for those who formula feed..

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by someone, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. someone

    someone Well-Known Member

    for those who formula feed, how many ounces per bottle, and how many bottles a day do your babies eat?

    mine have been taking about 6, about 4-5 bottles a day, but thinking i should increase it, one ushually drinks until the last drop.. the other doesn't always eat the whole 6.
  2. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    For me once one stared finishing a bottle all the time I'd add another ounce in. Or you can let that one finish off the other's bottle. I did that sometimes too.
  3. MuchFaith22

    MuchFaith22 Well-Known Member

    I don't know how old they are, so I'm not sure what the "recommended feeding" for yours are. That being said, mine ard 4 1/2 months and about 11 and 13 lbs, and they each take 5 bottles, every 3 hours...DS takes 3-4 6oz and 1-2 5oz, and DD takes 2 6oz and 3 5oz, but thinking of upping another of hers to 6oz too, and we're starting cereal in a couple weeks.
  4. someone

    someone Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MuchFaith22 @ Jan 7 2009, 12:06 PM) [snapback]1136773[/snapback]
    I don't know how old they are, so I'm not sure what the "recommended feeding" for yours are. That being said, mine ard 4 1/2 months and about 11 and 13 lbs, and they each take 5 bottles, every 3 hours...DS takes 3-4 6oz and 1-2 5oz, and DD takes 2 6oz and 3 5oz, but thinking of upping another of hers to 6oz too, and we're starting cereal in a couple weeks.

    Mine are 5 months old. Sounds kind of similar.. mine are also going to start cereal in a couple weeks.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would up it another ounce once they started finishing the current bottles.
  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    It depends on your babies... There is no guideline. I know I changed the amount when they finished it every time for a few days, or when they left one extra ounce every time for a few days. Mine were always really small drinkers... DD was at maybe 16oz a day until 5 months.
  7. sjohnson813

    sjohnson813 Well-Known Member

    My boys are 8 months and they get: 6-6oz bottles a day. They almost always drink all of it. Since I am upping their solids I am trying to get them to go longer in between bottles and take 7 oz, but they always leave the extra oz in the bottle.
  8. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    mine are conservative eaters and they're only just on the cusp of sleeping through the night. so for us it's every 3 hours without extended sleep time, which makes for 8 feedings a day. up until about a week ago they were doing 2.5-3 oz during the day and 2 oz at night. that meant 18 oz a day was "normal" for them even though that's considered low for their age and weight. they've just had a sudden boost in appetite so now they do 3.5-4 oz during the day and 3 oz at night. we always fill the bottles with a half ounce more than they usually eat. so when they were clearing 3 oz bottles we started filling them to 3.5. when they cleared 3.5 ounce bottles we filled them to 4. if one finishes a bottle and the other doesn't, we offer the hungry guy the rest of the un-hungry guy's formula. on the next bottle he gets a half ounce more than before to see if he can clear it.

    the way i see it, if they can clean a bottle down to the whistle (that's what we call it when they drink until there's nothing to pull through the nipple but air) then they probably have room for more. so we offer more.
  9. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    Mine are 8 months and are drink 2 6.5 oz and 2 7.5 oz bottles a day. At 5 months they were drinking 4 8 oz bottles a day but now they eat 3 meals a day so their formula intake went down some.
  10. two4one2008

    two4one2008 Well-Known Member

    Mine are 5 months. We drink 5-6 6oz bottles a day. The "6" depends on what time they go to bed. They sleep from 7pm-5:30ish each night. I agree with PP that once they start regulary finishing bottles to add an ounce. We did that at 5oz and it seems to work perfect.
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