For those who have taken two year olds to Disney

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Chris S., Jan 8, 2007.

  1. Chris S.

    Chris S. Well-Known Member

    Was it worth it?

    We are planning a vacation for the beginning of March. My father in law is a snow bird in Florida and we will be flying and staying with him. I've seen several of you take Disney vacation and wanted to get your input on if it was worth it. We go to FL every year for one of our vacations so its not like its a one time thing. I was dead set on going but am having second thoughts. If you've been your input is greatly appreciated.
  2. Chris S.

    Chris S. Well-Known Member

    Was it worth it?

    We are planning a vacation for the beginning of March. My father in law is a snow bird in Florida and we will be flying and staying with him. I've seen several of you take Disney vacation and wanted to get your input on if it was worth it. We go to FL every year for one of our vacations so its not like its a one time thing. I was dead set on going but am having second thoughts. If you've been your input is greatly appreciated.
  3. katie c

    katie c Well-Known Member

    We came over to Florida for our honeymoon and brought the kids with us the youngest (at the time) was 2yrs and 3 months and she loved it.
    She turns 5 in March and she can still remembers Disney.

    I'd say go for it we had to do a 8+hr flight and she was also excellent with that

  4. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We took my girls to Disney in October when they were 17 months old, We all had a blast. It was so fun watching them experiencing disney for the first time. How excited they would get as we waited on line for a ride. When we pasted a ride that we had already been on and they screamed again again.
    My DH already wants to go back.
  5. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    If we were going to FL, we would take them in a heartbeat. They may not remember it, but you will certainly remember it!

    We live next to Disneyland and haven't taken them yet. But we used to take our neices all the time before we had kids and they loved it. We may take them for their 2nd a present for mommy and daddy! [​IMG]
  6. jwozy

    jwozy Well-Known Member

    We were planning on taking to kids to Disney in FL in May but my dh decided to plan a trip to London and Norway instead. But we live pretty close to Disneyland and have had annual passes since last November when the kids were 18 months The kids have and are continuing to have a blast. It's been so much fun watching them watch the parades, the fireworks, running to give pooh bear, mickey, minnie, and goofy hugs and kisses, and singing it's a small world. My dd is always asking to go see the castle and ride the boat. So I think you should go [​IMG]
  7. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    We have Disneyland annual passes and go all the time. The kids LOVE it and they won't be 2 for a couple more weeks. If we were going to Florida I would take them as well.

    Good luck! [​IMG]
  8. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    Yep and they were free! It was a great amusement park for them because all of the rides are really tame and parents can ride with them. Dumbo, the Pooh ride, Snow White (a little scary for 1 of my twins), The Tea Cups, Small world, the race cars, the old fashioned cars, even the runaway train roller coaster thing. They had a blast and I think we hit every single ride they were tall enough for. They would have been two and a half when we went this past summer. They loved the parade and really just about everything about it! They were sooooo excited to meet Mickey and Donald. We were going to be there anyway so we thought what the heck we'll take them for 1 day since they are free. I could not believe what a great time they had. They even fell asleep in the rented stroller mid day so mom and dad could rest in the shade.

    I know they may not remember it, but really it was worth it for my memories.
  9. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    I actually turned down going to Disney in CA, with my husband and son for a wrestling tournament in 3 weeks. The thought of flying and being outside in Feb, doesn't seem like a vacation to me. I tend to get stressed out very easy, so i will wait until this summer when they are older. Good luck!
  10. yvonneinoregon

    yvonneinoregon Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the post! I was wondering the same thing. I am taking the boys and the "trailer again" [​IMG], down to Cali for a family reunion in July. So, I fig'd I would pop in and see sisters in O.C. I was on the fence about a day at Disneyland, but from everyones posts, it sounds like fun!
  11. Twinium

    Twinium Well-Known Member

    We went this past August, when ours were 2.5. They had a blast. If I did it all over again, I'd save by *not* buying the park hopper ticket (we barely used it), and only get a 4 day pass. Having extra time to relax by the pool was worth it, and we could've/should've done that more.

    Oh, and if the map says "may be frightening for small children," believe them. We took them to "Honey I Shrunk the Audience," and was that a colossal mistake!!! It made Ruby afraid to put on even her sunglasses for a while!
  12. morgan

    morgan Well-Known Member

    in october we took our 4 year old and our 2 year old twins to wdw and had a blast. I had my fantasy of what I wanted it to be, and had my fear of what it could be, and hoped it would fall in the middle. it ended up surpassing my fantasy. I think the reasons it went so well is we didn't try to do everything. we did the parks in the morning (were there by rope drop) then left by noon or 1 to head back to our resort (we stayed on site). I put them down for naps (even my 4 year old napped, although he said he didn't want to, he would be out in 5 minutes) then we would swim for a bit, then head back to a park if the kids were up for it. we tried to keep to their normal schedule, so the first night or 2 they were in bed by 7 or 7:30. we were able to do a couple of later nights, but we followed their lead on that.

    another thing that really helped us was the fact that I made our dinner ressies for 5pm each night. my kids eat dinner at 5 on the dot, if not a few minutes earlier. I think keeping them well rested and well fed made for a good time for all. they never got that over hungry/over stimulated/over tired thing that a lot of kids who are pushed harder there get.

    bonus, 2 year olds are free! free at the parks, and free at any character buffets you may want to do (we did several). if you have questions, feel free to ask.

    2 websites I recommend:

    the second site is a pay site, but his best days recommendations along were worth the price for us. we had been to wdw several times pre-kids, and figured we knew what we were doing, but was so happy we ended up joining tourguidemike for the trip with the kids.

    good luck!
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