? for those who w/ children that have had tubes put in

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Momto1now3, Mar 18, 2007.

  1. Momto1now3

    Momto1now3 Well-Known Member

    DD is 21 months old. In December she got her first year infection. After 2 rounds of meds and 1 round of the 3 day shots the infection went away, but the fluid is still there. We took her to an ENT who verified that the fluid was still in the right ear and that she has had some hearing loss. We are now scheduled for tubes on the 29th. She is really hurting. Her whole personality changed when she got the ear infection and it just continues to get worse. She is whinny all the time and cry about the littlest things. She can be playing just fine and start crying and stick her finger in her ear. I know she has an underlying pain that is making her feel bad. At the same time as the tubes and eye dr. is going to be clearing a blocked tear duct on her right eye. This just started since the fluid in the ear. It has never been an issue before. Over the past few days she has started getting this red irritation bumps on the right side of her face and around her eye. I am thinking that it is from her eye watering, but not positive. It is just weird that it all is on her right side. Anyway, my question is, if anyone has had a child in a similar situation, how soon did they get relief? I really want her to feel better. It is just sad that she has to stay in pain. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
  2. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    It's been a while but my 4 yr old DD got tubes when she was 6 months after 2.5-3 months of infections. The change was immediate from what I remember. The fluid was gone with the procedure and she was happy after the initial recovery. NEVER had another problem and both tubes fell out on their own by 18 months. So basically a year.
    They said the same about her hearing and it is fine now. We sill go to the ENT for check-ups.

    best of luck! [​IMG]
  3. ximdolf

    ximdolf Well-Known Member

    Marisa had tubes put in and it made a world of difference.

    She's had no ear infections since then and it's been almost a year.

    The surgery took about 10 mins and we were out! Quick but I know it's scary to have them go through it.

    I say go for it, you'll notice an immediate change.

    Good luck!
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    My oldest got tubes at 4, after 4 months of constant ear infections. The relief was immediate. They clean out the fluid that is in there during the surgery, and then after the tubes allow any fluid to drain out(which is really gross, btw!). [​IMG]s, poor baby.
  5. Momto1now3

    Momto1now3 Well-Known Member

    We are definatley only the schedule for the 29th. I am glad to hear that those who have responded have had such a good outcome. We are definately hoping to get out sweet girl back after she feels better!! What is the recovery like? From being put under, pain from the proceedure, etc? THANKS
  6. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    Mandi and Casey got their tubes put in at 14mos (last May) after 3mos of CONSTANT infections. The relief was immediate. I did give them Tylenol that night before bed just in case they had any pain during the night but they did great. Knock on wood - no infections or problems at all since then.
  7. ximdolf

    ximdolf Well-Known Member

    Recovery was pretty good (except mine got a stomach bug that was totally unrelated).

    The only horrible thing for us was when she woke up from the anaesthesia. It was scary, she wanted me to hold her and then wanted DH to hold her. It seemed like she was really confused and that lasted about 15 minutes or so. We actually would've been able to leave about 10 minutes earlier if she had calmed down and drank a little bit of watered down apple juice. You may have to give Tylenol for slight fever but overall the recovery was really fast.

    You'll have to put drops in the ear 3 times a day for about 5 days. Make sure you hold the bottle in your hand to warm the drops so they don't feel that cold when you put them in.

    Good luck
  8. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    We didn't notice any pain from her. She got it done first thing in the AM and the only thing was she was starving by the time she was allowed to have a bottle because she had to have an empty stomach. She she had nothing until after the procedure. From what I remmeber, by the next day she was her total self.
  9. GirliesGalore

    GirliesGalore Well-Known Member

    We have had a very similar situation with Ava. I just took her to the ENT a week ago and she has some hearing loss and fluid in her ears as well. We did a round of antibiotics and go back in 4 weeks for a follow-up. If the fluid isn't gone, we'll have to do tubes.

    She is also very whiney and dramatic about every little thing. She is 2 after all, but geez, it's a bit much. I do think she's been frustrated because of not hearing well, so hopefully we'll find a solution either way.
  10. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh McKenna was the whiniest little thing in the world..worst sleeper and all. Got tubes and life was great...well sleep didn't improve until we got her on iron. But she changed instantly, she started playing independantly and not needing to be held all day and all. She got her first set of tubes at 9 mos and I nursed her immediately when I was allowed to see her. She never cried from pain. She just got her second set last month at 22 mos and had a rough wake up from anesthesia but thats it.
    Two of my other kids have had tubes as well with no more issues!
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