For Those Who Don't Know the Gender Yet ...

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by lotus, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. lotus

    lotus Well-Known Member

    I had an amniocentesis last week and am anxiously awaiting the results. I'm sure we are all hoping for a healthy baby, but just for fun... If you don't know the gender of your baby yet, what gender are you hoping for?

    I have two girls and love having girls, so I would say I am hoping for a girl again. But in fairness, I know my husband would love to have a son, so for him I would love to have a boy. I guess either way, we will be very happy.
  2. momoftheforest

    momoftheforest Well-Known Member

    hmmm, i don't know. I loved it when my girls were babies, but I also love my son. I think it would be cool to have another boy to even things out, but I keep dreaming its a girl. Hopefully, we can catch a glimpse tomorrow during my Level II. I know it will be early, but I figure in three hours we should be able to see something, right? Besides, Im going to need as much time as I can get to think of names if its a boy.
  3. RondaJo

    RondaJo Well-Known Member

    We've already been told that the baby is a girl. But I won't be certain of that until she comes out a she. lol I love having girls but I've always just wanted boys. So, I guess I'm still hoping a little that this baby "turns into" a boy. Plus it would be nice to even it out and give DS a brother. Especially since this is *hopefully* our last.
  4. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I was hoping for another boy. Audrey is too much of a princess to share the spotlight! :) (I know you didn't ask me, but I just had to respond!) :blush:
  5. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    You know, I don't know... Boys are so much easier than girls. DD and SD are both divas and little princesses! DS1 was such an easy and laid back little boy but DS2 is such a monkey, climbing, throwing and banging... what's that saying a boy is a noise with dirt on it?! So I am easy, we already have two of each but maybe a full time girl at home would be nice for DD.

    With all of my kids I had a feeling of gender in the beginning, DS1 I was sure he was a girl (despite the ultrasound lol) and with the twinkies I knew I was having B/G. This time, I have no idea and can't even guess! I separated the twins' clothes last week (finally dawned on me that I don't need two of everything in blue and pink) with the hopes of getting an idea and still I have no idea.
  6. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    We didn't have a preference either way. Surprisingly enough, even DH said he would like another girl! And, even more surprisingly, we probaby won't "try for a boy." I hate when pepole just assume we are going to keep popping out kids until we get one of the opposite sex...let's face it, odds are against us when it comes to producing boys.

    When we found out it was a girl, we were both really excited. I knew she would be a good age close to my girls and it would be fun. That being said, ask me in 10 years what I think of having 3 teenage!!! I might be wishing for a boy at that point :)
  7. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    honestly I am not sure. AT first I was only wanting a boy. Then one day while shopping at the mall I saw a one year old little girl with 2 little pigtails holding on to her daddies finger and just staring at him while trying to walk around. I missed seeing that with my girls, Dh was in Iraq shortly after they turned one and I never got to see him with his little girls walking around. I started crying and my heart melted and I knew I would be ok either way. A boy would help break up some of the estrogen in the house, especially when they are teenagers and if we dont have a boy DH is the last to hold the family name. So either one I would be greatful for. I think I am having a girl and DH swears its a boy. I am getting so anxious to hear them say " Its a ..."
  8. New Mom

    New Mom Well-Known Member

    Since we have one of each, I am just hoping for a healthy baby. I have always felt it would be a girl but DH thinks it's a boy along with everyone else.
  9. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    I'd like a girl because I have 4 boys already and I need a change. lol The perfect scenario would be B/G twins. That way I can use the baby clothes I have in the basement and I can buy dresses. I find out the 29th if its twins.
  10. Millie&twins

    Millie&twins Well-Known Member

    I am not pregnant, but with Ella I wanted a little girl so badly. I know it is wrong, and I would have loved her if she was a boy just as much, I am sure, but with 4 boys already I really needed to have a little princess, to buy cute outfits, to have 1 child whose hair I could make into pigtails and to have 1 person who during puberty would still talk to me (yeah she will probably only bicker and scream, but that is still better than boy teenage silence!).

    Now I am secretly thinking that I would love another girl. so that Ella wasn't all by herself, and because it would be so nice to have another baby again... she is cruising and soon will be walking and I just want a really small one again... but money and sanity wise a 6th child would be crazy!
  11. medicinemansgirl

    medicinemansgirl Well-Known Member

    I am actually really loving having this many boys and would love to have another boy. I love how close my little 4 are and I'm kind of sad that my oldest one never was surrounded by brothers like this. He loves them dearly and they follow him absolutely everywhere and it's just so sweet seeing how they all interact. I'm one of those moms though that would've been happy in a whole house full of boys. I love my girls dearly too and they are desperately longing for a girl....actually 2. LOL! And my poor dh is just as bad as my girls. His heart longs for another girl. LOL! But if it was up to me I'd be perfect with another little rowdy boy running around.
  12. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I love having girls but I would like another boy, especially if he's anything like Dax. It would be great for Dax to have a brother close in age. I feel like this is going to be a girl though.
  13. BaaRamEwe

    BaaRamEwe Well-Known Member

    I was really hoping for a boy this time since this baby is it for us. Iwould have been okay witha girl, but I think DH would have been a little disappointed. They say this one is a boy so that is what I have prepared for, but, I haven't washed any clothes or even taken any tags out because for some reason, even though the doc seems sure its a boy, my gut tells me to wait and see. Maybe it only having 1 U/S this tie compared to one every 3 weeks that has me doubting.

    I'll be happy either way, but for DH I hope the doc is right.
  14. 2rosebuds

    2rosebuds Well-Known Member

    I NEVER thought I wanted a boy but I am getting more and more fond of the idea. However, if this baby is a girl I will be happy too.
  15. **Diane**

    **Diane** Well-Known Member

    I've got b/g twins and i'd like to say I don't have a preference BUT part of me would like a little girl....only to give my DD a sister. I loved my sisters growing up and I want her to (hopefully) have that same bond. I wouldn't be dissapointed with a boy though.
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