For those who do not do anymore bottles

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twomore, Dec 11, 2007.

  1. twomore

    twomore Well-Known Member

    Do your babies drink what they would have normally drank from the bottle all from the sippy?? Because mine just don't drink that much at once. Mine don't mind the sippy at all, and I know I could get rid of the bottles, but I am afraid they won't drink enough milk.
    How much do they need at this age anyway?
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Not at first no. But they do eventually drink more from the sippy as they get used to it. I have been told no more than 14-16 oz. of milk a day. My two probably drink about 14 oz. a day, sometimes more. But it took them a bit to drink that much. They will get used to just the sippy and start drinking more from it, it just takes some time.
  3. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I had a big problem with that as well. To be honest, my girls are just now starting to drink 16 ounces again. However, they say 16 oz a day but that includes all dairy. When they don't drink a lot of milk, I make sure to give them yogurt, cheese, cereal in milk or oatmeal, maccaroni and cheese or whatever other dairy products I can get into them.

    I just had to keep reminding myself (and other people helped me to remember) that milk is not their life line anymore. I swear I felt like my girls were going to whither away and die if they didn't get their milk but even without that much actual milk, they are great eaters and very active and strong and get their dairy and other nutrients from the food they eat. Hang in there!
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine did not start drinking more from the sippy under AFTER we got rid of the bottles. Then it took them a week or so to really learn to chug. Now, when they are thirsty, they can drink 6-8 oz straight down. There are a lot of days that they only drink 6 oz total, but at least I know that they can drink from them if they want to. I'm not concerned about their milk consumption being too low -- as a PP said, it is not their life line anymore.

    If yours are OK with the sippies, just ditch the bottles now (before they have a chance to get attached to them again!). It will be OK.
  5. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    My pedi said that at age one (when we switched from formula to milk), they were no longer getting the majority of their nutrition from liquids. Up to that point, the foundation of their nutritional intake was supposed to be formula. After switching to milk, it should be mostly from food since milk just makes up part of their dairy needs. Therefore, they won't drink as much milk as they did formula. Only about 13oz a day, with other dairy products making up the difference.
  6. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I am having the same dilemma with my guys. They will drink from a sippy but not nearly enough so I am still doing bottles. But this thread was so helpful to hear that it is not a lifeline anymore. Maybe I will try and let them go and see if they pick it up and drink more.
  7. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Ditto what the PP's said. It's kind of a mindset switch to realize their nutrition is not coming from milk/formula anymore but from the food they eat. Our experience is pretty much like the others, they really didn't start drinking milk from the sippies until the bottles were totally gone. We just one day gave them sippies at 13 months and did away with the bottles, and they didn't protest.
  8. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    my pedi says 16-24 oz. of that is milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. i think mine do too much and i don't know how to lessen it. they chug their milk...they get cranky when they want it too....i usually give it to them when they wake up, lunch and dinner...but they usually want the milk before it is lunch and dinner time therefore they might not eat as much as they should at those times. it is all so confusing to me sometimes.

    i would get rid of the bottles if they are using the need to keep them hanging around...just my opinion.
  9. twomore

    twomore Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone, you made me feel better, I am going to get rid of those bottles a.s.a.p They drink lots from their sippies, but they just don't finish 4 - 5 oz all at once.
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