling more comfortable, I went a few weeks ago and bought some maternity clothes. I can still fit in my regular pants, but it's getting a little uncomfortable.

    But, this is a great season to be prego in. Almost all the shirts I see more trendy people wearing are practically maternity. I have even bought a few non-maternity shirts to wear as maternity... makes me feel somewhat in fashion.

    By the way, I didn't get to say contrats yet... Congrats!!
  10. MJXplus2

    MJXplus2 Well-Known Member

    My first was a singleton and I had to wear maternity clothes starting around 28 weeks. The twins were next and I was lucky enough to borrow some jeans in a size or two up from a friend and managed to avoid maternity clothes until about 24 weeks. I'm due in Aug with #4 and I pooched out really quickly and was afraid that I'd be in maternity clothes before 12 weeks but my belly growth really stagnated for a few months and I didn't need to wear maternity clothes until about 26 weeks this time. I'm actually smaller with this pregnancy at 36 weeks than I was with my first!

    I think you tend to pop out earlier after twins because you have been so stretched out but you don't necessarily keep that same rapid growth curve after the first trimester.
  11. pam2baby

    pam2baby Well-Known Member

    I started to show with the twins at around 9-10 weeks, and with my 1 baby around 8 weeks- more bloated than anything, but still a bulge. I'm 5'6, and i have a very short torso so that's why. You should be okay since you are so tall.
    Congrats, 3 is not that crazy~ cheers, p :)
  12. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    Im' mostly in maternity now. I have one skirt and a couple of button downs that I can still wear and not look pregnant. I have a job interview tomorrow night so I'm relieved that I can get away with a couple of outfits not looking pregnant.
  13. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    with my first, singleton, I wasn't in maternity clothes until 6 months... with the twins at 15 weeks... with this one around 20 weeks... I could probably still hide it if I wore baggier pants, blouse and blazer though. I'm currently sitting here in a normal pair of sweats.... I'm mostly in maternity for things like jeans...and just plain comfort. I still have skirts that fit me just fine. I really hate this phase though.... big enough to be out of regular clothes...but drowning in maternity clothes and feeling like an idiot for wearing them!!
  14. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    I started showing later with my subsequent pregnancies. But most people I hear about start showing sooner!
  15. Millie&twins

    Millie&twins Well-Known Member

    I am very small (under 5'), and a bit chubby (even before the kids, now I am well chubby!). With the twins I started showing very early. I popped at about 12 or 14 weeks and from then on everyone knew positively, that I was pregnant.
    I lost a pregnancy at 14 weeks a year before having Ella and I had started to show already. And with Ella I probably started showing at 15 weeks or so (but I was very sick, so I started off losing weight).
    Generally I would say, if you started showing late with the twins, there is an increased chance that you won't show very early with this child.
  16. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(with2fs @ Jul 24 2007, 08:09 PM) [snapback]343128[/snapback]
    But, this is a great season to be prego in. Almost all the shirts I see more trendy people wearing are practically maternity. I have even bought a few non-maternity shirts to wear as maternity... makes me feel somewhat in fashion.

    I was just commenting on this to dh tonight... we went out to our local mall... every girl with the smallest little pooch of a belly, and in the trendy clothes of today's latest style, looked pg!! I'm thinking..there is no way that so many girls are walking around's just the style. I personally think it's the hollywood pg fashion many pg actresses, making it trendy to look pg even if you aren't! LOL!!! it has me cracking up! hopefully this style hangs around for about a year after I have this kiddo...that way I can keep my poochy belly and look fashionable! :rolleyes:
  17. attebow

    attebow Active Member

    I agree with the PP about the latest fashions - hopefully that will help you with job interviews! And legally, they can't ask you about it anyways! I just started showing this past week - 18 weeks. (I think it was about the same with the girls, maybe a week or two sooner?) My regular clothes are tight, but maternity clothes are still too big (definitely more comfortable though!). I wear scrubs to work, and they are very forgiving, so none of my clients will know for awhile. I was 7 months preggo with my girls before it was commented on in the exam rooms! Best of luck to you!
  18. Elizabeth H

    Elizabeth H Well-Known Member

    With Andrew I started not fitting into my clothes around 6-7 weeks. I think I put on maternity pants around 9 weeks even though nobody could tell. I definitely was bigger with Andrew and thought they u/s tech made a mistake at my u/s and I was really pg with twins again. But no my uterus was just stretched out from my previous pg. I wonder how fast it will be with this one when I start showing.

    I think everyone is different. Maybe you could get away with it for awhile.

    You aren't under any obligation to let them know you are pg. I just found out I was pg (didn't know about the twin thing yet) and I was doing an interview since DH got a promotion and we had to move and the interviewer was a complete dumba$$ and said to me, "you aren't going to go and get pg and quit on me are you"?!! That was why he was interviewing because the previous lady in that position had done. I was so floored I didn't know what to say. I went home and called him back against my bosses advice and DH's and told him I was indeed pregnant but didn't want to work for him. He works for the same company as my husband so I had to make nice with him. It all worked out anyway. I had to go on bedrest so I'm glad I didn't take that job. Good luck.

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