For those who separate their twins at naptime

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by koozie, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    We separated them for nap time at 15 months b/c DD was keeping DS awake. At first she was in an OLD crib on a different floor. Then we moved her into a pack & play. Now at 21 months, she is destroying the pack & play. She takes the sheet off (no big deal), then the mattress thing, and is thus stuck sitting on the big plastic lock. ouch! But I am certainly not going to put her back in her crib since she only naps 2 days a week and would surely keep DS up.
    So I am just curious what yours sleep in? Am I the only one with a kid destroying the pack & play?
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Amy was doing the exact same thing in the PNP around 24 months -- taking off the sheet, folding up the mattress, and then staying awake for an hour or more. She never complained, but I'd go in to see why she was still awake, and find her sitting on the thin nylon bottom, right on top of the metal.

    After several weeks (weekends only; they're in daycare M-F) of this, I was just on the point of getting some thick foam custom-cut to the size of the PNP. Then she mysteriously stopped doing it.

    I think one thing that helped was that I started saying "I'm going to fix your mattress one time, and then I'm not coming in anymore. I'll come get you when naptime is over." I don't think she was consciously messing with the mattress as a way to get me to come in, but she was more motivated to stop doing it when she realized she was going to have to sit on that thing for 2 hours.

    Or maybe she just got bored. :D Anyway, you could try getting a portacrib mattress or a thick piece of foam.
  3. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I used an old crib for the kid that was in another room. I got one for like $50 at our twins club sale and then a free mattress. When I was done, I sold it to someone else for $50.
  4. jschaad

    jschaad Well-Known Member

    Savannah sleeps in the PnP in our room and Beau in his crib in their room. :)
  5. siobhan

    siobhan Well-Known Member

    [We have one girl in her crib upstairs and one girl sleeps in the PNP downstairs..
  6. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    One is in their crib in the nursery, the other in a pack in play in the adjoining guest room.
  7. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    They are both in cribs because we put them in separate rooms permanently. It was the best thing we ever did! They get a lot more sleep that way (and so do we). Every time we travel and the girls are together I am reminded of why we separated them in the first place. :laughing:
  8. Mommyof3in05

    Mommyof3in05 Well-Known Member

    My DD sleeps in her toddler bed and DS sleeps in a pack and play in DD1 room. Sorry that does not help since she is destroying the p&p.
  9. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    One is in his crib upstairs and the other in a PNP downstairs in the office. But, I am thinking I am gonna have to come up with a new plan soon as my guys just turned 2!! So far, however, they love their naps!! I shouldn't jinx anything but they ask for a nap- they say night night and get excited when I put them down, then sleep 2 1/2 or 3 hours! I know it won't last forever!!!! On my PNP "matress" I put a really thin quilt that I tuck under the sides of the matress and then he has a bear and a really soft crocheted blanket that is his favorite.
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